
Fame's Memorial (1606)
Complete - iEMLS
Christ's Bloody Sweat, attr. (1613)
Two excerpts
Honour Triumphant (1606)
Complete - Google Books
The Witch of Edmonton (c.1621) (with Dekker and Rowley)
Complete - Luminarium Editions
Act IV, scene I(excerpt)
The Sun's Darling (1623-4) (with Dekker)
Complete - Google Books
The Lover's Melancholy (1629)
Complete - Google Books
Contention of a Bird and a Musician
The Broken Heart (1633)
Complete - Luminarium Editions
A Bridal Song
Love's Sacrifice (pub. 1633)
Complete - Google Books
'Tis Pity She's a Whore (1633)
Complete - Google Books
Act I, Scene 2 (excerpt)
Perkin Warbeck (1634)
Complete - Google Books
Act V, Scene 3 - Warbeck's speech to Katherine
The Fancies, Chaste and Noble (1638)
Complete - Google Books
The Lady's Trial (1638)
Complete - Google Books
In commendation of his very good friend the Author - Patrick Gillespie, iEMLS
On the Best of English Poets, Ben Jonson - Patrick Gillespie, iEMLS
A memorial offered to that man of virtue, Sir Thomas Overbury -
Patrick Gillespie, iEMLS
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on May 26, 2004. Last updated on July 18, 2006.