Herbert born (3 April) in Montgomery in Wales, the fifth son of Richard and Magdalen Herbert. Izaak Walton
born. Death of Marlowe.
Of the Lawes of Ecclesiastical Polity (Books I-IV)
published. |
Sidney's Apologie
for Poetrie and Spenser's Amoretti
and Epithalamion published. Midsummer Night's Dream
first (?) acted; also Richard II. |
Herbert's father dies; survived by his
wife Magdalen, seven sons, and three daughters. The eldest son Edward
matriculates at University College, Oxford. Spenser's Faerie Queene
(Books IV-VI) published; also his Four Hymns. The
Merchant of Venice first (?) acted. |
first ten Essays published. |
Edward Herbert
marries a cousin, Mary Herbert. Oliver
Cromwell born. Death of Spenser. Julius Caesar and Henry
V first acted. |
Death of Hooker. Fairfax's
translation of Tasso published. Hamlet first (?) acted. |
I60I |
Execution of Essex. Lancelot Andrewes
appointed Dean of Westminster. Donne
marries Anne More. Twelfth Night first (?) acted. |
Death of Elizabeth I;
accession of James
I. The
Millenary Petition. |
Bancroft appointed Archbishop. The
Hampton Court Conference. Othello first acted. |
Herbert attends Westminster
School. Bacon's Advancement of Learning published. Gunpowder Plot. Sir
Thomas Browne born. |
Macbeth, Jonson's
Volpone and Tourneur's
Revenger's Tragedy first (?) acted. |
born. Robert
Cecil created Earl of Salisbury, appointed Lord Treasurer. Sylvester's translation
of Du Bartas: Ist complete edition. Herbert's mother marries Sir
John Danvers. |
Herbert matriculates at Trinity College, Cambridge
Spenser's Faerie Queene: Ist folio edition. Shakespeare's Sonnets
published. |
I6I0 |
Jonson's Alchemist first acted;
also Shakespeare's Winter's Tale (I6II). Galileo reports on his telescopic view of the heavens. |
I6II |
George Abbot
appointed Archbishop. The
King James ('Authorized') Version of the Bible published. The
Tempest first (?) acted. Chapman's
Iliad completed. |
I6I2 |
Death of the heir apparent Prince
Henry; Herbert contributes two memorial poems in Latin, his first
verses to be published. Death of Salisbury. Robert Carr,
later Earl of Somerset, in favour. |
I6I3 |
Elizabeth marries Frederick
Elector Palatine. Sir
Thomas Overbury murdered. Crashaw born. Nicholas
Ferrar visits the Continent (to I6I8). |
I6I4 |
Ralegh's History
of the World published. Webster's Duchess
of Malfi first (?) acted. |
I6I5 |
Donne ordained. George Villiers, later Duke of Buckingham, in favour. |
I6I6 |
Death of Shakespeare. Herbert elected
major fellow of Trinity College,
Cambridge. Jonson's Works published. |
I6I7 |
Death of Donne's wife. |
I6I8 |
Herbert appointed Reader in Rhetoric at
Cambridge. Ralegh executed. Bacon appointed Lord Chancellor. Cowley born. |
I6I9 |
Edward Herbert appointed ambassador in
Paris. Lancelot Andrewes appointed Bishop of Winchester. |
Herbert elected Public Orator at
Cambridge (to I628). Settlement of first New
England colony by the Pilgrim Fathers. Bacon's Novum Organum
published. |
I62I |
Bacon impeached. Donne appointed Dean of
St. Paul's. Burton's
Anatomy of Melancholy published. Marvell
born. |
Henry Vaughan
born. |
The Ist Shakespeare Folio published. |
Herbert elected to represent Montgomery in
Parliament (also in I625). Edward Herbert's De
veritate published in Paris. |
Death of James I; accession of Charles I
who marries Henrietta Maria of France. Outbreak of Plague. Nicholas Ferrar settles at
Little Gidding in Huntingdonshire. Bacon dedicates his Translation
of Certaine Psalmes to Herbert. Death of Webster. |
Herbert presented to a prebend in
Huntingdonshire; four miles from Little Gidding. Death of Bacon;
Herbert contributes a memorial poem in Latin. Death of Lancelot
Andrewes. John
Aubrey born. |
Death of Herbert's mother; the funeral
sermon, delivered by Donne, was accompanied when published by
commemorative poems including Herbert's Memoriae Matris sacrum.
Buckingham assasinated. William
Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood published. Bunyan
born. |
Marriage of Herbert to his stepfather's
cousin Jane Danvers. Edward Herbert
elevated to the peerage as Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Lancelot Andrewes'
XCVI Sermons published. |
Herbert instituted to the rectory at
Bemerton near Salisbury in April; ordained priest in September. Prince
Charles (later Charles II) born. Emigrations to New England (I630 ff.). |
I63I |
Death of Donne. Dryden
born. |
Crashaw visits Little Gidding (I632 ff.). |
Charles I visits Little Gidding. William Laud
appointed Archbishop. Donne's Poems published. I March: Herbert's death, of consumption, just before
his fortieth birthday. |
The Temple was
published posthumously in I633; Herbert's
translation of Luigi Cornaro's Trattato de la vita sobria, in
I634 (appended to Leonardus
Lessius's Hygiasticon); his 'Briefe Notes' on Juán de
Valdés's Hundred and Ten Considerations, in I638 (appended to its translation by Nicholas
Ferrar); Outlandish Proverbs, in I640
(enlarged edition as Jacula prudentum, I65I); A Priest to the Temple, in I652 (as part of Herbert's Remains); and
Musae responsoriae, in I662 (as part of
James Duport's Ecclesiastis Solomonis).

Excerpted from
Herbert, George. The English Poems of George Herbert. C. A.
Patrides, ed.
London: J. M. Dent & Sons Ltd., 1974. Repr. 1991. 4-5.

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