
Biography - The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia
Biography - Microsoft Encarta
Biography - Hertford College, Oxford
Biography - Biographical Dictionary of English Literature
Biography - Peter Landry
Biography - Economics New School
Biography - Garth Kemerling
Biography - Dr. Jonathan Plucker
Biography - Bill Uzgalis
Biography - Robert Sarkissian
Aubrey's A Brief Life of Thomas Hobbes - University of Melbourne
A Survey of Mr Hobbes His Leviathan - McMaster University
Frontispiece to Leviathan, color
Title-page to Philosophical Rudiments, 1651 - University of Sydney
Title-page to Decameron physiologicum, 1678 - University of Sydney
Frontispiece to Leviathan, 1651 - University of Sydney
Frontispiece to Leviathan
Another of the same
Portrait - Thisnation.com
Bibliography - McMaster University
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Hobbes and Contemporary Philosophy - W. R. Sorley
Logical writings
Religious philosophy
Robert Greville, lord Brooke
The Casuists
Thomas Hobbes; His life and character
Fundamental conception, system of philosophy and controversies
Literary style and method of work
Theory of human nature and of sovereignty
Imaginary commonwealths: More’s Utopia and Harrington’s Oceana
The critics of Hobbes
Joseph Glanvill
Richard Cumberland
Jacobean and Caroline Criticism. The aesthetics of Hobbes. - J. E. Spingarn
Proposed supersession of Oxford and Cambridge under the Commonwealth - J. W. Adamson
Hobbes for the Polyglot
Le Léviathan, métaphore de la société - Gallica
Biographie en français - Encyclopédie Microsoft Encarta
Biographie en français - PhiloNet
Page Hobbes en français - Marcel Stoessel
Introduzione a Thomas Hobbes in italiano - Piero Carelli
Leviathan – filosofian hauskimpia suurklassikoita (Finnish) - Tuomo Aho
Biography in Estonian - University of Tartu
Notes on Hobbes in Brazilian Portuguese - June Müller
Squashed Hobbes and Leviathan - Glyn Hughes
Hobbes Quotes - The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Lectures on Hobbes - Steven Darwall Notes on Leviathan - Prof. Arnie Sanders
Notes on Hobbes - Tom Nickles
Social Contract Theory in Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau - Tom Nickles
Hobbes, Filmer and Locke - Andrew Roberts
SAC LitWeb Hobbes Page - Roger Blackwell Bailey
The Educational Theory of Thomas Hobbes - Amy Kauffman
The New Intellectual Order: Man, Nature and Society - Steven Kreis

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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 3, 2001. Last updated on July 19, 2007.
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