
John Donne's Pedigree: A Family Tree
Timeline - Britain Unlimited
Timeline - humanitiesweb.org
Biography - The Columbia Encyclopedia
Biography - Literary Encyclopedia
Biography - Hertford College, Oxford
Donne's Life - Herbert J. C. Grierson
Biography - Academy of American Poets
Biography - Bedford/St. Martin's
Biography - BritainExpress.com
Biography - Internet Obituary Network
from Walton's John Donne: A Life - CCEL
John Donne and Anne More - Hugh I'Anson Fausset
John 'Un-' Donne - at Incompetech

Free John Donne Wallpapers for the Desktop
Title-page of Poems - University of Sydney
Complete Electronic Image files of Donne's Poems (1633) - SCETI / Upenn
Donne Portraits - National Portrait Gallery
John Donne Effigy by Nicholas Stone
Another Picture of the Effigy of John Donne
And Yet Another Picture of the Effigy of John Donne
Donne's Signature
John Donne as a melancholy lover (ca. 1595) [47k]
Isaac Oliver Miniature of John Donne (1616) [34k]
John Donne in His Shroud [59k]
A Letter in Donne's Handwriting [82k] - Courtesy Johnnie Blunt
A 17th-c. "index" to Donne's Poems - Folger Institute
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
John Donne
- Herbert J. C. Grierson
The English Pulpit from Fisher to Donne - F. E. Hutchinson
Andrewes and Donne compared - F. E. Hutchinson
Contemporary Poets and Scientific Research: Cowley, Donne, Butler - A. E. Shipley

Religious Metaphysical Poetry - Ian Mackean
The Donne Variorum Web Site
The John Donne Society
John Donne Journal
Donne at the SAC LitWeb - Roger Blackwell Bailey
John Donne Online - Global Language Resources
Frank's Creative Quotations from John Donne
Jonson's Epigrams: To John Donne
Carew's An Elegy upon the Death of the Dean of St. Paul's, Dr. John Donne
Coleridge's On Donne's Poetry
Various notes, analyses, close commentaries
(Nota bene: links after break are to materials by students)
Notes on Donne - Dr. Mary Anne Andrade
Notes on Donne - Dr. Rosemary A. Allen
Notes on Donne - J.M. Richardson
Notes on Donne - Dr. Bruce Magee
Notes on Donne's "Ecstasy" - Dr. Bruce Magee
A Quick and Rough Explication of Donne's Holy Sonnet 10: Death Be Not Proud - Anniina Jokinen
Notes on Donne's Poems and Sermon excerpt - Arnie Sanders
Study Guide on Donne's Poems "Elegy 19," "The Flea," and "The Blossom" - Theresa M. DiPasquale
Study Guide on "The Good Morrow," "The Sun Rising," "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning," and "Break of Day" - Theresa M. DiPasquale
Study Guide on "Satire 3" and Holy Sonnet 18 - Theresa M. DiPasquale
Study Guide on Donne's Holy Sonnets and Meditation 4 from the Devotions - Theresa M. DiPasquale
Student project on "The Apparition" - Southwest College
Donne | Life | Quotes | Works | Links
| Essays
| Books
| Metaphysical Poets | 17th C. Eng. Lit.
to John Donne |
© 1996-2007 Anniina
Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Site created by Anniina Jokinen
on May 21, 1996. Last updated on January 29, 2007.
Background by the kind permission of Stormi
Wallpaper Boutique.