
Life Before Man
"Imprisoned by walls of their own construction, here are three people, each in midlife, in midcrisis, forced to make choices--after the rules have changed. Elizabeth, with her controlled sensuality, her suppressed rage, is married to the wrong man. She has just lost her latest lover to suicide. Nate, her gentle, indecisive husband, is planning to leave her for Lesje, a perennial innocent who prefers dinosaurs to men. Hanging over them all is the ghost of Elizabeth's dead lover...and the dizzying threat of three lives careening inevitably toward the same climax. " —The Publisher.
Excerpts from Life Before Man
Excerpts - Bookclubs.ca
Plot Synopses
Plot Summary - ReadingGroupGuides.com
Book Reviews
New York Times Review, 1980
Time Magazine, 1980
Study Guides and Miscellaneous Resources
Reader's Companion to Life Before Man - Books@Random
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This page created on December 18, 2006 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated January 3, 2007.
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Margaret Atwood has gone on to become not just
a major Canadian Writer, and a woman writer (whom some would call a Feminist Writer),
but an award-winning author of English literature. Her works include novels,
short stories, poetry, etc.