Domenico Fetti. Melancholy, c1620.
Mine Eye, mine eare, my will, my witt, my harte
did see, did heare, did like, discerne, did loue:
her face, her speche, her fashion, iudgmt, arte,
wch did charme, please, delighte, confounde and moue.
Then fancie, humor, loue, conceipte, and thoughte
did soe drawe, force, intyse, perswade, deuise,
that she was wonne, mou'd, caryed, compast, wrought
to thinck me kinde, true, comelie, valyant, wise;
that heauen, earth, hell, my folly and her pride
did worke, contriue, labor, conspire and sweare
to make me scorn'd, vile, cast of, bace, defyed
Wth her my loue, my lighte, my life, my deare:
So that my harte, my witt, will, eare, and eye
doth greiue, lament, sorrowe, dispaire and dye.