
MS Harley 2253
Selected Medieval Lyrics
Fowles in the Frith
My Lief Is Faren in Londe
Western Wind
I Have a Yong Suster
The Cuckoo Song
Adam Lay Ybounden
I Sing of a Maiden
The Corpus Christi Carol
The Agincourt Carol
Bryd one Brere
Man Mai Longe Liues Wene
Lenten ys Come
When the Nyhtegale Singes
Blow, Northern Wind
Mery It Is
Wynter Wakeneth al My Care
Man in the Moon
Nowell, Nowell, Nowell
Nowell Sing We
Nowell: Out of Your Sleep
Alleluia. Now well may we mirthës make
Good Day, My Lord Sire Christmas
Of A Rose Sing We
Ave Domina
Alma Redemptoris Mater
As I Lay Upon a Night
What Tidings Bringest Thou?
Sing We To This Merry Company
Sing we Yule
Nou Skrinketh Rose ant Lylie Flour
Man, Assay
I Pray You All
God Speed the Plow!
Maiden in the Mor
Women [warning: bawdy]
Ah, the Sighs that Come From My Heart
A Carol to the Trinity: Off al the knottes that I se
Care, Away!
Lullay, By, By, Lullay (This Endris Night) 
Ther Is No Rose of Swich Vertu 
Coventry Carol (Lully lullay thou little child) 
More Selected Medieval Lyrics
The Harley Lyrics - UMichigan
The Harley Lyrics - UVA
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The Ballad of Chevy Chase
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on March 19, 1996. Last updated on December 14, 2022.
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John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
Edmund of Langley, Duke of York
Thomas of Woodstock, Gloucester
Richard of York, E. of Cambridge
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Edward, Duke of York
Henry V
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John, Duke of Bedford
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
Catherine of Valois
Charles VII, King of France
Joan of Arc
Louis XI, King of France
Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485)
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The House of York
The House of Beaufort
The House of Neville
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Margaret of Anjou
Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York
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Elizabeth Woodville
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