
Wine, a Poem (pub. anon., 1708)
Complete - Google Books
The Present State of Wit, in a Letter to a Friend in the Country (1711)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Mohocks: A Tragi-Comical Farce (Unacted; pub. 1712)
[ Prologue ]
[ Epilogue ]
Rural Sports: a Poem, inscribed to Mr. Pope (1713)
Complete - Google Books
The Wife of Bath: A Comedy (1713; rev. ed. 1730)
Complete (modernized, .pdf) - York University, Canada
[ Excerpts - Google Books
A Letter to a Lady: Occasion'd by the Arrival
of Her Royal Highness, the Princess of Wales (1714)
Complete - Google Books
The Fan: A Poem (1714)
Complete - Google Books
The Shepherd's Week: in Six Pastorals (1714)
Complete - Google Books
[ Excerpt ] - UToronto
The What d'ye Call It: a Tragi-comi-pastoral Farce (1715)
[ Prologue ]
[ Epilogue ]
Trivia: or, the Art of Walking the Streets of London (1716)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - UToronto
Translations for Garth's edition of Ovid's Metamorphoses (1717)
Complete - Google Books
Three Hours After Marriage: A Comedy (1717)
[With Pope and Arbuthnot]
[ Prologue ]
[ Epilogue ]
Daphnis and Chloe (1720)
Complete - Google Books
Dione (1720)
Complete - Google Books
[ Prologue ]
Poems on Several Occasions (1720)
[ Eclogue: The Birth of the Squire - Google Books
[ Sweet William's Farewell to Black-ey'd Susan: A Ballad ] - UToronto
[ An Elegy on a Lap-dog ] - UToronto
Two Epistles (1720)
To the Right Honourable Earl of Burlington.
To a Lady.
A Panegyrical Epistle to Mr. Thomas Snow (1721)
Complete - Google Books
An Epistle to her Grace Henrietta Duchess of Marlborough (1722)
Complete - Google Books
The Captives: A Tragedy (1724)
[ Prologue ]
[ Epilogue ]
Newgate's Garland, Being a New Ballad (1725)
[aka Blueskin's Ballad]
Complete - Google Books
To a Lady on her Passion for Old China (1725)
Complete - Google Books
Fables (1727; 2nd part 1738)
Complete (1884 Dobson, ed.) - Google Books
Complete (1879 Riverside) - Google Books
[ Volume 1 ] - Kalliope
[ Fable L: The Hare and Many Friends ] - UToronto
[ The Man and the Flea ] - Poetry Archive
The Beggar's Opera (1728)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Renascence Editions
[ Excerpt ] - UToronto
[ He that tastes Woman ] - Poetry Archive
[ If lawyer's hand is fee'd ] - Poetry Archive
[ If the heart of a man ] - Poetry Archive
Polly: An Opera, being the second part of The Beggar's Opera (1729)
[ Songs from 'Polly' ] - Google Books
Acis and Galatea: an English Pastoral Opera (1732)
[Music by Händel]
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Stanford U.
Achilles: An Opera (1733)
[ Songs from 'Achilles' ] - Google Books
Gay's Chair: poems never before printed (1820)
[ Poems from 'Gay's Chair' ] - Google Books

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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 11, 2006. Last updated November 1, 2009.