
 The Month of April. A Book of Hours, Usage of Rome. Rés B 496344, f. A3v-4. Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon.
Bitweene Merch and Averil, When spray biginneth to springe, The litel fowl hath hire wil On hire leod to singe. Ich libbe in love-longinge For semlokest of alle thinge. Heo may me blisse bringe: Ich am in hire baundoun. An hendy hap ich habbe yhent, Ichoot from hevene it is me sent: From alle wommen my love is lent, And light on Alisoun.
On hew hire heer is fair ynough, Hire browe browne, hire yën blake; With lossum cheere heo on me lough; With middel smal and wel ymake. But heo me wolle to hire take For to been hire owen make, Longe to liven ichulle forsake, And feye fallen adown. An hendy hap, etc.
Nightes when I wende and wake, Forthy mine wonges waxeth wan: Levedy, al for thine sake Longinge is ylent me on. In world nis noon so witer man That al hire bountee telle can; Hire swire is whittere than the swan, And fairest may in town. An hendy, etc.
Ich am for wowing al forwake, Wery so water in wore. Lest any reve me my make Ich habbe y-yerned yore. Bettere is tholien while sore Than mournen evermore. Geinest under gore, Herkne to my roun: An hendy, etc.
in the seasons of
pleasure In her language I live seemliest, fairest she power A gracious chance I have received I know all other/removed alights
hue/hair eyes With lovely face she on me smiled
Unless mate I will dead
turn therefore/cheeks lady Longing has come upon me clever excellence neck/whiter maid
wooing/worn out from waking as deprive me I have been worrying long since endure/for a time
Fairest beneath clothing song
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