Complete - Luminarium Editions
The Flea
The Good-Morrow
Song : Go and catch a falling star
Woman's Constancy
The Undertaking
The Sun Rising
The Indifferent
Love's Usury
The Canonization
The Triple Fool
Lovers' Infiniteness
Song : Sweetest love, I do not go
The Legacy
A Fever
Air and Angels
Break of Day
[Another of the same] [Break of Day]
The Anniversary
A Valediction of my Name, in the Window
Twickenham Garden
Valediction to his Book
Love's Growth
Love's Exchange
Confined Love
The Dream
A Valediction of Weeping
Love's Alchemy
The Curse
The Message
A Nocturnal upon Saint Lucy's Day
Witchcraft by a Picture
The Bait
The Apparition
The Broken Heart
A Valediction Forbidding Mourning
The Ecstacy
Love's Deity
Love's Diet
The Will
The Funeral
The Blossom
The Primrose
The Relic
The Damp
The Dissolution
A Jet Ring Sent
Negative Love
The Prohibition
The Expiration
The Computation
The Paradox
Song: Soul's joy, now I am gone
Farewell to Love
A Lecture Upon the Shadow
A Dialogue Between Sir Henry Wotton and Mr. Donne
The Token

On the Lady Elizabeth, and Count Palatine Being Married on St. Valentine's Day
Eclogue : at the Marriage of the Earl of Somerset
Epithalamion Made at Lincoln's Inn

Complete - Luminarium Editions
Elegy I: Jealousy
Elegy II: The Anagram
Elegy III: Change
Elegy IV: The Perfume
Elegy V: His Picture
Elegy VI
Elegy VII
Elegy VIII: The Comparison
Elegy IX: The Autumnal
Elegy X: The Dream
Elegy XI: The Bracelet
Elegy XII
Elegy XIII: His Parting From Her [aka Elegy XII]
Elegy XIV: Julia [aka Elegy XIII]
Elegy XV: A Tale of a Citizen And His Wife [aka Elegy XIV]
Elegy XVI: The Expostulation [aka Elegy XV]
Elegy XVII: On His Mistress [aka Elegy XVI]
Elegy XVIII [aka Elegy XVII]
Elegy XIX [aka Elegy XVIII]
Elegy XX: To His Mistress Going to Bed [aka Elegy XIX]

To The E[arl] of D[oncaster] : With Six Holy Sonnets

1. "Deign at my hands..."
2. Annunciation
3. Nativity
4. Temple
5. Crucifying
6. Resurrection
7. Ascension
To The Lady Magdalen Herbert, of St. Mary Magdalen

Holy Sonnet I: Thou hast made me, and shall Thy work decay?
Holy Sonnet II: As due by many titles I resign
Holy Sonnet III: O! might those sighs and tears return again
Holy Sonnet IV: O, my black soul, now thou art summoned
Holy Sonnet V: I am a little world made cunningly
Holy Sonnet VI: This is my play's last scene
Holy Sonnet VII: At the round earth's imagined corners blow
Holy Sonnet VIII: If faithful souls be alike glorified
Holy Sonnet IX: If poisonous minerals, and if that tree
Holy Sonnet X: Death, be not proud
Holy Sonnet XI: Spit in my face, you Jews, and pierce my side
Holy Sonnet XII: Why are we by all creatures waited on?
Holy Sonnet XIII: What if this present were the world's last night?
Holy Sonnet XIV: Batter my heart, three-person'd God
Holy Sonnet XV: Wilt thou love God as he thee?
Holy Sonnet XVI: Father, part of His double interest
Holy Sonnet XVII: Since she whom I loved hath paid her last debt
Holy Sonnet XVIII: Show me, dear Christ, thy spouse so bright and clear
Holy Sonnet XIX
The Cross
Resurrection, Imperfect
The Annunciation and Passion
Good-Friday, 1613, Riding Westward
A Litany
Upon the Translation of the Psalms by Sir Philip Sidney and the Countess of Pembroke
To Mr. Tilman After He Had Taken Orders
A Hymn to Christ at the Author's Last Going into Germany
The Lamentations of Jeremy
Hymn to God, My God, In My Sickness
A Hymn to God the Father
To George Herbert, Sent Him with one of my Seals of the Anchor and Christ
A Sheaf of Snakes, Used Heretofore to be My Seal
Translated out of Gazæus

To Mr. Christopher Brooke : The Storm
To Mr. Christopher Brooke : The Calm
To Sir Henry Wotton (I)
To Sir Henry Goodyere
To Mr. Rowland Woodward
To Sir Henry Wotton (II)
To the Countess of Bedford (I)
To the Countess of Bedford (III)
To Mr. T. W.
To Mr. S. B. [Samuel Brooke]
To Mr. I. L.
To M[r]. I. P.
To Sir Henry Wotton at his going Ambassador to Venice

On Himself

Complete - Luminarium Editions
Hero and Leander
Pyramus and Thisbe
A Burnt Ship
Fall of a Wall
A Lame Beggar
A Self-Accuser
A Licentious Person
An Obscure Writer
Mercurius Gallo-Belgicus

Complete - John Fowler
Satire I
Satire II
Satire III
Satire IV
Satire V

Complete - Luminarium Editions
The Progress of the Soul

A Funeral Elegy
The First Anniversary. An Anatomy of the World.
The Second Anniversary. Of the Progress of the Soul

Complete - GLR
De Libro Cum Mutuaretur Impresso . . .
Amicissimo. Et Meritissimo Ben. Jonson
To George Herbert, Sent Him with one of my Seals of the Anchor and Christ
Translated out of Gazæus
Juvenilia: Or Certain Paradoxes and Problems
Complete - Luminarium Editions / Renascence Editions


Complete Facsimile of first Edition - Google Books
Complete - CCEL
Meditation I: Insultus Morbi Primus; The first alteration, The first grudging of the sicknesse.
Meditation II: Actio Laesa. The strength, and the function of the Senses, and other faculties change and faile.
Meditation III: Decubitus sequitur tandem. The Patient takes his bed.
Meditation IV: Medicusque vocatur. The Physician is sent for. Meditation V: Solus adest. The Physician comes.
Meditation VI: Metuit. The Physician is afraid.
Meditation VII: Socios sibi jungier instat. The Physician desires to have....
Meditation VIII: Et Rexi ipse suum mittit. The King sends his own Physician.
Meditation IX: Medicamina scribunt. Upon their Consultation, they prescribe.
Meditation X: Lenté et Serpenti.... They find the Disease....
Meditation XI: Nobilibusque trahunt.... They use Cordials....
Meditation XII: Spirante Columbâ.... They apply Pigeons....
Meditation XIII: Ingeniumque malum.... The Sickness declares....
Meditation XIV: Idque notant Criticis.... The Physicians observe...
Meditation XV: Intereà insomnes... I sleep not day nor night.
Meditation XVI: Et properare meum clamant.... From the Bells of the Church adjoining....
Meditation XVII: Nunc lento sonitu dicunt, Morieris. Now, this Bell tolling softly.... (No Man is an Island.... For whom the bell tolls)
Meditation XVIII: At inde Mortuus es.... The Bell rings out....
Meditation XIX: Oceano tandem emenso.... At last, the Physicians....
Meditation XX: Id agunt. Upon these Indications....
Meditation XXI: Atque annuit Ille.... God prospers their practise....
Meditation XXII: Sit morbi fomes tibi cura; The Physicians consider....
Meditation XXIII: Metusque, relabi. They warn me....

John Donne Sermon Database - BYU
A Large Selection of Donne's Sermons - Father Lance McAdam
Death's Duel - CCEL
Six Sermons 4: Preached to the Nobility - E. Knuth
Sermon XXVII: Sermon Preached to the Lords upon Easter-Day [March 28, 1619]
Twenty-Six Sermons 25: Preached at the Spital, April 22, 1622 - CCEL
Twenty-Six Sermons 25: Preached at the Spital, April 22, 1622 - E. Knuth
Excerpt from Sermon XV

Complete Electronic Image files of Donne's Poems (1633) - SCETI / Upenn
Holy Sonnet X: "Death Be not Proud" in Finnish Translation - Anniina Jokinen, tr.
Song: "Go and Catch a Falling Star" in Finnish Translation - Anniina Jokinen, tr.
Elegy XX: "To his Mistress Going to Bed" in Finnish Translation - Anniina Jokinen, tr.
Holy Sonnet I in Finnish Translation - Matti Nevalainen, tr.
"The Sun Rising" in Finnish Translation - Aale Tynni, tr.
"The Good Morrow" in Finnish Translation - Aila Meriluoto, tr.
"The Sun Rising" and "Song: Go and catch a falling star" in French Translation - Gilles de Seze, tr.
"The Ecstacy" in French Translation - Gilles de Seze, tr.
Donne Poetry in Russian - Elena and Yacov Feldman, trs.
Seek True Religion!
Meditation XVII [No Man is an Island.... For whom the bell tolls...]
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to John Donne |
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