Sir Francis Bacon: Additional Sources
Bacon Sites
Shake-n-Bacon - Paul Dupuy
Shakespeare? Bacon? - Penn Leary
Biography - Literary Encyclopedia
Biography - Wikipedia
Biography - The Columbia Encyclopedia
The Life of the Right Honourable Francis Bacon (1657) - William Rawley, D.D.
The Mystery of Francis Bacon (1910) - William T. Smedley
Biography - Chris Goller
Biography - Eric W. Weisstein
Biography - Bill Uzgalis
Bacon Portraits - National Portrait Gallery
Bacon Engraving - Wikipedia
Title-page of Essaies, 1614 - University of Sydney
Frontis. and Title-page of The Advancement of Learning, 1640 - University of Sydney
Frontispiece and Title-page of Baconiana, 1679 - University of Sydney
Francis Bacon Images - Francis Bacon Research Trust
Bacon Signature
Bacon Statue at Gray's Inn - Mark Fiennes
Bacon's Estate
"The Way He Used to Sit" -engraving
Image from Advancement of Learning
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature
in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
The Beginnings of English Philosophy - W. R. Sorley
Bacon’s Essaies - Harold V. Routh
Bacon’s Henry the Seventh - A. W. Ward
Jacobean and Caroline Criticism. Bacon. - J. E. Spingarn
Equity and Common Law: Bacon and Cowell; Coke - F. J. C. Hearnshaw
The Progress of Science. The Heritage of Bacon. - A. E. Shipley
The Philosophy of Francis Bacon - Radical Academy
The Francis Bacon Research Trust
Tributes to Sir Francis Bacon given by his Contemporaries - Francis Bacon Research Trust
Dates of
Francis Bacon’s Works - Francis Bacon Research Trust
of Francis Bacon - Francis Bacon Research Trust
on Bacon's Essaies - Arnie Sanders
Various Bibliographies - SirBacon.org
Looking for Shakespeare
Bacon's Homosexuality - Richard Norton
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Created by Anniina Jokinenon June 19, 1996. Last updated on May 24, 2010.