
Poetical Works
The Procession. A Poem on the Funeral of Queen Mary. (1695)
Complete - Google Books
Poetical Miscellanies; Consisting of Original Poems
and Translations by the Best Hands (Steele, ed.) (1714)

Complete (1727 ed.) - Google Books
Dramatic Works
The Tender Husband; or, The Accomplished Fools. A Comedy. (1705)
Complete - Google Books
Prologue to Vanbrugh's The Mistake (1706)
Complete - Google Books
Prologue to Philips' The Distrest Mother (1712)
Complete - Google Books
Prologue to Addison's The Drummer (1716)
Complete - Google Books
The Conscious Lovers: A Comedy (1723)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - U. Florida
Contributions to The Tatler (1709-11)
[~188 were by Steele; 42 by Addison; 36 jointly.]

Complete - Google Books
The Lucubrations of Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq, Vol. I. (1712) - Google Books
Contributions to The Spectator (1711-1712)
[nos. 1-555; 251 papers by Steele]

List of the Contributors - Google Books
Vol I. 1-80.
Vol II. 81-169.
Vol III. 170-251.
Vol IV. 252-321.
Vol V. 322-394.
Vol VI. 395-473.
Vol VII. 474-555.
Contributions to The Guardian (1713)
[82 papers by Steele; 51 by Addison]

Complete - Google Books
The Englishman; Being the Sequel of the Guardian (1713-14)
[56 nos. Oct. 1713 - Feb. 1714]

Selections - Google Books
The Lover; Written in Imitation of the Tatler (1714)
by Marmaduke Myrtle, Gent. [pseudonym for Steele]

Complete - Google Books
The Reader (1714)
[9 nos. April 22 - May 10, 1714]

Excerpt - Google Books
Town-Talk; in a Letter to a Lady in the Country (1715-16)
[9 nos. Dec. 1715 - Feb. 1716]

Complete - Google Books
The Plebeian (1719)
[4 nos. March - April 1719]

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The Spinster: in Defence of the Woolen Manufactures (1719)
[was "to be continued occasionally," but only 1 issue published]

Complete - Google Books
Other Prose Works
The Englishman's thanks to the Duke of Marlborough (1712)
Excerpt - Google Books
A Letter to Sir M. W[arton] Concerning Occasional Peers (1713)
Excerpt - Google Books
A Letter to a Member of Parliament; Concerning
The Bill for Preventing the Growth of Schism (1714)
Excerpt - Google Books
Mr. Steele's Apology for Himself and His Writings,
Occasioned by His Expulsion from the House of Commons (1714)
Excerpt - Google Books
The Crisis (1714)
The Dedication - Google Books
The Ladies Library; Written by a Lady. Published by Mr. Steele (1714)
[3 vols. Preface and Dedication by Steele; Compiled by George Berkley, Bishop of Cloyne]

Complete - Google Books
An Account of the Fish-Pool (1718)
Complete - Google Books

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