
Moving Targets: Writing with Intent
Moving Targets: Writing with Intent
(published in the UK and Australia as Curious Pursuits)
"The largest collection to date of Margaret Atwood's nonfiction, ranging from 1983 to 2005. Composed of autobiographical essays, cultural commentary, book reviews, and introductory pieces written for great works of literature. Included are reviews of books by John Updike, Italo Calvino, Toni Morrison, and others, as well as essays in which she remembers herself reading Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse at age nineteen, and discusses the influence of George Orwell's 1984 on the writing of The Handmaid's Tale. Atwood's New York Times Book Review piece that helped make Orhan Pamuk's Snow a bestseller can be found here, as well as a look back on a family trip to Afghanistan just before the Soviet invasion, and her "Letter to America," written after September 11, 2001. The insightful and memorable pieces in this book serve as a testament to Atwood's career, reminding readers why she is one of the most esteemed writers of our time." —The Publisher.
Excerpts from Moving Targets: Writing with Intent
Excerpt: "Part One: 1983-1989" - Amazon.com
"Letter to America" - The Nation
Excerpt from "On Virginia Woolf" - Sherry Chandler.com
Excerpt: "Review of Pamuk's Snow" - New York Times
Extract: "Writing Oryx and Crake - Virago
Extract: "I first went to Europe on May 13, 1964" - The Guardian
Book Reviews
San Francisco Chronicle, 2005
Chicago Sun Times, 2005
The Seattle Times, 2005
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This page created on December 18, 2006 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated January 3, 2007.
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Margaret Atwood has gone on to become not just
a major Canadian Writer, and a woman writer (whom some would call a Feminist Writer),
but an award-winning author of English literature. Her works include novels,
short stories, poetry, non-fiction, children's books, etc.