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- Campion, Thomas. Lords' Masque (1613). Herbert Arthur Evans, ed. 1898.
Campion, Thomas. Two Bookes of Ayres (c.1613). A. H. Bullen, ed. 1903.
- Davies, Sir John. Gullinge Sonnets (c.1596). Alexander B. Grosart, ed. 1867.
- Defoe, Daniel. The True-Born Englishman (1703). Henry Morley, ed. 1889.
- Dekker, Thomas. The Pleasant Comedie of Old Fortunatus (1600). Ernest Rhys, ed. c1900.
- Dekker, Thomas, William Rowley, and John Ford. The Witch of Edmonton (1621). Ernest Rhys, ed. c1900.
- Donne, John. "Epigrams." E. K. Chambers, ed. 1896.
- Donne, John. "Elegies." E. K. Chambers, ed. 1896.
Donne, John. "Juvenilia: Or, Certain Paradoxes and Problems." R. S. Bear, ed. 2003.
Donne, John. "Metempsycosis." Robert Baker, ed. 2007.
- Donne, John. "Songs and Sonnets." E. K. Chambers, ed. 1896.
- Drayton, Michael. Idea (1619). Arundell Esdaile, ed. 1908.
- Drayton, Michael. Nymphidia (1627). Arthur Symons, ed. 1905.
- Ford, John. The Broken Heart (1633). William Allan Neilson, ed. 1911.
- Greene, Robert. The History of Orlando Furioso (1594). Alexander Dyce, ed. 1861.
- Greene, Robert. The Scottish History of James the Fourth (1598). Alexander Dyce, ed. 1861.
- Heywood, Thomas. A Woman Killed with Kindness (1603).
William Allan Neilson, ed. 1911.
- Jonson, Ben. Every Man
Out of His Humor
(1599). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. The Masque
of Blackness
(1605). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. The Masque of
Hymen (1606). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. Oberon, The
Fairy Prince. A Masque
(1611). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. Love
A Masque (1612). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. Mercury
Vindicated from the Alchemists.
A Masque (1615). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. The Golden
Restored. A Masque (1616). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- Jonson, Ben. The Forest (1616). William Gifford, ed. 1853.
- More, Sir Thomas. A merry Jest (1516). Arthur Cayley, Jr., ed. 1808.
- More, Sir Thomas. "Pageant Verses" (pub. 1557). Arthur Cayley, Jr., ed. 1808.
- Sidney, Philip. A Dialogue Between Two Shepherds (c.1580). Alexander B. Grosart, ed. 1873.
Sidney, Philip. A Discourse in Defence of the Earl of Leicester (1580). William Gray, ed. 1860.
Sidney, Philip. Letter to Queen Elizabeth (1580). William Gray, ed. 1860.
Skelton, John. A ballade of the Scottysshe Kynge (1513). Anniina Jokinen, ed. 2007.
- Skelton, John. The Bowge of Courte (1499). Anniina Jokinen, ed. 1999.
- Skelton, John. Colin Cloute (1521-22). Alexander Dyce, ed. 1854.
- Skelton, John. The Tunnyng of Elynour Rummyng (1545?). Alexander Dyce, ed. 1866.
- Swift, Jonathan. Cadenus and Vanessa (1713). Sir Walter Scott, ed. 1883.