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George Herbert (1593-1633)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: The Priest in The Temple: The Relationship Between George Herbert's English Poetry and The Country Parson - Matthew Allen [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Al1 the Constellations of the Storie": George Herbert's Temple and English Seventeenth-Century Textual Common Places - Paul Dyck [.pdf]
Dissertation: The Poetry of Immanence: Sacrament in Donne and Herbert - Robert H. Whalen
Dissertation: Negotiating the Threshold: Self-Other Dynamics in Milton, Herbert, and Donne - Susannah B. Mintz [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Me thoughts I heard one calling": Talking to God in the Poetry of John Donne,
George Herbert, Christina Rossetti, and Gerard Manley Hopkins - Sarah F. Winters [.pdf]
Thesis: Spiritual Sacrifice in George Herbert's The Temple - Steven Recce Paschold [.pdf]
Thesis: The Language of Man and the Language of God in George Herbert's Religious Poetry [.pdf]
"The Soul in Paraphrase": The Devotional Poetry of George Herbert and His Contemporaries - Helen Wilcox
The Roman Steps to the Temple: An Examination of the Influence
of Robert Southwell, SJ, upon George Herbert - Gary M. Bouchard
Redemption in the Poetry of George Herbert - Simeon Gallu [.pdf]
George Herbert's Approach to God: The Faith and Spirituality of a Country Priest - William G. Witt
George Herbert's Sacramental Puritanism - Robert Whalen
The Procession of Allusions to God in British Poetry From the Beginning: God's Acts and the Response of Poets - Rob Blain
"Not Onely a Pastour, but a Lawyer also": George Herbert's Vision of Stuart Magistracy - Jennifer Powers-Beck
"This most high day:" George Herbert and the Liturgical Seasons - Jennifer Yates [.doc]
George Herbert, Secretary of Praise - James Wardwell
Milton's Paradise Regain'd and Herbert's 'Love' (III) - Russell M. Hillier
On George Herbert's The Temple: His Use of Personification - Eleanor Tate [.pdf]
Criticism by W. H. Auden
Criticism by T. S. Eliot
Criticism by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Criticism by William Empson
Criticism by L. C. Knights
George Herbert's Poetry - Russell Fraser
The Temple in Herbert's Temple - Grant Garber
Anamorphosis and the religious subject of George Herbert's "Coloss. 3.3." - Eric B. Song
"To be thy praise, / and be my salvation": the double function of praise in The Temple - Margaret J. Oakes
Intimacy and the Body in Seventeenth-Century Religious Devotion - James M. Bromley 
George Herbert's approach to God: The faith and spirituality of a country priest - William G. Witt
'Full of all knowledg': George Herbert's Country Parson and Early Modern Social Discourse - Eric Josef Carlson
George Herbert and the Architecture of Anglican Worship - Clifford Davidson
Discourse and Direction: 'A Priest to the Temple, or, the Country Parson' and
The Elaboration of Sovereign Rule - Douglas J. Swartz
The Audience Shift in George Herbert's Poetry - Bruce A. Johnson
To love the strife': George Herbert's Struggle for his Poetry - Bruce A. Johnson
Learning as wine-press in George Herbert's 'The Pearl.' - Kathryn Walls
Unstrung Conversations: Herbert's Negotiations with God - Susannah B. Mintz
George Herbert and Lady Mary Wroth: a root for 'The Flower?' - R. E. Pritchard
Show and tell: George Herbert, Richard Sibbes, and communings with God - Daniel W. Doerksen
Investigating Herbert Criticism - Stanley Stewart
'Me thoughts I heard one calling, child!': Herbert's 'The Collar' - John R. Roberts
The Political Design of Herbert's Temple - Esther Gilman Richey
The Calling: George Herbert, R. S. Thomas and the Vocations of Priest and Poet - William J. McGill
George Herbert: 'The Best Love' - Anthony Low
Herbert and the Real Presence - R. V. Young
George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and the conversion of the Jews - Nabil I. Matar
Writings of English Cathedral Clergy, 1600-1700: I. Devotional Literature and Sermons - Stanford Lehmberg
Brief Analysis of Herbert's Conceit of The Pulley - Mickey Wadia
Donne, Herbert, and the Worm of Controversy - Louis L. Martz
The Dwelling-place of God: The Significance of Structure in The Temple - Dr. Lillian Myers
Herbert's Proverbial Ministry - Paul Moon
"How shall I measure out thy bloud?", or, "Weening is not measure":
TACT, Herbert, and Sacramental Devotion in the Electronic Temple - Robert Whalen
Christ as the Philosopher's Stone in George Herbert's 'The Elixir.' - Clarence H. Miller
"Betwixt this world and that of grace": George Herbert's Potential Spaces - Julia Guernsey
Affliction and Flight in Herbert's Poetry - P.G. Stanwood
Puritan Utopia in Herbert's Poetry - Paul Moon
Herbert's Outlandish Proverbs - Paul Moon
George Herbert's Vision of Stuart Magistracy - Jeffrey Powers-Beck
Evidence of Dialectical Disputatio in Early Modern Manuscript Culture - Margaret Downs-Gamble
Christian Allegory in the Seventeenth Century: A Comparison of
George Herbert and John Bunyan - Rebecca Branham Dimon
George Herbert and the Crisis of the Episcopal Church - Stephen F. Noll
George Herbert: Country Parson - Stephen F. Noll
Explication on Herbert's 'Prayer I.' - Robert H. Ray
Explication of Herbert's "The Collar" - Roy Neil Graves
Explication of Herbert's "A True Hymn" - Paul McCann
Explication of Herbert's 'The Thanksgiving.' - John Vanderslice
Explication of Herbert's "Deniall", "Jordan" I & II, and "A Wreath" - Roberta Albrecht
The Exemplification of Love Through the Use of Geometric Conceits
in Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
On Herbert's "The Collar" - Susan Siferd
Conceits in "Jordan II" - Kaye Anfield
 Herbert | Timeline| Life | Works | Essays| Books| 17th C. Eng. Lit. to George Herbert
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Background by Anniina Jokinen from a tile by Stormi Wallpaper Boutique. With Permission.
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