
"Part detective novel, part psychological thriller, Surfacing is the story of a talented woman artist who goes in search of her missing father on a remote island in northern Quebec. Setting out with her lover and another young couple, she soon finds herself captivated by the isolated setting, where a marriage begins to fall apart, violence and death lurk just beneath the surface, and sex becomes a catalyst for conflict and dangerous choices. Surfacing is a work permeated with an aura of suspense, complex with layered meanings, and written in brilliant, diamond-sharp prose. Here is a rich mine of ideas from an extraordinary writer about contemporary life and nature, families and marriage, and about women fragmented...and becoming whole. " —The Publisher.
Excerpts from Surfacing
Extract, Chapter 1: "I can't believe I'm on this road again" - Amazon.com
Book Reviews
The New York Times, 1973
Time Magazine, 1973
Rereadings: The Guardian, 2003
MetaxuCafé, 2006
Essays on Surfacing
Woman as Everyman in Atwood's Surfacing: Observations on the End of the Novel - J. H. Rosenberg
You Are What You Eat: The Politics of Eating in the Novels of Margaret Atwood - Emma Parker
Form in Atwood's Surfacing: Toward a Synthesis of Critical Opinion - Philip Kokotailo
Margaret Atwood and Quebec: A Footnote on Surfacing - Carole Gerson
Narcissism in the Modern Canadian Novel - Francis Mansbridge
Re-Figuring Imperialism: Gray, Cohen, Atwood & the Female Body - Christopher E. Gittings
Tall Cows and Tapestries: A Perspective on the English-Canadian Canon - Mark Levene
Surviving Women: A Study of Margaret Atwood's Protagonists - Master's Thesis, Kelly S. Reese
Ecofeminism in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing - Jenna Wilson
Colonialism in Margaret Atwood's Surfacing - Eadaoin Agnew
Ambiguities of Counter-Hegemonic Monologism in Atwood's Surfacing - Aidan Fadden
Study Guides and Miscellaneous Resources
Reader's Companion to Surfacing - Books@Random
Discussion Topics for Surfacing - Anchor Books
Surfacing - The Movie (1981) - IMDB
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This page created on December 18, 2006 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated January 3, 2007.
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Margaret Atwood has since gone on to become not just
a major Canadian Writer, and a woman writer (whom some would call a Feminist Writer),
but an award-winning author of English literature. Her works include novels,
short stories, poetry, etc.