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Canterbury Tales
The General Prologue |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Knight |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Chaucer the Love Poet: A Study in Historical Criticism - John B. Treilhard
Between Mars and Venus: Balance and Excess in the Chivalry
of the Late-Medieval English Romance - Ian Mitchell-Smith
Chaucer's Knight's Tale and the Teseida of Boccaccio - G. Fredric Schladen
Class Attitudes Toward Women in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Judith A. Harris
"We witen nat what thing we preyen heere": The Failure of the Noble Life
in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Alexander Harper
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
"Wood Leoun" ... "Crueel Tigre": Animal Imagery and Metaphor in "The Knight's Tale" - Jennifer LaBurre
All Fortune is Good Fortune: The Role of Fortuna in a Monotheistic Literary World - Kimberly Bridgewater
The Knight's Tale and the Teseide - Mary Felicita De Mato
Chaucer and Malory's Treatment of Outlawry - Carolyn S. Gonzalez
"The beste game of alle": Elements of the Fabliau in the Knight's Tale - Lesley Ann Allen
The Absalom Archetype in The Knight's Tale and in The Miller's Tale - Sharon Hardin
Chaucer's Handling of the Proserpina Myth in The Canterbury Tales - Ria Stubbs-Trevino
Chaucer's Crusader: The Knight as a Representation of Chivalry - Timothy M. Cunningham
Understanding Chaucer's Knight - Gina Filo
Mars and Venus: Symbols of the Chaotic and Conflicted Human Passions
and the Reestablishment of Order in "The Knight's Tale" - Olivia L. Blessing
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
- The Perfect Knight - Muriel Bowden
- The Knight - Margaret Hallissy
- A Knyght Ther Was - Michael A. Calabrese
- The Worthiness of Chaucer's Worthy Knight - Gerald Morgan
- "We witen nat what thing we preyen heere": Desire, Knowledge
and the Ruse of Satisfaction in the Knight's Tale - Elizabeth Scala
- Sisterhood and Brotherhood in The Knight's Tale - Christine Chism
- Suffering Bodies in The Knight's Tale - Julie Orlemanski
- Chaucer's Fantasy of Pity - Matthew Irvin
- Romance and Epic in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Winthrop Wetherbee
- Chance and Destiny in Troilus and Criseyde and the Knight's Tale - Jill Mann
- The Representation of Chivalry in The Knight's Tale - Jordi Sánchez Martí
- Chaucer's Knight and the Hundred Years' War - Jordi Sánchez
- When was Chaucer's Knight in "Ruce" - William Urban
- Chaucer and Lady Fortune - Howard R. Patch
- Masculinity in Romance - Susan Crane
- Gender and Romance in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: Adventure - Susan Crane
- Structure and Pattern in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Elizabeth Ashman Rowe
- Anger and Community in the Knight's Tale - John Lance Griffith
- The Aesthetics of 'Wawes Grene': Planets, Painting and Politics in Knight's Tale - Andrew James Johnston
- Forsworn and Fordone: Arcite as Oath-Breaker in the Knight's Tale - Catherine A. Rock
- Once more to the Grove: A Note on Symbolic Space in the Knight's Tale - J. R. Eyler and J. P. Sexton
- A Curious Condition of Being: the City and the Grove in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Robert E. Finnegan
- The Parliaments of Gods and Men in the Knight's Tale - Marc S. Guidry
- "For to be Sworne Bretheren Til They Deye": Satirizing Queer Brotherhood
in the Chaucerian Corpus - Tison Pugh
- "A Beest May Al His Lust Fulfille": Naturalizing Chivalric Violence in Knight's Tale - J. Withers
- "With many a floryn he the hewes boghte": Ekphrasis and Symbolic Violence
in the Knight's Tale - Robert Epstein
- Murderous Sows in Chaucer's Knight's Tale and Late Fourteenth-Century France - Edward Wheatley
- Representing Rebellion: The Ending of the Knight's Tale and the Castration of Saturn - Jane Chance
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- Affective Reading: Chaucer, Women and Romance - Corinne Saunders
- Philosophical Romance: Figures of Venus in "The Knight's Tale" - Caleb Molstad
- No Joke: Transcendent Laughter in the Teseida and the Miller's Tale - Timothy D. Arner
- Epic Theater: The Comedy and The Canterbury Tales - Richard Neuse
- "Women-as-the-Same" in the A-Fragment - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Sacrificial Desire in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Louise O. Fradenburg
- Chaucer's Knight: A Christian Killer? - Helen Barr
- A Beastly Origin: Journeys from the Oxes Stalle' in Chaucer's Poetry - John B. Marino
- "The Knight's Tale" - Charles Muscatine
- Imagination, Order and Ideology: The Knight's Tale - David Aers
- Medieval Romance and Feminine Difference in The Knight's Tale - Susan Crane
- The Status of Women in the Patriarchal Society of The Knight's Tale - Malek Zuraikat
- Visibility Politics in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Sarah Stanbury
- Chaucer's Knight, the Tale of Melibee, and the Socio-Historical Implications of Pilgrimage - F. Martin
- Wearing Your Heart on Your Face: Lovesickness and the Suicidal Impulse in Chaucer - R. F. McNamara
- Mediaeval Medicine and Arcite's Love Sickness - M. Ciavolella
- The Education of Theseus in The Knight's Tale - Daniel Murtaugh
- Chaucer's Religious Skepticism - Mahameed Mohammed and Al-Quran Raji
- "I nam no divinistre": Heterodoxy and Disjunction in "Knight's Tale" - Melissa J. Rack
- Chaucer's Theseus and the Knight's Tale - Walter Scheps
- The Function of Pity in Three Canterbury Tales [Knight, Parson, Clerk] - Wendy Harding
- Arcite's Overheard Song: The Knight's Tale and the Prosimetrum Tristan en prose - Ricardo Matthews
- False Brotherhood in Chaucer's The Knight's Tale: Part 1 - Zsuzsanna Simonkay
- False Brotherhood in Chaucer's The Knight's Tale: Part 2 - Zsuzsanna Simonkay
- Biblical Analogy and Secondary Allegory in The Knight's Tale - Carl C. Curtis III
- Boethian Discrepancy in The Man of Law's Tale and The Knight's Tale - Jesse McDowell
- Theseus's Loving Distance: Space, Sight, and the Boethian Intertext
in Chaucer's Knight's Tale - Gillian Adler
- Forms of Address in Chaucer's The Knight's Tale - Thomas Honegger
- "In hethenesse": Chaucer's Knight and Sultan Muhammad V of Granada - Richard North
- "Tu es pélérin en la sainte cité": Chaucer's Knight and Philippe de Mézières - Stefan Vander Elst
- A Chaucerian Knight'smare: The Secret Amazon Invasion in The Knight's Tale - Ruth E. Feiertag
- Chaucer's Epic Statement and the Political Milieu of the Late 14th Century - Paul Olson
- Fabliau Plotting Against Romance in Chaucer's 'The Knight's Tale' - Scott Vaszily
Traditions of Courtly Love and the Canterbury Tales - Rachel Wald
Boethius in the Knight's Tale - Jean Di Paolo
Chaucer's Knight and his Tale: The Shortest Straw - Kaye Anfield
The Medieval Romance Genre in "Knight's Tale" and "Miller's Tale" - Stefanie Nerz
Chaucer's Knight and Miller - Diana Dosik
Medieval Theater, Knight's Tale, and the Emergence of the Vernacular - Mark Folse
The Miller |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Medicine, Aging and Sexuality in Chaucer's "Reeve's Prologue," "Merchant's Tale"
and "Miller's Tale" - Carol Ann Everest
Bigyled: The Miller's Tale and the Destabilization of Authority - Robin A. Prince
Body Politics: Otherness and the Representation of Bodies
in Late Medieval Writings - Martin Blum
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
Chaucer's Scatological Art in Three Fabliaux - William B. Rutledge
The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales - Ju-ping Kuo
Moost of Synne and Harlotries: The Pattern of the Ideal in Canterbury Tales - K. E. C. Fuog
"Nether Ye": Chaucer's Use of Scatology in The Canterbury Tales - Brook Wilson
Mercantilism in Chaucer's Women Characters in the Fabliaux
and in the Prologue of the Wife of Bath - Barbara A. Watkins
An Analysis of the Comic Elements in The Miller's Tale - Anita Grohman Reiner
The Prioress, The Merchant, and the Miller - Mary Lou Briscoe
Chaucer's Crisis of Faith in The Miller's Tale, Clerk's Tale, and Pardoner's Tale - Sharon D. Selby
The Making of a Monster: The Female Grotesque in The Canterbury Tales - Suzanne Klerks
"Blameth nat me": Popular Resistance and Chaucer's Women in his Fabliaux - Azime Pekşen
The Absalom Archetype in The Knight's Tale and in The Miller's Tale - Sharon Hardin
Talking Some Sense into Chaucer: Bodies in The Miller's Prologue and Tale - Jacqueline Joewono
Women with Wit: Desire, Coercion, and Comedy in Chaucer's Middle English Fabliaux - Jenna D. Kingsley
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
"Tee-hee!" Quod She, My Vulgar Darling: Detecting the Adolescent Female Voice through Rebellion
and the Ribald in Nabokov's Lolita and Chaucer's Miller's Tale - Kathryn M. Fleishman
A Noble Tale: The Knight's and Miller's Tales as Subversion of Genre Expectations - Demetria Spinrad
- The Miller's Tale - H. M. Cushman
- The Miller - Margaret Hallissy
- The Miller, the Reeve, and a Gentle Manciple - Muriel Bowden
- The Miller Was A Stout Carl for the Nones - Laura C. and Robert T. Lambdin
- Protest, Complaint, and Uprising in the Miller's Tale - Kathy Lavezzo
- Trouble at the Mill: Milling, Madness and Merrymaking - Ben Parsons
- The Broken Flood of The Miller's Tale - Jameson S. Workman
- Jealousy: Chaucer's Miller and the Tradition - Charles R. Smith
- Bottom Kissing and the Fragility of Status in Chaucer's Miller's Tale - John B. Friedman
- The Monsters of Geoffrey Chaucer: The Miller in The General Prologue
and the Miller in The Reeve's Tale - Nazan Yıldız
- Chaucer's Miller's Tale and Reeve's Tale, Boccaccio's Decameron,
and the French fabliaux - C. F. Heffernan
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- Interpreting Female Agency and Responsibility in the Miller's Tale and the Merchant's Tale - J. D. Parry
- Fabliau Women's Spatial Resistance in the Miller's Tale and the Reeve's Tale - Azime Pekşenyakar
- No Joke: Transcendent Laughter in the Teseida and the Miller's Tale - Timothy D. Arner
- Epic Theater: The Comedy and The Canterbury Tales - Richard Neuse
- The Name of Chaucer's Miller - Carole Hough
- The Play of The Miller's Tale: A Game within a Game - Beryl B. Rowland
- "Women-as-the-Same" in the A-Fragment - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Ironic Dancing Absolon in the Miller's Tale - Margaret Jennings, C.S.J.
- The Unspeakable Act in the Miller's Tale - John McLaughlin
- Perception and Reality in The Miller's Tale - Patrick J. Gallacher
- Rough Girls and Squeamish Boys: The Trouble With Absolon in the Miller's Tale - Greg Walker
- Bodies that Matter in the Court of Late Medieval England and in 'Miller's Tale' - Linda Lomperis
- 'He pleyeth Herodes upon a scaffold hye'? - Pamela M. King
- "Of Goddes pryvetee nor of his wyf": Confusion of Orifices in Chaucer's Miller Tale - Louise M. Bishop
- Greimas, Bremond, and the 'Miller's Tale' - Harold F. Mosher, Jr.
- An Atypical Fabliau: Genre and Expression in The Miller's Tale - Agustín Coletes Blanco
- 'Shot Wyndowe: An Open and Shut Case? - Peter Brown
- Poetic Justice in the Miller's Tale - Paul Olson
- Middle English Concept of 'Beauty': Chaucer's Alisoun - Maura Nolan
- Extimacy in The Miller's Tale - Gila Aloni
- Speech, Silence, and Teaching Chaucer's Rapes - Tison Pugh
- "Hevest up the Dor est up the Dore": Overcoming Obstacles to Meaning in Miller's Tale - David Fuller
- Nicholas's 'Angelus ad Virginem' and the Mocking of Noah - John B. Friedman
- Between the Normative and the Performative: Sex, Parody
and Other (In)tractable Issues in Chaucer's Miller's Tale - Dan Nicolae Popescu
- Loci of Solitude: The Idea of "Pryvetee" in Chaucer? - Denise Ming-yueh Wang
- Curiositas and the Triadic Sins in the Miller's and Reeve's Tales - Ethan Smilie
- The Economics of Justice in Chaucer's Miller's and Reeve's Tales - Elizabeth Edwards
- The Miller vs. the Monk: A Social Reading of the Miller's Interruption - Mary Richmond
- Tellability and Politeness in The Miller's Tale: First Steps in Literary Pragmatics - Roger D. Sell
Music in Geoffrey Chaucer's "Miller's Tale" - Dörte Griesse
Music as an Instrument of Desire in The Miller's Tale - Catherine Yang
Alison's Curious Escape from Punishment in "The Miller's Tale" - Abigail Driver
Parody and Satire in The Miller's and Merchant's Tale - Guinevere Shaw
Absolon's Subversion of Love in The Miller's Tale - Dedre Engelbrecht
Grotesque Wives: Female Monstrosity in Medieval Texts - Juli Olson
Laughing at the Carpenter - Cathy Cupitt
Carnival and Pilgrimage - Donald C. Howard
The Medieval Romance Genre in "Knight's Tale" and "Miller's Tale" - Stefanie Nerz
Chaucer's Knight and Miller - Diana Dosik
Animalistic Contradictions in the Canterbury Tales - Tucker Scott
Chaucer's Miller: Bawd and Premeditated Iconoclast - Michael McVeigh
The Reeve |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Medicine, Aging and Sexuality in Chaucer's "Reeve's Prologue," "Merchant's Tale"
and "Miller's Tale" - Carol Ann Everest
Chaucer's Mounted Menagerie: An Intertextual Examination of Horse and Rider Archetypes in The Canterbury Tales - S. D. Burkhardt
An Uncharacteristic Inversion: A Metalinguistic Interpretation of Chaucer's
Use of Dialect in "The Reeve's Tale" - Jessica A. Noble
The Making of a Monster: The Female Grotesque in The Canterbury Tales - Suzanne Klerks
"Blameth nat me": Popular Resistance and Chaucer's Women in his Fabliaux - Azime Pek&ssedil;en
Chaucer's Denial of Response for Rape Victims - Lindsey E. Jones
Speaking Through the "Open-Ers": How Age Feminizes Chaucer's Reeve - Anna Fore Waymack
Chaucer's Handling of the Proserpina Myth in The Canterbury Tales - Ria Stubbs-Trevino
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
Women with Wit: Desire, Coercion, and Comedy in Chaucer's Middle English Fabliaux - Jenna D. Kingsley
- The Reeve - Muriel Bowden
- The Reeve - Margaret Hallissy
- The Miller, the Reeve, and a Gentle Manciple - Muriel Bowden
- The Reve Was a Sclendre Colerik Man - Richard B. McDonald
- Wages, Work, Wealth, and Economic Inequality in the Reeve's Tale - William Rhodes
- Misreading Like the Reeve - Elizabeth Scala
- The Reeve's Tale and the Miller - Vickie L. Ziegler
- Chaucer's Reeve's Tale and its Old French Analogue - Mary MacArthy
- Chaucer as a Philologist - J. R. R. Tolkien
- Chaucer and Dialectology - Juliette Dor
- "Fer in the north; I kan nat telle where": Dialect, Regionalism, and Philologism - Robert Epstein
- Chaucer's Uncanny Regionalism: Rereading the North in The Reeve's Tale - Joseph Taylor
- "Curious fact": Fading of Northernisms in The Reeve's Tale - Hiroki Okamoto
- The Monsters of Geoffrey Chaucer: The Miller in The General Prologue
and the Miller in The Reeve's Tale - Nazan Yıldız
- Chaucer's Miller's Tale and Reeve's Tale, Boccaccio's Decameron,
and the French fabliaux - C. F. Heffernan
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- The Reeve's Complex Personality and the Problems of Subjectivity in his Tale - Yoshinobu Kudo
- 'The Reeve's Tale' and the Honor of Men - Stewart Justman
- The Social Aspirations and Priestly Pretense of Chaucer's Reeve - Bryan Carella
- "Soper at Oure Aller Cost": The Politics of Food Supply in the Canterbury Tales - J. Archer, R. Turley, and H. Thomas
- Affective Politics in Chaucer's Reeve's Tale: 'Cherl' Masculinity after 1381 - Holly Crocker
- 'The Reeve's Tale' and Its Audience - Glyn Austen
- Speech, Silence, and Teaching Chaucer's Rapes - Tison Pugh
- The Economics of Justice in Chaucer's Miller's and Reeve's Tales - Elizabeth Edwards
- Curiositas and the Triadic Sins in the Miller's and Reeve's Tales - Ethan Smilie
- Fabliau Women's Spatial Resistance in the Miller's Tale and the Reeve's Tale - Azime Pekşenyakar
- Knife and Sword Imagery in the Reeve's Tale - Burçin Erol
- Two Names in the Reeve's Tale - Norman D. Hinton
- The Reeve's Tale: Chaucer's Measure for Measure - Paul A. Olson
The Moral Schism Between Boccaccio's Story and Chaucer's Reeve's Tale - Gary Wack
"What amounteth al this wit?": Study of Role of Reason in the Age of Decay - Frederic Colier
The Cook |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Man of Law |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Hagiographic Narrators of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: The Second Nun,
The Man of Law, The Prioress - Granville S. Hill
Naughty by Nature: Chaucer and the (Re)Invention of Female Goodness - Joanna R. Shearer
Chaucer's Man of Law and Clerk as Rhetoricians - Douglas Wurtele
Body Politics: Otherness and the Representation of Bodies
in Late Medieval Writings - Martin Blum
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales - Ju-ping Kuo
The Historical Idea of Character and The Canterbury Tales - Caroline E. Wood
Chaucer's Handling of the Proserpina Myth in The Canterbury Tales - Ria Stubbs-Trevino
Chaucer and Social Discontent in the Canterbury Tales - Michael Yankoviak
Christian Anxiety and "Saracen" Resistance in Domestic Spaces: The Unfulfilled Imperialist
Narrative in Bevis of Hampton, Emaré, and Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale - Tania Nguyen
Chaucer's De-Colonized Custance - Rod S. Sachs
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
- The Sergeant of the Law - Margaret Hallissy
- A Sergeant of the Lawe, War and Wyse - Joseph Hornsby
- The Sergeant of the Law and the Franklin in his Company - Muriel Bowden
- Why We Can't Stop Fighting about Chaucer's Man of Law - Bonnie J. Erwin
- Race and Racism in the Man of Law's Tale - Cord J. Whitaker
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Chaucer and Moral Philosophy: The Virtuous Women of the Canterbury Tales - Denise Baker
- Missing the Mark: Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale - Gabriella Schwartz
- Toward Premodern Globalism: Oceanic Exemplarity in Man of Law's Tale - Jamie K. Taylor
- 'But algates therby was she understonde': Translating Custance
in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale - Christine F. Cooper
- Writing, Rewriting, and Disrupting the Anglo-Saxon Past in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale - Kathleen Smith
- Premodern Media and Networks of Transmission in the Man of Law's Tale - Ingrid Nelson
- "A Mooder He Hath, but Fader Hath He Noon:" Constructions of Genealogy
in the Clerk's Tale and The Man of Law's Tale - Angela Florschuetz
- Chaucer's Feminine Pretexts: Gendered Genres in Three Frame Moments - Madeleine Saraceni
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- Nominalistic Perspectives on Chaucer's The Man of Law's Tale - Roger E. Moore
- Chaucer's Man of Law as a Purchasour - Martha Dampf Lambkin
- The Evil Outsider in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale? - Gloria Cigman
- 'Struglyng wel and myghtily': Resisting Rape in the Man of Law's Tale - Brendan O'Connell
- Chaucer's Counterfeit exempla - Brendan O'Connell
- "Biheste is dette": Marriage Promises in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Marie Nelson
- Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale: Teaching Through the Sources - Christine M. Rose
- Providence and Incest Reconsidered: Chaucer's Poetic Judgement of his Man of Law - Marc M. Pelen
- The Representation of Rome in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale - Yuki Sugiyama
- Worlds Apart: Orientalism, Antifeminism, and Heresy in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale - Susan Schibanoff
- Constance as Romance and Folk Heroine in Man of Law's Tale
- Family Values and the Boundaries of Christendom in Man of Law's Tale - B. S. Lee
- Orientalism and the Foreign Sovereign: Today I Am a Man of Law - Ed Morgan
- Malkyn in the Man of Law's Headlink - Martin Stevens
- On the Edge: Chaucer and Gower's Queer Glosses - R. Magnani and D. Watt
- Multicultural Subjectivity in Chaucer's "Man of Law's Tale" - Glory Dharmaraj
- Chaucer's Constance and the Sorrowing Mary: The Man of Law's Tale (MLT), 841-854 - Robert M. Correale
The Wife of Bath |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Theme of Synagogue, Ecclesia, and the Whore of Babylon in the Visual Arts and in the Poetry
of Dante: A Background Study for Chaucer's Wife of Bath - Nancy A. Chmaitelli
The Active Image: Medieval Allegory and Chaucer - Elaine V. Verbicky
Naughty by Nature: Chaucer and the (Re)Invention of Female Goodness - Joanna R. Shearer
Chaucer's Arthuriana - Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
The Artes Praedicandi and the Use of Illustrative Material
by Chaucer's Canterbury Preachers - Anthony E. Luengo
Wifely Counsel and Civic Leadership in The Canterbury Tales - Abby Rosebrock
The Three Women Pilgrims in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Elaine J. Filax
The Wife of Bath's Coverchiefs and Conjugal Sovereignty
in Four Chaucerian Marriage Tales - Ervin C. Dueck
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
The Name of the Risus: Nominalism, The Carnivalesque, and the Pursuit of Truths
in Chaucer's the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale and the Clerk's Tale - Joseph L. Grossi
The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales - Ju-ping Kuo
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: Rhetoric and Gender in Marriage - Andrea Marcotte
Moost of Synne and Harlotries: The Pattern of the Ideal in Canterbury Tales - K. E. C. Fuog
The Historical Idea of Character and The Canterbury Tales - Caroline E. Wood
Feminine Desire and Power in the Arthurian Tradition - Erin D. Moore
Colored Green: Reading Fortune in Three of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales [Merchant, Friar] - Krista Lemman
Chaucer and Malory's Treatment of Outlawry - Carolyn S. Gonzalez
Mercantilism in Chaucer's Women Characters in the Fabliaux
and in the Prologue of the Wife of Bath - Barbara A. Watkins
"That Gentil Text Kan I Wel Understonde": Textual Authority in Chaucer's
The Wife of Bath's Prologue - Emilie Roy
Chaucer's Denial of Response for Rape Victims - Lindsey E. Jones
Chaucer's Failed Feminism: The Pilgrimage Towards Potential of the Wife of Bath,
the Prioress, and the Second Nun - Aidan Elizabeth Topping
The Ascent of the Soul in the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale - Nicholas Dalbey
Revising Gender and Homosociality in the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale - Leann M. Johnson
Physical and Attitudinal Metamorphoses in The Wife of Bath's Tale - Lynn Mowry
Angelic Demons: Witchcraft and Sorcery in The Canterbury Tales - Melanie Bussiere
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
Food Imagery in the Lives of the Wife of Bath and Margery Kempe - Rhone O'Hara
Forever Young: Wife of Bath and Her Fear of Losing Her Outer Beauty - Hildur S. Indriðadóttir
Women in Canterbury Tales: Prioress, Wife of Bath, Second Nun, a Hen and a Lady Falcon - A. Paduraru
Christian, Courtly, and Ideal Love in Chaucer's Marriage Group - L. Dianne Hall
- The Wife of Bath - Margaret Hallissy
- The Good Wife of Juxta Bathon - Muriel Bowden
- A Good Wive Was Ther of Biside Bath - Judith Slover
- The Wife of Bath and Her Tale - Norman F. Blake
- Love and Marriage in the Wife of Bath's Prologue - Emma Lipton
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Symptoms of Desire in Chaucer's Wives and Clerks - Elizabeth Scala
- Matrimonial Discourse in Chaucer's Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale - May-hong Wu
- Chaucer's Wife of Bath, Hoccleve's Arguing Women, and Lydgate's Hertford Wives: Lay Interpretation
and the Figure of the Spinning Woman in Late Medieval England - Heather Hill-Vásquez
- Rape and Justice in the Wife of Bath's Tale - Carissa M. Harris
- The Vita Sancte Alicie Bathoniensis: Transgressions of Hagiographic Rhetoric
in the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale - Josephine A. Koster
- The Wife of Bath: Standup Comic - Margaret Rogerson
- 'For myn intente nis but for to pleye': Wife of Bath, Comedienne Par Excellence - Bhavna Kale
- Quest and Question in The Wife of Bath's Tale - Diane Speed
- Mutatit vultum: Fortune and the Wife of Bath's Tale - David Burchmore
- Allas and weilawei: Interjections in Some Canterbury Tales - E. Reber and H. Sauer
- Exploitation and Excommunication in The Wife of Bath's Tale - Brian S. Lee
- The Problem of Defining Sovereynetee in the Wife of Bath's Tale - Susanne Sara Thomas
- Beaten for a Book: Domestic and Pedagogic Violence in The Wife of Bath's Prologue - Ben Parsons
- "Thanne Have I Gete of Yow Maistrie": Power and the Subversive Body in Wife of Bath - Laura Alexander
- The Stereotype Confirmed? Chaucer's Wife of Bath - Elaine Treharne
- Alys as Allegory: The Ambivalent Heretic - Carol A. N. Martin
- "Rowned She a Pistel": National Institutions and Identities According to Wife of Bath - Susan Nakley
- Marriage Sermons, Polemical Sermons, and The Wife of Bath's Prologue - Andrew Galloway
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- The Wife of Bath and the Mark of Adam - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Pastoral Histories: Utopia, Conquest, and the Wife of Bath's Tale - Patricia Clare Ingham
- "Biheste is dette": Marriage Promises in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Marie Nelson
- What the Man of Law Can't Say: The Buried Legal Argument of The Wife of Bath's Prologue - S. S. Thomas
- Chaucer's Audience and the Henpecked Husband - Beverly Boyd
- The Wife of Bath and the Dream of Innocence - Britton J. Harwood
- The Wife of Bath and the Painting of Lions - Mary Carruthers
- "Who peyntede the leon?": The Olde Wyf Confronts the Wife of Bath and Criseyde - Nancy Rosenfeld
- Chaucer's Discussion of Marriage - George Lyman Kittredge
- The Wife of Bath and the Mediation of "Privitee" - R. A. Shoaf
- The Wife of Bath and Holy Maidenhood - Dr. Desmet
- Reading the Wife of Bath by the Light of Madonna - Susan K. Hagen
- Motherhood in The Wife of Bath - Alison Buckett Rivera
- A Pragmatic Approach to The Wife of Bath's Tale - Julia Fernández Cuesta
- Alys's Formulation of Intent—or Her Killing Us Softly with Her Siren Song - Liam O. Purdon
- Geoffrey Chaucer: Feminist or Not? - Michael Carosone
- Contradictory Responses to the Wife of Bath as evidenced by 15th-c. Manuscript Variants - Beverly Kennedy
- A Stemmatic Analysis of the 15th-Century Witnesses to The Wife of Bath's Prologue - Peter Robinson
- Labovian Interpretation of The Wife of Bath's Prologue - Chikako Tanimoto
- The "Double Sorwe" of the Wife of Bath: Chaucer and the Misogynist Tradition - Douglas Wurtele
- The Predicament of Chaucer's Wife of Bath: St. Jerome on Virginity - Douglas Wurtele
- Chaucer's Wife of Bath and the Problem of the Fifth Husband - Douglas J. Wurtele
- Chaucer's Wife of Midas Reconsidered: Oppositions and Poetic Judgment
in the Wife of Bath's Tale - Marc M. Pelen
- The Wife of Bath's Bele Chose - Robert E. Bjork
- Experience v. Authority: The Search for Gender Equality in The Wife of Bath's Prologue - S. Suprayitno
- The Wife of Bath and the Scholastic Concept of Operatio - Joseph E. Grennen
- A Head for a Head: A Testamental Template for Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
and The Wife of Bath's Tale - Ross G. Arthur
- Alice de Bath o el poder de la palabra - María Beatriz Hernández Pérez
- The Wife of Bath's Shipman's tale and the Invention of Chaucerian Fabliaux - Joseph A. Dane
Seductive Violence and Three Chaucerian Women - Timothy D. O'Brien
- Horror and Violence in the Canterbury Tales - Martin Laidlaw
- Speech, Silence, and Teaching Chaucer's Rapes - Tison Pugh
- The Wife of Bath, Christine de Pizan, and the Medieval Case for Women - S. H. Rigby
- Beastly Bride and Hunter Hunted: What Lies Behind the Wife of Bath's Tale - Susan Carter
- Wife of Bath: Phallocentric Discourse and the Imprisonment of Criticism - Barrie Ruth Straus
- Crocodilian Humor: A Discussion of Chaucer's Wife of Bath - David S. Reed
- Alison's Incapacity and Poetic Instability in the Wife of Bath's Tale - Susan Crane
- Alison of Bath Accused of Murder: Case Dismissed - Susan Crane
- Fire in the Dark: Public and Private Feminism in The Wife of Bath's Tale - H. Marshall Leicester, Jr.
- Land Tenure, the Cloth Industry, and the Wife of Bath - D. W. Robertson, Jr.
- A Voice to Be Taken: The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner as Christian Scapegoats - Maya Lora
- The Matriarch of Bath — Chaucer's Feminist Insights - Tiffany J. Smith
- The Wife of Bath: Chaucer's Authorial Control over Alisoun - Meaghan McCarron
- Dialectics of Freedom and Choice: The Case of Chaucer's Wife of Bath - Rabinder Powar
- The Ultimate End of the Wife of Bath's Search for Sovereignty - Colin A. Ireland
- Body and Awareness as Reflected in the Wife of Bath: A Historical Study - Lidija Štrmelj
- I Alisoun, I Wife: Foucault's Three Egos and the Wife of Bath's Prologue - Rachel Ann Baumgardner
- The Wife of Bath in the Saddle - Clare Fletcher
- Biblical Bread and Priestly Wifehood in The Wife of Bath's Prologue - Jocelyn Diemer
- Ambiguous Stances on Gender Roles in The Wife of Bath's Tale - Davinna A. P. Zulkarnain
- Wise Wyf's Remedies of Love: Birth Control in the Wife of Bath - Karen Harris
Struggle For Female Equality in "The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale" - Jonathan Blake
Contradictions in Chaucer's Wife of Bath - Lori Litchman
Intervention in Lanval and The Wife of Bath's Tale - Haleigh James
The Knight from the "Wife of Bath's Tale" - Oleg Gurvits
Reflections of the Holy Mother: The Place of Women in Beowulf,
the Wife of Bath's Prologue
and Tale and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Andrei Twibell
Chaucer Through the Wife of Bath: Balancing for Equality - C. Grace Chang
Wife of Bath as an Advocate of Feminism - Tanushree Basuroy
of Bathe - Attack on Women & Married Life? - Ng E-Ching
of Bathe - Attack on Women & Married Life? - Yeo Siew Lian
of Bathe - Anticlimax of the Tale - Yeo Siew Lian
Anti-Clericalism and the Problem of Authority in the Wife of Bath's Prologue - April Joyner
A Short Adaptation: Absence and Erasure in Chaucer's The Wife of Bath - Drue Macpherson
The Friar |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Chaucer's Intentionalist Realism and the Friar's Tale - Robert Myles
Colored Green: Reading Fortune in Three Canterbury Tales [WoB, Merchant, Friar] - Krista Lemman
'A Bettre Felawe Sholde Men Noght Fynde': Satirical Criticism
of Chaucer's Friar, Summoner, and Pardoner - Nicolai Svendsen Senumstad
Huberd and the Pharisees: Anti-Fraternalism in the Friar's Tale - Gary G. Petsnick
Witchcraft in Geoffrey Chaucer's Friar's Tale - Wilma Karssen
The Depiction of Friars in The Canterbury Tales - Evelyn Koch
- The Friar - G. Geltner
- The Friar - Margaret Hallissy
- The Worthy Friar - Muriel Bowden
- A Frere Ther Was, a Wantowne and a Meryee - Karl T. Hagen
- Huberd the Vow Breaker - Rev. Merle K. Peirce
- Allas and weilawei: Interjections in Some Canterbury Tales - E. Reber and H. Sauer
- The Friar's Tale: Animals and the Question of Human Agency - Karl Steel
- "By extorcions I lyve": Chaucer's Friar's Tale and Corrupt Officials - Brantley L. Bryant
- "For to be Sworne Bretheren Til They Deye": Satirizing Queer Brotherhood
in the Chaucerian Corpus - Tison Pugh
- The Friar's Tale and Divine Justice: The Reality
and the Fiction of Righteous Anger - John Lance Griffith
- The Friar and the Summoner: Chaucerian Contrapasso - Richard Neuse
- The Friar, the Summoner, and their Techniques of Erasure - Benjamin A. Saltzman
- Only Words: Cursing and the Authority of Language in Chaucer's Friar's Tale - Mary F. Godfrey
- "Myne by Right": Oath Making and Intent in The Friar's Tale - Daniel T. Kline
- Chaucer the Forester: The Friar's Tale, Forest History, and Officialdom - Eric Weiskott
- The Green Yeoman as Loathly Lady: The Friar's Parody of the Wife of Bath's Tale - Penn R. Szittya
- Faux Semblants: Antifraternalism Reconsidered in Jean de Meun and Chaucer - G. Geltner
- Aspects of Chaucer's Irony in The Friar's Tale - Andrien Bonjour
- Friar Hubert's Lisp - Laura Kendrick
- Holy Friars in Lucifer's Pocket: Chaucer on the Corruption in the Church - Jessica Wohlschlaeger
- The Bad Behaviour of Friars and Women in Medieval Catalan fabliaux
and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Jerónimo Méndez
- Exemplary Figures as Characterizing Devices in the Friar's and Summoner's Tales - Donald C. Baker
- The Fall of the "Men in the Middle" in Friar's and The Summoner's Tales - Nilsen Gökçen
Charity Refused and Curses Uttered in Chaucer's Friar's Tale - Jennifer Culver
Friar: A Portrait of Immorality - Jim Knapp, Jr.
Models of Ministry: Re-reading Chaucer's Friar's Tale - D. Michael Kramp
The Summoner |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Artes Praedicandi and the Use of Illustrative Material
by Chaucer's Canterbury Preachers - Anthony E. Luengo
Chaucer's Scatological Art in Three Fabliaux - William B. Rutledge
"Nether Ye": Chaucer's Use of Scatology in The Canterbury Tales - Brook Wilson
'A Bettre Felawe Sholde Men Noght Fynde': Satirical Criticism
of Chaucer's Friar, Summoner, and Pardoner - Nicolai Svendsen Senumstad
- Anger and 'Glosynge' in The Canterbury Tales - Jill Mann
- Death and Staleness in the 'Son-less' World of the Summoner's Tale - David G. Allen
- The Summoner - Margaret Hallissy
- The Summoner Who Had a "Fyr-Reed" Face - Muriel Bowden
- A Sumonour Was Ther With Us in that Place - James Keller
- The Summoner's Occupational Disease - Thomas J. Garbáty
- Chaucer's Summoner's Tale and the Logic of Literature - R. D. Perry
- Allas and weilawei: Interjections in Some Canterbury Tales - E. Reber and H. Sauer
- Gender and Sexual Identities in the Summoner's Prologue and Tale - Ruth Evans
- Cat, Capon, and Pig in Chaucer's Summoner's Tale - Susan Crane
- Summoner's Tale's Friar John and the Place of a Cat - P. Hardwick
- Mendicant vs Aristocratic Pedagogy in Chaucer's Summoner's Tale - Marc Cels
- Faux Semblants: Antifraternalism Reconsidered in Jean de Meun and Chaucer - G. Geltner
- In Defense of the Summoner - Robert F. Steuding
- The Summoner's Occupational Disease - Thomas J. Garbáty
- Some Verbal Features in The Summoner's Tale - Masahiko Kanno
- Chaucer's Summoner's Tale: Flatulence, Blasphemy, and the Emperor's Clothes - John Finlayson
- Measuring the Immeasurable: Farting, Geometry, and Theology in the Summoner's Tale - G. Olson
- Privy Speech: Sacred Silence, Dirty Secrets In The Summoner's Tale - Mary Hayes
- The Friar and the Summoner: Chaucerian Contrapasso - Richard Neuse
- The Friar, the Summoner, and their Techniques of Erasure - Benjamin A. Saltzman
- Thirteen Ways of Listening to a Fart: Noise in Chaucer's Summoner's Tale - Peter W. Travis
- "The Summoner's Tale" and Proverbs 21.14 - Thomas Rand
- "As olde bookes maken us memorie": Chaucer and the Clerical Commentary Tradition - Amanda Gerber
- Holy Friars in Lucifer's Pocket: Chaucer on the Corruption in the Church - Jessica Wohlschlaeger
- "Ycrammed ful of cloutes and of bones": Chaucer's Queer Cavities - Micah Goodrich
- Exemplary Figures as Characterizing Devices in the Friar's and Summoner's Tales - Donald C. Baker
- The Fall of the "Men in the Middle" in Friar's and The Summoner's Tales - Nilsen Gökçen
- The Freiris of Berwik, The Summoner's Tale, and the Tradition of Anti-Fraternal Satire - D. Salter
- Some Verbal Features in The Summoner's Tale - Masahiko Kanno
The Clerk |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Active Image: Medieval Allegory and Chaucer - Elaine V. Verbicky
Innocence, Suffering, and Sensibility: The Narrative Function of the Pathetic in Chaucer's
Tales of the Clerk, Prioress, and Physician M. Catherine Turman Wildermuth
Wifely Counsel and Civic Leadership in The Canterbury Tales - Abby Rosebrock
Chaucer's Man of Law and Clerk as Rhetoricians - Douglas Wurtele
The Clerk's Tale: Literal Monstrosities and Allegorical Problems - Christopher J. Brock
The Name of the Risus: Nominalism, The Carnivalesque, and the Pursuit of Truths
in Chaucer's the Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale and the Clerk's Tale - Joseph L. Grossi
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
The Wife of Bath's Coverchiefs and Conjugal Sovereignty
in Four Chaucerian Marriage Tales - Ervin C. Dueck
The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales - Ju-ping Kuo
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: Rhetoric and Gender in Marriage - Andrea Marcotte
Lust and Lineage: The Complex Politics of Chaucer's The Clerk's Tale - William Arguelles
All Fortune is Good Fortune: The Role of Fortuna in a Monotheistic Literary World - Kimberly Bridgewater
Courtly Constraints: Clothing, Gifts and Honour in Medieval Romance - Laura Barnard
Chaucer's Crisis of Faith in The Miller's Tale, Clerk's Tale, and Pardoner's Tale - Sharon D. Selby
Chaucer's Handling of the Proserpina Myth in The Canterbury Tales - Ria Stubbs-Trevino
Expectations as Character Development in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale - Kevin Gorham
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
The Contemplatif Life: Social and Political Sovereignty and Chaucer's Clerk - Kaitlyn DelBene
What About Walter? Polity, Power, and Obedience in the Griselda Story - Peter Berek, et al.
- The Clerk of Oxford - Margaret Hallissy
- The Clerk of Oxenford - Muriel Bowden
- A Clerk Ther Was of Oxenford Also - Bert Dillon
- The Clerk of Oxenford - H. S. V. Jones
- Authority (Familial, Political, Written) in the Clerk's Tale - Susan Nakley
- Chaucer's Discussion of Marriage - George Lyman Kittredge
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Desire in the Canterbury Tales: Sovereignty Between the Wife and Clerk - Elizabeth Scala
- Chaucer and Moral Philosophy: The Virtuous Women of the Canterbury Tales - Denise Baker
- Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and the Monstrous Critics - Denise N. Baker
- Reading Like a Clerk in the Clerk's Tale - Laura Ashe
- Everyday Death: The Clerk's Tale, Burial, and the Subject of Poverty - Kathy Lavezzo
- Subtle Clerks and Uncanny Women - Susan Crane
- Reading Griselda's Smocks in the Clerk's Tale - Laura F. Hodges
- Griselda's Pagan Virtue - Lynn Shutters
- 'It it be your will': Sadomasochism in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale - Michelle Danner
- "A Mooder He Hath, but Fader Hath He Noon:" Constructions of Genealogy
in the Clerk's Tale and the Man of Law's Tale - Angela Florschuetz
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and the Question of Ethical Monstrosity - J. Allan Mitchell
- Petrach, Boccaccio, and Chaucer's Clerk's Tale - John Finlayson
- The Clerk's Tale: A Chaucerian "Poetics of Conversion" - Richard Neuse
- A Woman in the Mind's Eye (and not): Narrators and Gazes in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale - Robin Waugh
- Array as Motif in the Clerk's Tale - Kristine G. Wallace
- The Powers of Silence: The Case of the Clerk's Griselda - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Griselda's "Unnatural Restraint" as a Technology of the Self - M. L. Warren
- Biblical Exegesis, Typology, and the Imagination of Chaucer - Lawrence Besserman
- Chaucer's Clerk of Oxenford and Other Rime Royal Interludes - F. Martin
- "For the Birds," Biennial Chaucer Lecture - Susan Crane
- What's Really Being Tested in "The Clerk's Tale"? - Susan K. Hagen
- Time Past and Time Present in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and Gower's Confessio Amantis - James Dean
- Wanderers and Revolutionaries in the Tales of the Franklin and the Clerk - C. M. Fernández Rodríguez
- The Ecocritical Strategy of Patience in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Clerk's Tale - Susan Morrison
- The Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects - Carolynn Van Dyke
- Chaucer's Clerk in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales - M.K. Greenwood
- "As Far as Resoun Axeth": Chaucer's Challenge to the Griselda Tradition - Alison Langdon
- The Function of Pity in Three Canterbury Tales [Knight, Parson, Clerk] - Wendy Harding
- Linguistic Modality and Female Identity in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale - K. Stadnik
- Translation, Creation, and Empowerment in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale - Yoo Inchol
- The Clerk's "Unscholarly Bow": Seeing and Reading Chaucer's Clerk
from the Ellesmere MS to Caxton - Maidie Hilmo
- Linguistic Survival Strategies in Chaucer's Clerk's Tale, Shakespeare's Othello,
and Elizabeth Cary's The Tragedy of Mariam - Nely Keinänen and Mari Pakkala-Weckström
The Fallibility of Interpretation and the Worth of Intent in "The Clerk's Tale" - David Lucia
The Merchant |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Medicine, aging and sexuality in Chaucer's "Reeve's Prologue," "Merchant's Tale"
and "Miller's Tale" - Carol Ann Everest
Class Attitudes Toward Women in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Judith A. Harris
The Wife of Bath's Coverchiefs and Conjugal Sovereignty
in Four Chaucerian Marriage Tales - Ervin C. Dueck
Chaucer's Scatological Art in Three Fabliaux - William B. Rutledge
The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales - Ju-ping Kuo
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: Rhetoric and Gender in Marriage - Andrea Marcotte
Moost of Synne and Harlotries: The Pattern of the Ideal in Canterbury Tales - K. E. C. Fuog
"Walkynge in the mede": Chaucerian Gardens and the Recasting of the Edenic Fall - Jacob S. Babb
Colored Green: Reading Fortune in Three Canterbury Tales [WoB, Merchant, Friar] - Krista Lemman
Mercantilism in Chaucer's Women Characters in the Fabliaux
and in the Prologue of the Wife of Bath - Barbara A. Watkins
The Prioress, The Merchant, and the Miller - Mary Lou Briscoe
The Making of a Monster: The Female Grotesque in The Canterbury Tales - Suzanne Klerks
"Blameth nat me": Popular Resistance and Chaucer's Women in his Fabliaux - Azime Pek&ssedil;en
Chaucer's Handling of the Proserpina Myth in The Canterbury Tales - Ria Stubbs-Trevino
The Aesthetic Problem of Distance in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale - Margaret Williams Wade
In Search of a Female Self: The Masculinization of May in the Merchant's Tale - K. D. Whitley
The Importance and Artistic Implications of Chaucer's Use of Sources in the Merchant's Tale - A. T. McIntire
Queer Ecology and Medieval Nature: A Botanical Stufy of the Merchant's Tale - Alexander C. Cosh
The Garden in the Merchant's Tale - Shirley K. Rose
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
Excursions into Faerie: Chaucer and Shakespeare - Kaspar Manz
- The Merchant - Margaret Hallissy
- The Dignified Merchant - Muriel Bowden
- A Marchant Was Ther With a Forked Berd - Nancy M. Reale
- A Virtuous Merchant? - Richard Goddard
- Environment, Landscape, and Nature in The Merchant's Tale - Heide Estes
- Sexuality, Obscenity, and Genre in the Merchant's Tale: The Case of Fabliau - Marie Turner
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Chaucer's Discussion of Marriage - George Lyman Kittredge
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- May in the Marketplace: Commodification and Textuality in the "Merchant's Tale" - Christian Sheridan
- Your Malady Is No "Sodeyn Hap": Ophthalmology, Benvenutus Grassus,
and January's Blindness - James M. Palmer
- Chaucer and a Proper Name: January in The Merchant's Tale - Emerson Brown, Jr.
- Januarie and May in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale - Jessica Cooke
- January, Janus, and the Merchant's Tale - David Burchmore
- Widow-to-Be: May in Chaucer's "The Merchant's Tale" - Margaret Hallissy
- May Devoid of All Delight: January, The Merchant's Tale and the Romance of the Rose - Michael A. Calabrese
- 'Making it' in the Merchant's Tale: Chaucer's Signs of January's Fall - Lorraine Stock
- Chaucer and the Bible: The Case of the Merchant's Tale - Lawrence Besserman
- January's Genesis: Biblical Exegesis and Chaucer's Merchant's Tale - Mike Rodman Jones
- 'Wommen, of kynde, desiren libertee': Freedom and Control in Relation
to the Women in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale and Franklin's Tale - Anna Smit
- Contraception and the Pear Tree Episode of Chaucer's 'Merchant's Tale' - Carol Falvo Hefferman
- The Merchant's Tale, or Another Poor Worm - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- The Merchant's Tale: Allegory in the Mirror of Marriage - Richard Neuse
- Pregnant Desire: Eyes and Appetites in the Merchant's Tale - Samantha Katz Seal
- Contradictions and Self-Contradictions in Chaucer's Poetic Strategy - Marc M. Pelen
- A Love "Par Amour", Conventionalized and Satirized, in Chaucer - Toshinori Hira
- Interpreting Female Agency and Responsibility in the Miller's Tale and the Merchant's Tale - J. D. Parry
- Chaucer's Extraordinary Fabliau: The Merchant's Tale - Paul R. Thomas
- The Mercantile (Mis)reader in the Canterbury Tales - Roger A. Ladd
- Chaucer's Merchant and January's "Hevene in Erthe Heere" - Paul A. Olson
- The Merchant's Lombard Knight - Paul A. Olson
- The Merchant and the Parody of Creation - R. A. Shoaf
- The Implications of Narrative Omission in Troilus and Criseyde and The Merchant's Tale - Nell Cobb
- The Scorpion of Chaucer's Merchant's Tale - George B. Pace
- Love in Hell: The Role of Pluto and Proserpine in the Merchant's Tale - E. Simmons-O'Neill
- Rhetoric and Performing Anger: Proserpina Gift and Chaucer's Merchant's Tale - Joseph Turner
- Performative Passivity and Fantasies of Masculinity in the Merchant's Tale - Holly A. Crocker
- January's 'honeste thynges': Knighthood and Narrative in the Merchant's Tale - R. Field
- "Laurer" and "Columbyn": The Images of Frustrated Love in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale - Ingrid Semaan
- Merchant's Tale, Boccaccio's Tale of the Enchanted Pear-Tree, and Sir Orfeo: Eroticized Versions
of Folktales about Supernatural Wives - Andrej Wicher
- Branching Out: Trees and Knowledge in "The Merchant's Tale" and "The Pardoner's Tale" - Kathryn LeBere
- Illusion and Reality: Psychological Truth in Chaucer's Portrait of January - Cheryl Frost
- Appropriation of Masculine Discourse and Disruption of Gender Identity in the Merchant's Tale - Alan Lopez
Parody and Satire in The Miller's and Merchant's Tale - Guinevere Shaw
January's Misogynist Merchant: The Theme of Sight in "The Merchant's Tale" - Stephanie A. Tolliver
"The Manciple's Tale" and "The Merchant's Tale": Is Ignorance Bliss? - Ashley Butler
The Squire |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Franklin |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Miscommunication and Deception in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Genevieve L. Van Heyde
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
The Wife of Bath's Coverchiefs and Conjugal Sovereignty
in Four Chaucerian Marriage Tales - Ervin C. Dueck
The Gentil Example: Thematic Parallels in Froissart's Chroniques
and Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Maureen T. Mulligan
The Aesthetics of Marriage in The Canterbury Tales - Ju-ping Kuo
Patterns of Illusion in The Franklin's Tale - Pamela Farvolden
"Walkynge in the mede": Chaucerian Gardens and the Recasting of the Edenic Fall - Jacob S. Babb
Characters and Conventions in The Franklin's Tale - Billie Genell Smith
Angelic Demons: Witchcraft and Sorcery in The Canterbury Tales - Melanie Bussiere
- Chaucer's Franklin and his Tale - D. W. Robertson, Jr.
- The Franklin - Muriel Bowden
- The Franklin - Margaret Hallissy
- A Frankeleyn Was in his Compaignye - Elizabeth M. Sembler
- Chaucerian Themes and Style in The Franklin's Tale - Jill Mann
- Emotion, Feeling, Intensity, Pleasure, and the Franklin's Tale - Emily Houlik-Ritchey
- Chaucer's Discussion of Marriage - George Lyman Kittredge
- The Sergeant of the Law and the Franklin in his Company - Muriel Bowden
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Feminine Mimicry and Masquerade - Susan Crane
- Gender and Romance in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: Adventure - Susan Crane
- Gender and Social Hierarchy - Susan Crane
- "Engelond" and "Armorik Briteyne": Reading Brittany in Franklin's Tale - Shannon Godlove
- No Laughing Matter: Fraud, the Fabliau and Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Ben Parsons
- Character and Circumstance in the Franklin's Tale - Diane Speed
- Re-sounding Echo in the Franklin's Tale - Elizabeth A. Dobbs
- "My Trouthe for to Holde—Allas, Allas!": Dorigen and Honor in The Franklin's Tale - Alison Ganze
- Chaucer and the Gift (If There Is Any) - Britton J. Harwood
- The Self-Fashioning of Chaucer's Franklin: Performance of Bourgeois Identity - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- "Knowledge of the Files": Subverting Bureaucratic Legibility in the Franklin's Tale - Cara Hersh
- "The name of soveraynetee": The Private and Public Faces of Marriage in The Franklin's Tale - C. Hume
- 'Wommen, of kynde, desiren libertee': Freedom and Control in Relation
to the Women in Chaucer's Merchant's Tale and Franklin's Tale - Anna Smit
- The Nature of Love and Marriage in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Daniel Kearney
- "Abuse of Innocents" as a Theme in The Canterbury Tales: Dorigen as Instance - Lois Roney
- Dorigen's Lament and the Resolution of The Franklin's Tale - Warren S. Smith
- Between Precedent and Possibility: Liminality, Historicity, Narrative in The Franklin's Tale - S. Nowlin
- Épreuves d'amour and Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Roy J. Pearcy
- "Word and Werk" in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - John A. Pitcher
- The Franklin's Fantasy - Robert Levine
- Experience and the Judgement of Poetry: Reconsidering the Franklin's Tale - Gerald Morgan
- Fragments I-II and III-V in The Canterbury Tales: A Re-examination
of the Idea of the Marriage Group - Cai Zong-qi
- Making Ernest of Game: The Franklin's Tale and Some Partial Conclusions - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- "The most free": Nobility and Generosity in The Franklin's Tale - Raquel Gilboa
- Society, the Breton Lay and The Franklin's Tale - Patricia Silber
- The Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects - Carolynn Van Dyke
- Mutual Masochism and the Hermaphroditic Courtly Lady
in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Tison Pugh
- Poetry as Conjuring Act: The Franklin's Tale and The Tempest - Sherron Knopp
- A Perfect Marriage on the Rocks: Geoffrey and Philippa Chaucer and The Franklin's Tale - Craig R. Davis
- Gentilesse and The Franklin's Tale - Malcolm Hebron
- Invention and Disjunction: Chaucer's Rewriting of Boccaccio in the Franklin's Tale - John Finlayson
- The Rocks and the Garden: Limits of Illusion in The Franklin's Tale - Kenneth A. Bleeth
- The Franklin's Tale and the Search for an End - Charles Runacres
- Love, Trouthe, and the Happy Ending of The Franklin's Tale - Timothy H. Flake
- Medieval Hybrid and Mimic Identities: Chaucer's Franklin - Nazan Yıldız
- Chaucer's Franklin and the Aspirant Gentleman - Ellen O'Brien
- "Artes That Been Curious": Questions of Magic and Morality in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Kaitlin Coats
- The Uses of Enchantment in The Franklin's Tale - Martine Yvernault
- The Magic of Science in The Franklin's Tale - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- Engraving, Erosion, and Persistent Speech in The Franklin's Tale - Alastair Bennett
- The Legacy of Jephthah's Daughter: Chastity, Sacrifice, and Feminine Complaint
in Chaucer's Franklin's and Physician's Tales - Sonya Brockman
- Aventure or grace? Lucky in Love in The Franklin's Tale? - Margaret Singer
- Gambling: The Dialogue of Excess in Lanval and The Franklin's Tale - Fanrui Shao
Noble Groping: The Franklin's Characterization in The Canterbury Tales - Jason de Young
Arveragus or The Victory of Trouthe Over Truthfulness - Isabelle Roughol
The Diminished Worth of the Highest Virtue in The Franklin's Tale & Troilus - E. Rubacha
Words and Deeds in Chaucer's The Franklin's Tale - Shaun Rieley
Masculine Misreading in Chaucer's Franklin's Tale - Alexandria Kilpatrick
Courtly Love in The Franklin's Tale, Troilus and Criseyde, and Parliament of Fowls - Noelle E. Equi
The Physician |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Innocence, Suffering, and Sensibility: The Narrative Function of the Pathetic in
Chaucer's Tales of the Clerk, Prioress, and Physician - M. Catherine Turman Wildermuth
The Golden Legend and Chaucer's Physician's Tale and Second Nun's Tale - Mary Ann Ponder
A Natural, Textual, and Spiritual Analysis of Signs and Signifiers in The Physician's Tale - W. H. Merriman
- The Doctor of Physic - Margaret Hallissy
- The Doctor of Physic - Muriel Bowden
- With Us Ther Was a Doctour of Phisik - Edwin Eleazar
- Chaucer and Moral Philosophy: The Virtuous Women of the Canterbury Tales - Denise Baker
- Children, Violence, and Ethics in the Physician's Tale - Daniel T. Kline
- Wardship and Raptus in Chaucer's Physician's Tale - Daniel T. Kline
- Story and Wisdom in The Physician's Tale and The Manciple's Tale - Andrew Welsh
- "The Physician's Tale" and Jephtha's Daughter - John M. Crafton
- Jephthah's Daughter and Chaucer's Virginia: The Critique of Sacrifice in the Physician's Tale - Daniel T. Kline
- The Legacy of Jephthah's Daughter: Chastity, Sacrifice, and Feminine Complaint
in Chaucer's Franklin's and Physician's Tales - Sonya Brockman
- "Is ther no remedye?": Battered Women's Agency in Chaucer's Physician's Tale - Sun Young Lee
- Reading Like a Jew: Chaucer's 'Physician's Tale' and the Letter of the Law - Samantha Katz Seal
- Public Fantasy and the Logic of Sacrifice in The Physician's Tale - Michael Uebel
- Natural Law and Chaucer's Physician's Tale - Jay Ruud
- "The cause of everiche maladye": A New Source of the Physician's Tale - John M. Crafton
- John of Arderne and Chaucer's Physician - Elaine E. Whitaker
- Elements of Schismatic Heresy in the Performances of the Physician, Pardoner, and Shipman - F. Martin
- Incident — History — Exemplum — Novella: Transformation of History in Physician's Tale - J. O. Fichte
- Queer Performativity and the Natural in the Physician's and Pardoner's Tales - Glenn Burger
- Chaucer's Physician's Tale: Authority, Sovereignty, and Power - María José Carrillo Linares
- A "Gemme of Chastitee": Death as Medium for Holy Communication
in Chaucer's Physician's Tale and Prioress's Tale - Rachel Smith
- A Didactic Catharsis of Crucifixion through Moral Subversion in the Physician's Tale - Timothy Ponce
- Language and Perspective in the Physician's Tale - Diane Speed
The Pardoner |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Active Image: Medieval Allegory and Chaucer - Elaine V. Verbicky
The Artes Praedicandi and the Use of Illustrative Material
by Chaucer's Canterbury Preachers - Anthony E. Luengo
Reading the Pardoner's Fate Through Chaucer's Boethian Source - Tracy Bauer
Chaucer's Crisis of Faith in The Miller's Tale, Clerk's Tale, and Pardoner's Tale - Sharon D. Selby
The Satanic Self in Chaucer, Milton, and Beckett - Jacob Burnett
Chaucer's Bloody Pardoner - Jacquelynn S. Kerr
Reliquary Embodiment and the Paradox of Chaucer's Pardoner - Amanda M. Lehr
'A Bettre Felawe Sholde Men Noght Fynde': Satirical Criticism
of Chaucer's Friar, Summoner, and Pardoner - Nicolai Svendsen Senumstad
Medieval Aging: Analyzing the Pardoner Through the Lens of a Second Mirror-Stage - K. O'Hanlon
- The Pardoners in the Middle Ages - J. J. Jusserand
- The Pardoner - Margaret Hallissy
- The Pardoner of Rouncivale - Muriel Bowden
- With Hym Ther Rood a Gentil Pardoner - Elton E. Smith
- Chaucer's Pardoner - George Lyman Kittredge
- Introduction to The Pardoner's Tale - Brother Anthony of Taize
- The Secret of Chaucer's Pardoner - W. C. Curry
- The Body and Its Politics in the Pardoner's Tale - Kim Zarins
- Seeking Pardon for Chaucer's Pardoner: A Critical Pilgrimage - Allan Blondé
- Trade Secrets: Chaucer, the Pardoner, the Critics - Gregory W. Gross
- Chaucer's Pardoner in Performance - Stephen Knight
- Two Possible Sources for Chaucer's Description of the Pardoner - Norman Klassen
- Bulles, Coillons, and Relics in The Pardoner's Tale - Rory B. Egan
- The Pardoner's Relics (and why they matter the most) - Robyn Malo
- "For to be Sworne Bretheren Til They Deye": Satirizing Queer Brotherhood
in the Chaucerian Corpus - Tison Pugh
- Chaucer's Pardoner, The Scriptural Eunuch, and The Pardoner's Tale - Robert P. Miller
- Further Evidence for Chaucer's Representation of the Pardoner as a Womanizer - Richard Firth Green
- Preaching and Avarice in the Pardoner's Tale - Warren Ginsberg
- The Pardoner's Hyprocrisy of his Subjectivity - Robert Boenig
- Chaucer's Pardoner and the Jews - Lisa Lampert-Weissig
- The Pardoner's "Holy Jew" - William Chester Jordan
- The Pardoner's Homosexuality and How It Matters - Monica E. McAlpine
- Chaucerian Confession: Penitential Literature and the Pardoner - Lee W. Patterson
- Chaucer's Pardoner: His Sexuality and Modern Critics - C. David Benson
- The Sexual Normality of Chaucer's Pardoner - Richard Firth Green
- Thwarted Sexuality in Chaucer's Works - Sylvia, Howard, Rowland, Donaldson, and Ridley
- Intersex and the Pardoner's Body - Kim Zarins
- 'A Gelding or a Mare': A Veiled Description of a Bent Pardoner - Gabriele Cocco
- Silenced But Not Stifled: The Disruptive Queer Power of Chaucer's Pardoner - Richard E. Zeikowitz
- Allegory and the Old Man in Chaucer's Pardoner's Tale - Peter Vassallo
- Chaucer's Pardoner: The Death of a Salesman - Derek Pearsall
- Language Redeemed: The Pardoner's Tale - David Williams
- The Pardoner and the Word of Death - R. A. Shoaf
- Queer Performativity and the Natural in the Physician's and Pardoner's Tales - Glenn Burger
- Hyperreal Blessings: Simulated Relics in The Pardoner's Tale - Chelsea Henson
- The Pardoner's Two Bodies: Reading Beyond Sexuality in the Prologue of the Tale of Beryn - Ben Parsons
- Believing in the Pardoner's Objects - Shannon Gayk
- Parody and Authority in the Pardoner's Tale - Lawrence Besserman
- A Voice to Be Taken: The Wife of Bath and the Pardoner as Christian Scapegoats - Maya Lora
- Elements of Schismatic Heresy in the Performances of the Physician, Pardoner, and Shipman - F. Martin
- Branching Out: Trees and Knowledge in "The Merchant's Tale" and "The Pardoner's Tale" - Kathryn LeBere
- "Ycrammed ful of cloutes and of bones": Chaucer's Queer Cavities - Micah Goodrich
- "I wol thee telle al plat": Poetic Influence in Chaucer's Pardoner - Dana E. Aspinall
- Chaucer's Pardoner: Medieval Cross-Dressing and Problems of Religious Authority - Larissa Tracy
- Dramatic Image in Chaucer's Pardoner - Masatoshi Kawasaki
- Seeking Pardon for Chaucer's Pardoner: a Critical Pilgrimage - Allan Blondé
- Another Look at the Hypocrisy of Chaucer's Pardoner - Kareem L. Mutlaq
- Palindromic Structure in the Pardoner's Tale - Sister Lucia Treanor
- Shrews, Rats, and a Polecat in The Pardoner's Tale - S. Feinstein and N. Woodman
The Homosexual Pardoner and Chaucer's Social Tolerance - Roisin Boyle
The Pardoner's Performance, or How Do We Know What We Know About the Pardoner? - L. Lopez
Chaucer's Pardoner: The Fool of The Canterbury Tales - Sarah Blank
The Pardonder, a Castrato? - Robin Pettibon
The Shipman |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
Mercantilism in Chaucer's Women Characters in the Fabliaux
and in the Prologue of the Wife of Bath - Barbara A. Watkins
"Walkynge in the mede": Chaucerian Gardens and the Recasting of the Edenic Fall - Jacob S. Babb
The Making of a Monster: The Female Grotesque in The Canterbury Tales - Suzanne Klerks
"Blameth nat me": Popular Resistance and Chaucer's Women in his Fabliaux - Azime Pek&ssedil;en
Conflicting Terms of Marriage in Chaucer's Shipman's Tale - Corrie W. Greene
Women with Wit: Desire, Coercion, and Comedy in Chaucer's Middle English Fabliaux - Jenna D. Kingsley
Commerce, Sexuality and Audience in Dame Sirith and the Shipman's Tale - Jimmy Baars
- A Shipman Ther Was, Wonynge Fer By Weste - Sigrid King
- "For yet under the yerde was the mayde": Chaucer in the House of Fiction - Lynn Staley
- The Shipman's Tale: Deciphering, Coding, and Confusion - Jennifer Culver
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- The Maid Child in Chaucer's Shipman's Tale - Peter G. Beidler
- The 'Mayde Child' in The Shipman's Tale - Brian S. Lee
- The Legendary Don Juan: A Possible Source for Chaucer's The Shipman's Tale - R. H. Reiff
- Domestic Opportunities: The Social Comedy of the Shipman's Tale - Cathy Hume
- "For to be Sworne Bretheren Til They Deye": Satirizing Queer Brotherhood
in the Chaucerian Corpus - Tison Pugh
- An Historical Analogue to the Shipman's Tale? - Maureen Fries
- The Mercantile (Mis)reader in the Canterbury Tales - Roger A. Ladd
- Mercantile Ideology in Chaucer's "Shipman's Tale" - Helen Fulton
- Desire, Violence and the Passion in Fragment VII of The Canterbury Tales - C. Gruenler
- Teaching Chaucer as Drama: The Garden Scene in the Shipman's Tale - Peter G. Beidler
- Elements of Schismatic Heresy in the Performances of the Physician, Pardoner, and Shipman - F. Martin
- Sex and Money in Chaucer's Shipman's Tale - Albert H. Silverman
- The Wife of Bath's Shipman's tale and the invention of Chaucerian fabliaux - Joseph A. Dane
- Seductive Violence and Three Chaucerian Women - Timothy D. O'Brien
- Lack of Interest in the Shipman's Tale: Chaucer and the Social Theory of the Gift - R. Epstein
Smart Sailor or Seditious Smuggler? - Skylar Hamilton Burris
The Prioress |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Chaucer's Costume Rhetoric in his Portrait of the Prioress - Laura F. Hodges
The Hagiographic Narrators of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales: The Second Nun,
The Man of Law, The Prioress - Granville S. Hill
The Figure of the Wayward Nun in Late Medieval Literature: The Ambiguous Portraits
of the Archpriest of Hita's Doña Garoza and Chaucer's Madame Eglentyne - G. S. Daichman
Innocence, Suffering, and Sensibility: The Narrative Function of the Pathetic in
Chaucer's Tales of the Clerk, Prioress, and Physician - M. Catherine Turman Wildermuth
The Cultural Construction of Monsters: The Prioress's Tale and Song of Roland - Abigail E. Comber
The Three Women Pilgrims in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Elaine J. Filax
Women in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales:
Woman as a Narrator, Woman in the Narrative - Vladislava Vaněčková
"Nether Ye": Chaucer's Use of Scatology in The Canterbury Tales - Brook Wilson
The Prioress, The Merchant, and the Miller - Mary Lou Briscoe
Chaucer's Prioress and her Tale of Sound and Fury - Candice Howland May
Medieval Emotional Expression: Tears and Weeping in 'Prioress's Tale' and 'Troilus' - Marte H. Wulff
Feigning Silence in the Prioress's Tale and Chaucer's Retraction - Cameron Bryce Burt
Iconography and Sight in The Prioress's Tale and The Second Nun's Tale - Kelly Marie Bruce
The Demonization of the Jew in Chaucer's "The Prioress's Tale," Shakespeare's The Merchant
of Venice, and Scott's Ivanhoe - Alexandra Gabbard
Chaucer's Female Characters in the Canterbury Tales - Særún Gestsdóttir
- The Prioress - Margaret Hallissy
- Chaucer's Prioress - Dr. Elizabeth G. Melillo
- The Prioress, Her Chaplain, and Her Priest - Muriel Bowden
- The Prioress's Tale: Relating to the Past, Imagining the Past, Using the Past - Emily Steiner
- Historians on Chaucer: The Prioress and the Second Nun - Katherine J. Lewis
- Performing the Prioress: "Conscience" and responsibility in studies of Prioress's Tale - M. Calabrese
- "To Wondre Upon This Thyng": Chaucer's Prioress's Tale - Shannon Gayk
- The Prioress's Tale, Sonorous and Silent - Andrew Albin
- Lumiansky's Paradox: Ethics, Aesthetics and Chaucer's "Prioress's Tale" - Greg Wilsbacher
- Alma Redemptoris Mater, Gaude Maria, and the Prioress's Tale - Robert Boenig
- Desire, Violence and the Passion in Fragment VII of The Canterbury Tales - C. Gruenler
- Historical Trauma, the Critic, and the Work of Mourning in Chaucer's Prioress's Tale - M. J. Snyder
- Mary as Mother, Jesus as Mother: Affective Spirituality in Julian of Norwich's Revelations
and Geoffrey Chaucer's Prioress' Tale - Elizabeth Preysner
- Chaucer, Spain, and the Prioress's Antisemitism - Lawrence Besserman
- Ideology, Antisemitism, and Chaucer's Prioress' Tale - Lawrence Besserman
- Cultic Anti-Judaism and Chaucer's Litel Clergeon - Denise L. Despres
- Madame Eglentyne in Her Day and Ours: Anti-Semitism in Prioress's Tale and a Modern Parallel - E. M. Orsten
- The Fifteenth-Century Prioress's Tale and the Problem of Anti-Semitism - Mary E. Godfrey
- Chaucer's Jewish Lens: Hermeneutics of Destruction in The Prioress' Tale - J. Holder Bennett
- Medieval Sensation and Modern Aesthetics: Aquinas, Adorno, Chaucer - Maura Nolan
- Chaucer's Clergeon; or, Towards Holiness in The Prioress's Tale - Anna Czarnowus
- A "Gemme of Chastitee": Death as Medium for Holy Communication
in Chaucer's Physician's Tale and Prioress's Tale - Rachel Smith
- The Punishment of the Jews, Hugh of Lincoln, and the Question of Satire in Prioress's Tale - R. Dahood
- Chaucer's Prioress: Et Nos Cedamus Amori - Joseph P. McGowan
- Sounding the Limits of Eroticism in Chaucer's The Prioress's Tale - Andrzej Wicher
- Convents, Courts and Colleges: The Prioress and the Second Nun - Julia Bolton Holloway
- Why the Prioress's Gauds are Green - Richard Rex
- The Symbolism of the Pit in the Prioress's Tale - Sunghyun Jang
Chaucer’s Prioress: Simple and Conscientious, or Shallow and Counterfeit? - Victoria Wickham
Ethos, Pathos, and Logos of Chaucer and His Prioress - Rachel Share
Prioress "Re-Analysis" - Michael Ginzburg
"That wonder was to se": The Prioress's Sobering Effect - Patrick Paul Christle
Sir Thopas |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Chaucer's Arthuriana - Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
Chaucer's Reading List: Sir Thopas, Auchinleck, and Middle English
Romances in Translation - Ken Eckert
Artifact as Text: The Layout of Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas - Thomas White
Incongruities in the Tale of Thopas: The Poet's Motivation
for the Pilgrim's "Drasty rymyng" - Isaiah J. Mackler
Chaucer's Impact on the English Language: A Detailed Study
of the Vocabulary in The Tale of Sir Thopas - Daphne Theijssen
- Chaucer's "Sir Thopas": Meter, Rhyme, and Contrast - A. W. Greene
- The Source of Chaucer's Rime of Sir Thopas - Francis P. Magoun, Jr.
- Imagining the World in Maps and Stories: Sir Thopas - William M. Storm
- Pawn Captures Knighthood: The Tale of Sir Thopas as a Commentary on the Rise of Peasants
to Knighthood and the Deterioration of Chivalry - Justin Singer
- Wrestling for the Ram: Competition and Feedback in Sir Thopas
and The Canterbury Tales - Baba Brinkman
- Borrowed Armor/Free Grace: The Quest for Authority in The Faerie Queene 1
and Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas - Craig A. Berry
- 'Loo, lordes myne, heere is a fit!': The Structure of Chaucer's Sir Thopas - E. A. Jones
- Desire, Violence and the Passion in Fragment VII of The Canterbury Tales - C. Gruenler
- Chaucer the Pilgrim - E. Talbot Donaldson
- Chaucer's Little Treatises - Dominick M. Grace
- Change in Chaucerian Aesthetics from Tale of Sir Thopas to Tale of Melibee - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- Reading Thopas in light of the 1382 Statute of Rapes - Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
- Reconsidering Dunbar's Sir Thomas Norny and Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas - Deanna Delmar Evans
- Laughing at Knights: Representations of Humour in Sir Perceval of Galles, Sir Beues of Hamtoun,
Lybeaus Desconus and Geoffrey Chaucer's Tale of Sir Thopas - Pinar Taşdelen
- The Stanza-Forms of Sir Thopas - John Matthews Manly
Parody in Chaucer's "The Tale of Sir Thopas" - Tessa Cernik
The Tale of Sir Thopas as Commentary on the Deterioration of Chivalry - Justin Singer
The Tale of Melibee |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Maintaining Injustice: Literary Representations of The Legal System C1400 - Kathleen E. Kennedy
Poetics of the Past, Politics of the Present: Chaucer, Gower, and Old Books - Malte Urban
Wifely Counsel and Civic Leadership in The Canterbury Tales - Abby Rosebrock
Authority and Interpretation in Chaucer's Tale of Melibee - Dominick Grace
"The Wil of his Wif": Discourse, Power, and Gender in The Tale of Melibee - Sara D. Jenkins
Representations of Women in Chaucer's Man of Law's Tale and Tale of Melibee - Herma Volpe-van Dijk
The Place of "Melibee" in The Canterbury Tales - Michael Steven Lane
Word Order Patterns in Tale of Melibee, Parson's Tale and A Treatise on the Astrolabe - Tonje Berg
Optical Theory and Feminine auctoritas within Chaucer's Tale of Melibee - Madeline Rose Fox
- Allegory, the Tale of Melibee, and the Frame Narrative to the Canterbury Tales - Susan F. Yeager
- The Tale of Melibee: Local Government, Power, Lordship, and Resources - Kate L. Fedewa
- Individual Spirituality and The Canterbury Tales: An Analysis of the Philosophical Connection
Between The Tale of Melibee and The Parson's Tale - Chelsea R. Martin
- Chaucer and Moral Philosophy: The Virtuous Women of the Canterbury Tales - Denise Baker
- Dialogue, Dialogics and Love: Problems of Chaucer's Poetics in the Melibee - Alice Spencer
- Ubiquitous Format? What Ubiquitous Format? Tale of Melibee as a Proverb Collection - B. Bowden
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Desire, Violence and the Passion in Fragment VII of The Canterbury Tales - C. Gruenler
- Violence, Law, and Ciceronian Ethics in Chaucer's Tale of Melibee - Patricia DeMarco
- Chaucer's Knight, the Tale of Melibee, and the Socio-Historical Implications of Pilgrimage - F. Martin
- Chaucer's Little Treatises - Dominick M. Grace
- Chaucer's Melibee: What Can We Learn from someLate-Medieval Manuscripts? - Kate Jackson
- The Parrhesiastic Game in Geoffrey Chaucer's Tale of Melibee - William Christopher Brown
- Chaucer's Feminine Pretexts: Gendered Genres in Three Frame Moments - Madeleine Saraceni
- Change in Chaucerian Aesthetics from Tale of Sir Thopas to Tale of Melibee - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- Telling differences: Tale of Melibee and Renaud de Louens' Livre de Mellibee et Prudence - Dominick Grace
- Geoffrey Chaucer's Prudence in the Tale of Melibee - Nazan Yıldız
- John Ireland's Meroure of Wyssdome and Chaucer's Tale of Melibee - Craig McDonald
Power of Speech and the Dangers of Misinterpretation in Tale of Melibee - Sophie Toscan
The Monk |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Nun's Priest |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale: Satire and Solas Charles A. Watkins
Poetics of the Past, Politics of the Present: Chaucer, Gower, and Old Books - Malte Urban
Chaucer's Arthuriana - Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
The Artes Praedicandi and the Use of Illustrative Material
by Chaucer's Canterbury Preachers - Anthony E. Luengo
Middle English Animal Fable: A Study in Genre - Rose-Marie Silkens
Comic Vision in the Canterbury Tales - Betty J. King
Heterodoxy and Humour in the Nun's Priest's Tale - Hugh J. Chamberlain
Instruction and Entertainment: Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - Marco L. Bergandi
- The Nun's Priest in The Canterbury Tales - R. M. Lumiansky
- Commentary on The Nun's Priest's Tale - E. Talbot Donaldson
- The Nun's Priest's Tale: Entertainment versus Education - Alex Mueller
- Chaucer's Disgruntled Cleric: The Nun's Priest's Tale - Arthur T. Broes
- The Women in Chaucer's Marriage Group - Elizabeth Scala
- Quoting Chaucer: Textual Authority, the Nun's Priest and the Making
of the Canterbury Tales - Elizabeth Scala
- History and Literature in the Nun's Priest's Tale: The Return of the Repressed - Mohamed Karim Dhouib
- The Ending of Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - P. J. C. Field
- Allegory: The Canterbury Tales and Dantean Allegory - Richard Neuse
- Knowledge, Belief, Lack of Agency: The Dreams of Geoffrey, Troilus, Criseyde, and Chauntecleer - Sue Hum
- Debate on Dream in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - Arup Pal
- Dreams, Stress, and Interpretation in Chaucer and His Contemporaries - David G. Hale
- The Nun's Priest's Identity and the Purpose of his Tale - Carol F. Heffernan
- Roosters, Wolves and the Limits of Allegory - Lianna Farber
- Chaucer's Anti-Fable: Reductio ad Absurdum in the Nun's Priest's Tale - Walter Scheps
- A Beastly Origin: Journeys from the Oxes Stalle in Chaucer's Poetry - John B. Marino
- "Sire Nonnes Preest"—Reading Lancelot in The Nun's Priest's Tale - Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
- The Nun's Priest's Tale and Nominalism: A Preliminary Study - Grover Furr
- The Escape of Chanticleer: A Brief Revaluation - Marc M. Pelen
- The Priest and the Fox: Tricksters in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - Maia Adamina
- Chaucer's The Nun's Priest's Tale — An Inspection - M. Kanaka
- The Nun's Priest's Tale as an Interrogative Text: Invitation to Examine Patriarchal Christianity - Benjamin Moore
- Form and the Animal Fable in Langland's Rodent Parliament and Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - E. Strakhov
- Decoding the Ambiguity of the Nun's Priest's Tale - Malek J. Zuraikat
- Introduction to the Nun's Priest's Tale - Brother Anthony of Taize
- Patterns of Fractured Discourse in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - Brother Anthony of Taize
- The Ambivalent Image of a Human in the Nun's Priest's Tale - Yu.L. Glavatska
- A Play of Opposites in the Nun's Priest's Tale - Rachel Pietka
- The Nun's Priest's Tale: Fowl Flattery - Terri B. Blair
The Beast Fable and Romance in the Nun's Priest's Tale - Guinevere Shaw
Reading The Nun's Priest's Tale through the Dream Vision Genre - Faith Langford
A Fruitful Fruitless Search for the One True Meaning in The Nun's Priest's Tale - Cathy Cupitt
The Parson |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Artes Praedicandi and the Use of Illustrative Material
by Chaucer's Canterbury Preachers - Anthony E. Luengo
Moost of Synne and Harlotries: The Pattern of the Ideal in Canterbury Tales - K. E. C. Fuog
Class Attitudes Toward Women in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Judith A. Harris
The Satanic Self in Chaucer, Milton, and Beckett - Jacob Burnett
The Historical Idea of Character and The Canterbury Tales - Caroline E. Wood
Chaucer and Social Discontent in the Canterbury Tales - Michael Yankoviak
Word Order Patterns in Tale of Melibee, Parson's Tale and A Treatise on the Astrolabe - Tonje Berg
Chaucer's Good Shepherd: The Ideal and the Actuality - M. K. J. Martin
- The Parson - Margaret Hallissy
- The Poor Parson and his Brother, the Plowman - Muriel Bowden
- And Was a Povre Persoun of a Toun - Esther M. G. Smith
- The Parson's Tale and the Quitting of The Canterbury Tales - Lee W. Patterson
- The Parson's Tale: Religious Devotion and Spiritual Feeling - Krista A. Murchison
- Sermon and Penitential in The Parson's Tale and their Effect on Style - Beryl Rowland
- Chaucer's Parson's Tale and the Contours of Orthodoxy - Karen A. Winstead
- Clerics and Courtly Love in Andreas Capellanus' The Art of Courtly Love
and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Andrew Williams
- Chaucer's Pardoner, the Bishop of Pamplona, and the Great Western Schism - F. Martin
- To Knytte Up Al This Feeste: The Parson's Rhetoric and the Ending of the Canterbury Tales - Laurie A. Finke
- The Function of Pity in Three Canterbury Tales [Knight, Parson, Clerk] - Wendy Harding
- Chaucer's Parson and Plowman in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales - M. K. S. Greenwood
- What the Manuscripts Tell Us about the Parson's Tale - Charles A. Owen, Jr.
- Figuring subjectivity in 'Piers Plowman C' and 'The Parson's Tale' and 'Retraction' - Daniel F. Pigg
- Subjectivity, Self-Fashioning and Augustinian Interiority in The Parson's Tale - Helen Pluckrose
- The Theme of Judgment in The Canterbury Tales - Rodney Delasanta
- Chaucer's Parson's Tale and the Late-Medieval Tradition of Religious Meditation - Thomas H. Bestul
- "Seith Moyses by the Devel": a Problem in Chaucer's Parson's Tale - A. L. Kellogg
- The Parson's Tale: Ending "Thilke parfit glorious pilgrymage" - Jean E. Jost
- Scribes, Editors, and the Invention of the Parson's Tale - Míċeál Vaughan
How Chaucer Uses Contrast to Create a Pious Parson - Artie Ziff
The Second Nun |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
The Canon's Yeoman |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Alchemical Discourse in the Canterbury Tales: Gnosis and Transmutation - K. L. Hitchcox
Angelic Demons: Witchcraft and Sorcery in The Canterbury Tales - Melanie Bussiere
Chaucer and Social Discontent in the Canterbury Tales - Michael Yankoviak
- The Yeoman - Margaret Hallissy
- The Young Squire and the Yeoman - Muriel Bowden
- A Yeoman Had He - John W. Conlee
- Covetousness, 'unkyndenesse', and the 'blered' eye in Piers Plowman
and 'The Canon's Yeoman's Tale' - Alastair Bennett
- The Canon Yeoman's Tale: Invention, Discovery, Problem-Solving, and Innovation - Samantha Katz Seal
- Chaucer and the Medieval Heritage of Alchemical Satire - Stanton J. Linden
- Art, Anxiety, and Alchemy in the "Canon's Yeoman's Tale" - Mark J. Bruhn
- Sweetness And Sweat: Extraordinary Emanations in Fragment 8 of the Canterbury Tales - B. K. Cowgill
- The Laws of Community, Margery Kempe, and the "Canon's Yeoman's Tale" - James H. Landman
- Chaucer, Via Cessionis, and the Canon's Yeoman's Tale - F. Martin
Chaucer's Message in The Canon's Yeoman's Tale - Dahl Clark
The Manciple |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Other Materials on Canterbury Tales |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- BOOK. Chaucerian Play: Comedy and Control in the Canterbury Tales - Laura Kendrick
- BOOK. Chaucer's Dante: Allegory and Epic Theater in The Canterbury Tales - Richard Neuse
- BOOK. Virtue of Necessity: Inconclusiveness and Narrative Form in Chaucer's Poetry - Larry Sklute
- BOOK. A Distinction of Stories : The Medieval Unity of Chaucer's Fair Chain
of Narratives for Canterbury - J. B. Allen & T. A. Moritz
Shame and Guilt in Chaucer - Anne H. McTaggart
The Transcendent Comedy of the Canterbury Tales: Harmony in "Quyting,"
Harmony in Fragmentation - John Zedolik
The Opacity of Renunciation in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Shawn D. Normandin
The Anti-Crusade Voice of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Malek Jamal Zuraikat
Musicality, Subjectivity, and the Canterbury Tales - Michael E. Bigley
Chaucerian Physiognomy and the Delineation of the English Individual - William P. Orth
Comic Vision in the Canterbury Tales - Betty J. King
"Imaginative Typology" in the Canterbury Tales - Ronald B. Bond
Angelic Demons: Witchcraft and Sorcery in The Canterbury Tales - M. Bussiere
Chaucer's Mounted Menagerie: Horse and Rider Archetypes in the Canterbury Tales - S. D. Burkhardt
Chaucer and Social Discontent in the Canterbury Tales - Michael Yankoviak
Authority Expressed through Dialects, Idiolects and Borrowed Terms in The Canterbury Tales - J. Cordell
Medieval Fashion and its Image in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Petra Štepánková
- Religious Debate and Polemic in the Retraction - Christopher Michael Roman
- Chaucer and Lady Fortune - Howard R. Patch
- "As olde bookes maken us memorie": Chaucer and the Clerical Commentary Tradition - Amanda J. Gerber
- Chaucer's Public Christianity - Nicholas Watson
- Pilgrimage and Travel - Sebastian Sobecki
- Slanders, Slurs, and Insults on the Road to Canterbury: Forms of Verbal Aggression
in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Andreas H. Jucker
- Are Chaucer's Pilgrims Keyed to the Zodiac? - William Spencer
- Reaping What Was Sown: Spenser, Chaucer, and The Plowman's Tale - David P. Clark
- Putting the Plowman in His Place: Order and Genre in the Early Modern Canterbury Tales - Brendan O'Connell
- Chaucer as Master of the Short Story - E. Hudson Long
- 'Verray felicitee parfit' and the Development of Chaucer's Philosophical Language - William Watts
- The Pardoner in Canterbury: Class, Gender, and Urban Space in
the "Prologue to the Tale of Beryn" - Robert S. Sturges
- A Southwark Tale: Gower, the 1381 Poll Tax, and Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales - Sebastian Sobecki
- Chaucer's Use of Solas - Carolyn Chiappelli
- The Spiritual Purpose of the Canterbury Tales - Constance Woo and William Matthews
- Chaucer's Pilgrimage Device of the Fabliau Tales - Toshinori Hira
- Chaucer's Meagre Reference to the Variable World - Toshinori Hira
- On the Road to Canterbury, Liliput and Elphinstone: Satiric Travel Narratives
in Chaucer, Swift and Nabokov - Sam Schuman
- "Biheste is dette": Marriage Promises in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Marie Nelson
- Chaucer's Missing Children - Jane Cowgill
- A Beastly Origin: Journeys from the Oxes Stalle' in Chaucer's Poetry - John B. Marino
- Sociological Poetics and the Canterbury Tales - F. Martin
- The Canterbury Tales: Personal Drama or Experiments in Poetic Variety? - C. David Benson
- Compositional Finalization in the Canterbury Tales - F. Martin
- "Hooly Chirche," the Sacrament of Marriage, and Thematic Finalization in The Canterbury Tales - F. Martin
- The Chronotope of Real-Time and Real-Space in Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrimage - F. Martin
- Pilgrimage in the Age of Schism - F. Martin
- The Peasants' Revolt: Cock-crow in Gower and Chaucer - Ann W. Astell
- 'Feloun' and 'Felonye': Violence and Violent Crime in the Canterbury Tales - William Snell
- The Economic Dimension of the Pilgrims' Stories in the Canterbury Tales - Adel El-Sayed Hassan
- Chaucer's Metre and Scribal Editing in the Early Manuscripts of The Canterbury Tales - Elizabeth Solopova
- Chaucer's Inferno: Dantean Burlesques in The Canterbury Tales - Matthew J. Bolton
- Personal Names in the Canterbury Tales - Norman E. Eliason
- The Poet, the Narrator and the Pilgrim: Poetics of a Mimetic Misprision in The Canterbury Tales - M. Yasui
- "Glosynge is a glorious thyng": Chaucer's Biblical Exegesis - Lawrence Besserman
- Romancing the Rose: the readings of Chaucer and Christine de Pizan - Martha Driver
- The Canterbury Tales and Its Dramatic Background - Ricardo J. Sola Buil
- The Classical and Modern Concept of auctoritas in The Canterbury Tales - José María Gutiérrez Arranz
- Spanish Modesty in The Canterbury Tales: Chaucer and Don Juan Manuel - Jesús Serrano Reyes
- 'What sholde I make a lenger tale of this?': Linguistic and Stylistic Analysis
of Rhetorical Questions in The Canterbury Tales - Carmen Maiz Arévalo
- Chaucer's Sinners and Sins - Frederick Tupper
- Chaucer and the Seven Deadly Sins - Frederick Tupper
"Assente" vs. "Juggement": Community Formation in the Works of Chaucer - Marissa Yuen
Gentilesse: It's Not Just for the Nobility Anymore - Raegan T. Bricks
Effectively Reading Chaucer - John Larson
Troilus and Criseyde |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: Virtue of Necessity: Inconclusiveness and Narrative Form in Chaucer's Poetry - Larry Sklute
Chaucer the Love Poet: A Study in Historical Criticism - John B. Treilhard
Towards a Medieval Narratology: Discourse and Narration in Chrétien's Yvain
and Chaucer's Troilus - Salwa Shafik-Ghaly
Poetics of the Past, Politics of the Present: Chaucer, Gower, and Old Books - Malte Urban
Sarpedon's Feast: A Homeric Key to Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Ann Bradley
Love Imagery in Benoit de Sainte-Maure's Roman de Troie, John Gower's Confessio Amantis,
and Geoffrey Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Tamara F. O'Callaghan
The Virtuous Pagan in Middle English Literature - Cindy L. Vitto
Naughty by Nature: Chaucer and the (Re)Invention of Female Goodness - Joanna R. Shearer
The Virtuous Pagan in Middle English Literature - Cindy L. Vitto
Chaucer's Arthuriana - Kristin Bovaird-Abbo
Attention and Distraction in Middle English Literature - Michael B. Raby
Chaucer and the Disconsolations of Philosophy: Boethius, Agency,
and Literary Form in Late Medieval Literature - Jack Harding Bell
Troilus and Criseyde: Some Implications of the Oral Mode - Merrell A. Knighten, Jr.
Knowledge and Responsibility in Troilus and Criseyde - Lisa Ward
Chaucer and Pandarus: Co-Architects of the Troilus - Olga Costopoulos-Almon
"In widewes habit blak": Chaucer's Criseyde and Late-Medieval Widows - Michelle L. Middleton
The Double Role of Criseyde in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Mary Joan Cook
Old Testament Spatial Metaphor and Troilus and Criseyde:
A Study in Persistence - Heather L. K. Wenzel [.doc]
Troilus, Criseyde and Prudence - John H. Morris
Affective Reading: Chaucer, Women and Romance - Corinne Saunders
Pandarus' Use of Ars Amatoria and Remedia Amoris - David J. Kelley
Chaucer's Pandarus: "Frend of frendes the alderbeste that evere was" - Lori D. Lalonde
Chaucer's God of Love - Margaret F. Levitt
The Role of Nautical, Bird, and Fire Imagery in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Marilyn S. King
Troilus and Criseyde: Criseydan Conversations 1986-2002. A Narrative Bibliography - William J. Taylor
History and the Narrative Act in Chaucer's Troilus - Anne T. Higgins
Rival Authors in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Gladys Isenberg
Cycle and Dialectic in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Janet Klosko
Chaucer's Redaction of the Character of Cressida - Mary D. Buckner
All fortune is Good Fortune: The Role of Fortuna in a Monotheistic Literary World - Kimberly Bridgewater
Chaucer's Conception of Love in "Troilus and Criseyde" as compared
with Dante's in "The Divine comedy" - Hutton G. Archer
Criseyde as a Courtly Lady - Ann M. Novotny
Chaucer's Use of Rhetorical Devices in Troilus and Criseyde - Douglas J. Wurtele
A Comparison of Pandarus in Troilus and Criseyde with Pandaro in Filostrato - E. M. Wallner
Chaucer's Use of Setting in Troilus and Criseyde - Edith Kuang-Lo Fang
Chaucer's Criseyde: The Pressures of the Courtly Love Code - Betty Ann Jaffee
Chaucer's Interest in the Problem of Free Will - David Lloyd Tough
Medieval Emotional Expression: Tears and Weeping in 'Prioress's Tale' and 'Troilus' - Marte H. Wulff
Chaucer's Troilus and Shakespeare's Troilus: A Comparison of Their Declines - Laura D. Flesor
Religious conflicts in Beowulf and Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Kateřina Štruncová
Divine Intervention or Deadly Disease? Troilus and the Medieval Tradition of Love - A. Brizendine
- Book: Chaucer and the Poets: An Essay on Troilus and Criseyde - Winthrop Wetherbee
- Telling the Story in Troilus and Criseyde - Mark Lambert
- Chance and Destiny in Troilus and Criseyde and the Knight's Tale - Jill Mann
- Chaucer the Rhetorician: Criseyde and Her Family - Marjorie Curry Woods
- Dreams, Daydreams, and Violence in Troilus and Criseyde - Franck Zeitoun
- The Audience of Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Dieter Mehl
- Chaucer's Worthiest Knight: Heroic Identity in Troilus and Criseyde - Natalie Hanna
- 'His helm tohewen was in twenty places': Reconstructing Troilus - Dr. Sandra M.
- Christian Implications of Knighthood and Courtly Love in Chaucer's Troilus - Marion N. Green
- Brother as Problem in the Troilus - Timothy O'Brien
- On Affliction and Reading, Weeping and Argument: Chaucer's Lachrymose Troilus - M. Carruthers
- 'Of Your Herte Up Casteth the Visage': Turning Troilo/Troilus's Eyes to God - Jenny Lee
- Restraining Ambiguities in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyda - Robert Levine
- Privitee, Habitus, and Proximity: Conduct and Domestic Space in Troilus and Criseyde - J. A. Koster
- Patience, Penance, and the Homeward Journey in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Troilus - Russell A. Peck
- Love in Wartime: Troilus and Criseyde as Trojan History - Andrew Lynch
- The Double Role of Criseyde in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Mary Joan Cook, RSM
- Distentio, Intentio, Attentio: Intentionality and Chaucer's Third Eye - David Williams
- "Verray Goddes Apes": Troilus, Seynt Idiot, and Festive Culture - Ben Parsons
- For Goddes Love: Rhetorical Expression in Troilus and Criseyde - Timothy D. Arner
- Irony and Sympathy in Troilus and Criseyde: A Reconsideration - David Lawton
- Echoes of Boethius and Dante in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - An Sonjae
- Troilus and Criseyde: The Hidden Influence of Chaucer's Reading - An Sonjae
- Holding the Center: Chaucer's Book of Troilus and Dante's Commedia - Noel Harold Kaylor
- Chaucer's Man of Sorrows: secular images of pity in the 'Book of the Duchess,' the 'Squire's Tale,'
and 'Troilus and Criseyde' - Phillipa Hardman
- Criseyde's Routhe - Kate A. Bauer
- Wards and Widows: Troilus and Criseyde and New Documents on Chaucer's Life - Sebastian Sobecki
- White by Black: Chaucer's "Effect Contraire" in Troilus and Criseyde - Gail Turley Houston
- "Calle It Gentilesse": A Comparative Study of Two Medieval Go-Betweens - Deborah Ellis
- Romancing Ethics in Boethius, Chaucer, and Levinas:
Fortune, Moral Luck, Erotic Adventure - J. A. Mitchell
- Troilus and Criseyde: "Beth War of Men, and Herkneth What I Seye!" - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- "Little Troilus": Heroides 5 and its Ovidian contexts in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Jamie C. Fumo
- Knowledge, Belief, Lack of Agency: The Dreams of Geoffrey, Troilus, Criseyde, & Chauntecleer - S. Hum
- The Desolate Palace and the Solitary City: Chaucer, Boccaccio, and Dante - Robert R. Edwards
- Critic and Poet: What Lydgate and Henryson did to Chaucer's "Troilus and Criseyde" - David C. Benson
- Introduction to Troilus and Criseyde - Brother Anthony of Taize
- Mythological Lovers in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Katherine Heinrichs
- Dante, Chaucer, and Pandarus - R. A Shoaf
- Dante, Chaucer, and Troilus - R. A Shoaf
- Dante, Chaucer, and Criseyde - R. A Shoaf
- "Al that which chargeth nought to seye": The Theme of Incest in Troilus - R. W. Fehrenbacher
- Distorted Masochism in Chaucer's Troylus and Criseyde - Meisha Lohmann
- Pandarus, the Narrator and the Author in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Alistair Brown
- Portraying Pandarus - M. J. Huxtable [.doc]
- What Chaucer Did To Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy in Troilus and Criseyde - M. J. Huxtable [.doc]
- Inside Out or Outside In?: Of the Relative Nature and Function of the Narrator
in Boccaccio and Chaucer's Story of Troilus - M. J. Huxtable [.doc]
- 'True' Love or Not To Love? - Cathy Cupitt
- Lovesickness in Troilus - Mary F. Wack
- If Love It Is: Chaucer, Aquinas and Love's Fidelity - Michael S. Sherwin
- The Implications of Narrative Omission in Troilus and Criseyde and The Merchant's Tale - Nell Cobb
- The Precepts of Classical Rhetoric in the Letters of Troylus & Criseyde - José María Gutiérrez Arranz
- The Language of Criseyde in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Akiyuki Jimura
- Reading and Teaching Troilus Otherwise: St Maure, Chaucer, Henryson - L. M. Findlay
- Chaucer and the Masculinity of Historicism - Sylvia Federico
- 'A man textueel': Scribal Readings and Interpretations of Troilus and Criseyde through
the Glosses in Manuscript BL Harley 2392 - Tamara Pérez Hernández & Ana Sáez Hidalgo
- Nature as Destiny in 'Troilus and Criseyde' - Jennifer R. Goodman
- Time and Eternity in Troilus and Criseyde - Thomas L. Martin
- From Pandaro to Pandarus: Sexuality and Power in Troilus and Criseyde - Richard North
- Emotional Expression in Chaucer: With Special Reference to herte - Hideshi Ohno
- Drinking Sorrow and Bathing in Bliss: Liquid Emotions in Chaucer - Lucie Kaempfer
- Descriptio in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - SunHee Kim Gertz
- Chaucer and Italian Textuality - K. P. Clarke
- Covering and Uncovering in Chaucer, Boccaccio, and Christine de Pizan - Gui Freitas
- Loci of Solitude: The Idea of "Pryvetee" in Chaucer? - Denise Ming-yueh Wang
- "Who peyntede the leon?": The Olde Wyf Confronts the Wife of Bath and Criseyde - Nancy Rosenfeld
- The Structure of Fate and the Devising of History in Troilus and Criseyde - Matthew Giancarlo
- The Asse to the Harpe: Boethian Music in Chaucer - Julia Bolton Holloway
- The Sociable Text of the Troilus Frontispiece: A Different Mode of Textuality - Mary Carruthers
- Chaucer Appropriated: The Troilus Frontispiece as Lancastrian Propaganda - Anita Helmbold
- "Mise-en-page" in the "Troilus" Manuscripts: Chaucer and French Manuscript Culture - Ardis Butterfield
- The Manuscripts of Chaucer's Troilus - Michael C. Seymour
- Love, Labor, and Sloth in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Gregory M. Sadlek
- Chaucer's Haunted Aesthetics: Mimesis and Trauma in Troilus and Criseyde - Patricia Clare Ingham
- Memory's History and the History of Criseyde: Chaucer's Troilus - Ruth Evans
- Chaucer's Renunciation of Love in Troilus - Karl Young
- Questions of Gender in Chaucer, from Anelida to Troilus - Alcuin Blamires
- Gender and Philosophy in Troilus and Criseyde - Sashi Nair
- Love and Disease in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde [.doc] - Sealy Gilles
- Chaucer and Petrarch: "S'amor non è" and the Canticus Troili - Warren Ginsberg
- "Save oure tonges difference": Translation, Literary Histories, and Troilus and Criseyde - Kara Gaston
- Glimpsing Medusa: Astoned in the Troilus - Timothy D. O'Brien
- Characterization in Troilus and Criseyde: Some Relationships Centred on Hope - Edward J. Milowicki
Pandarus the Broker - Christian Cotroneo
Metaphors of the Heart in Troilus and Criseyde - Drew Forthman
Courtly Love in The Franklin's Tale, Troilus and Criseyde, and Parliament of Fowls - Noelle E. Equi
Betrayal, Treachery and the Fall of Troy in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - A. Savvidi
The Pandering of Pandarus - Samantha Crane
The Development of Criseyde in Troilus and Criseyde - Kirsten Davis
Troilus's Deathwish: Passive Free Will - Erin Suydam
Al Sterelees Withinne a Boot: The Layers of Fate in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde - Lisa Goetz
Boethius and Medieval Cosmology in Chaucer's Works - Hilary Grimes
Troilus' External Revelation: Comedy in the Second 'Sorwe' - Tony Hahn
The Many Faces of Lollius: A Study of Chaucer's Auctour in Troilus and Criseyde - Malissa Kent
Troilus' Pauline Conversion - Rebekah Richards
Originality and Authority in Troilus and Criseyde and Henryson's Testament of Cresseid - B. Hirsch
The Diminished Worth of the Highest Virtue in The Franklin's Tale & Troilus - E. Rubacha
The Parliament of Fowles |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: Virtue of Necessity: Inconclusiveness and Narrative Form in Chaucer's Poetry - Larry Sklute
Chaucer the Love Poet: A Study in Historical Criticism - John B. Treilhard
Poetics of the Past, Politics of the Present: Chaucer, Gower, and Old Books - Malte Urban
Chaucer's Dream Visions: Courtliness and Individual Identity - Michael C. Hagiioannu
Law, Gender, and Judgment in Middle English Debate Poetry - Wendy A. Matlock
Hierarchical Modes of Love in Chaucer's The Parliament of Fowls - Emil A. Mucchetti
Chaucer's God of Love - Margaret F. Levitt
The Dream as Problem-solving Method in The Book of the Duchess and Parliament of Fowls - M. Shnider
Chaucer and the Game of Love - Stephen H. Murphy
- Old Books Brought to Life in Dreams: The Book of the Duchess,
The House of Fame, The Parliament of Fowls - Piero Boitani
- Chaucer's Parlement of Foules as a Valentine Fable: The Subversive Poetics of Feminine Desire - Jean E. Jost
- 'The lytel erthe that here is': Environmental Thought in Parliament of Fowls - Susan Crane
- Chaucer's Adaptation of Boccaccio's Temple Venus in The Parliament of Fowls - Gerald Morgan
- Female Indecision and Indifference in the Parliament of Fowls - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- 'The Pleasure of the Text': The Parliament of Fowls as the Site of Bliss - Oya Bayiltmiş Öğütcü
- 'Kek kek': Translating Birds in Chaucer's Parliament of Fowls - Michael J. Warren
- The Prologue, Text and Epilogue of de Worde-Copland's Edition of The Parliament of Fowls
- Textual Editing in Early Printed Editions of Chaucer's Parliament
- Parlement of Foules: A New Stemma of the Hammond Manuscripts - David Arbesú
- The Parlement of Foules: Aristotle's Politics and the Foundations of Human Society - Paul A. Olson
- Reading
as Writing and Writing as Reading in Chaucer's Dream Visions - T. S. Miller
- Chaucer as a Performer: Narrative Strategies in the Dream-Visions - Ebbe Klitgård
- Chaucer and Somnium Scipionis: 'A Certeyn Thing to Lerne' in The Parliament of Fowls - M. R. Chaudhuri
Courtly Love in The Franklin's Tale, Troilus and Criseyde, and Parliament of Fowls - Noelle E. Equi
Chaucer's Reality Check:
The Modernization of Fairy Tales - John W. Campbell
The Book of the Duchess |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: Virtue of Necessity: Inconclusiveness and Narrative Form in Chaucer's Poetry - Larry Sklute
The Active Image: Medieval Allegory and Chaucer - Elaine V. Verbicky
Chaucer's Dream Visions: Courtliness and Individual Identity - Michael C. Hagiioannu
The Ethics of Mourning: The Role of Material Culture and Public Politics
in the Book of the Duchess and the Pearl Poem - Tarren Andrews
Rhythm and Syntax in The Book of the Duchess - Gregory H. Roscow
The Dream as Problem-solving Method in The Book of the Duchess and Parliament of Fowls - M. Shnider
Chaucer and the Game of Love - Stephen H. Murphy
Consolation Poetry of the Fourteenth Century: Book of the Duchess, Pearl,
and The Parlement of the Thre AgesMary Elizabeth Peddie
Reverberation of Time in Composition, Cognition, and Kynde in Book of the Duchess - K. Mirza
Rhythm and Syntax in The Book of the Duchess - Gregory H. Roscow
- Old Books Brought to Life in Dreams: The Book of the Duchess,
The House of Fame, The Parliament of Fowls - Piero Boitani
- The Chamber, the Man in Black, and the Structure of Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Nancy Ciccone
- Usurping "Chaucers dreame": Book of the Duchess and the Apocryphal Isle of Ladies - Annika Farber
- Speaking of Sickness and Healing in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Huriye Reis
- Affective Reading: Chaucer, Women and Romance - Corinne Saunders
- Emotional Boundaries in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Julia O'Connell
- Death, Negation, and the Problem of Absence in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Robyn A. Bartlett
- On Dating the Duchess: The Personal and Social Context of "Book of the Duchess" - Michael Foster
- The Book of the Duchess: The Date of Composition Related to Theme of Impracticality - Gwen M. Vickery
- Polysemy in Middle English embosen and the Hart of The Book of the Duchess - David Scott-Macnab
- Chaucer's Duchess and Chess - Beryl Rowland
- Chaucer's Man of Sorrows: Secular Images of pity in the 'Book of the Duchess,'
the 'Squire's Tale,' and 'Troilus and Criseyde' - Phillipa Hardman
- The Death of the Duchess - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Melancholy, Gossip, and Chaucer's Poetics of Idling in the Book of the Duchess - Adin Esther Lears
- The Book of the Duchess: An Elegy or Ate Deum - Zacharias P. Thundy
- The Historical Setting of Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - D.W. Robertson, Jr.
- King John's Envoy: Chaucer and Performance in The Book of the Duchess - Richard North
- Reading
as Writing and Writing as Reading in Chaucer's Dream Visions - T. S. Miller
- Hunting for the Hurt in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Míċeál F. Vaughan
- Loss, Grief, Reminiscence, and Popular Culture in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Delmar C. Homan
- Chaucer as a Performer: Narrative Strategies in the Dream-Visions - Ebbe Klitgård
- Wearing Your Heart on Your Face: Lovesickness and the Suicidal Impulse in Chaucer - R. F. McNamara
- The "olde bokes" become "newe": Poetic Artistry in The Book of the Duchess - Masatoshi Kawasaki
- Emotional Boundaries in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Julia O'Connell
- "In hir bed al naked": Nakedness and Male Grief in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Elizabeth Liendo
- Past, Present, and (Re)presentation in The Book of the Duchess - Martine Yvernault
- The Organisation of Meaning in Chaucer's Book of the Duchess - Katarzyna Pytel
- The Animals of the Hunt and the Limits of Chaucer's Sympathies - David Scott-Macnab
- Dreams: Poetry, Theology, History, and Science in Chaucer - Jean-Marie Kauth
- Overhearing Complaint and the Dialectic of
Consolation in Chaucer's Verse - C. A. M. Clarke
- Problematizing Answers to Prayer in Chaucer's Dream Visions - S. A. J. Smith
Traumatic Dreaming with Chaucer - Emily Ward
Form and Meaning in The Book of the Duchess and Dunbar's The Goldyn Targe - Katy Neal
Book of the Duchess and Death - Christopher Davis and Crystal Wilson
The Book of the Duchess: An Elegy for the Living? - Christian Cotroneo
The House of Fame |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: Virtue of Necessity: Inconclusiveness and Narrative Form in Chaucer's Poetry - Larry Sklute
Guilt and Creativity in the Works of Geoffrey Chaucer - Robert Mitchell
The Phenomenology of Frames in Chaucer, Dante and Boccaccio - Timothy M. Asay
Poetics of the Past, Politics of the Present: Chaucer, Gower, and Old Books - Malte Urban
Chaucer's Dream Visions: Courtliness and Individual Identity - Michael C. Hagiioannu
Writing the Rites of the Goddess Fame: The Divinely Comical Conversion of G. Chaucer - Anne V. Sullivan
"Al this loude far Al this loude fare:" The Echo of Renown in The House of Fame - Madeline N. Anderson
Truth, Craft, and the Real in Chaucer's House of Fame - Ellen M. Condict
Journey as Metaphor in The House of Fame - Clifford Lloyd Garner
Creating Structure: Verbal and Visual Architecture in Chaucer - Amanda J. Hollis
"And everych cried, 'What thing is that?'": A Reading of House of Fame - Murray Lamond
Representing Gothic: Description of a Gothic Edifice in The House of Fame - Kevin S. Devor
Chaucer and the Game of Love - Stephen H. Murphy
Chaucer's House of Fame: From Authority to Experience - Victoria Frantseva
- Old Books Brought to Life in Dreams: The Book of the Duchess,
The House of Fame, The Parliament of Fowls - Piero Boitani
- "In Forme of Speche" is Anxiety: Orality in Chaucer's House of Fame - Leslie K. Arnovick
- Chaucerian Allusions to the Condition of Wales in the House of Fame - Simon Meecham-Jones
- "For to be Sworne Bretheren Til They Deye": Satirizing Queer Brotherhood
in the Chaucerian Corpus - Tison Pugh
- Chaucer's Recital Presence in the House of Fame and the Embodiment of Authority - William A. Quinn
- The Idea of Cultural Continuity in G. Chaucer's House of Fame - Andrzej Wicher
- Authorizing the Reader in Chaucer's House of Fame - Laurel Amtower
- "We Wrechched Wymmen
Konne Noon Art": Dido and Geffrey in the House of Fame - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Ambient Media and Chaucer's House of Fame - Ingrid Nelson
- Dante, Chaucer, and House of Fame - R. A. Shoaf
- Housing Memory in the Late Medieval Literary Tradition:
Chaucer's House of Fame - María Beatriz Hernández Pérez
- Re-writing the Classics: Geoffrey Chaucer and The House of Fame - Jonathan Fruoco
- Fugitive Poetics in Chaucer's House of Fame - Rebecca Davis
- Skelton's Garland of Laurel and Chaucer's House of Fame - Albert S. Cook
- Reading
as Writing and Writing as Reading in Chaucer's Dream Visions - T. S. Miller
- Perspective
and Chaucer's Dream Spaces: Memory and the Catalogue in The House of Fame - T. S. Miller
- Chaucer as a Performer: Narrative Strategies in the Dream-Visions - Ebbe Klitgård
- Problematizing Answers to Prayer in Chaucer's Dream Visions - S. A. J. Smith
- Literary Value and the Customs House: The Axiological Logic
of the House of Fame - Robert J. Meyer-Lee
- The Acoustics of Chaucer's House of Fame and the Influence of Robert Holcot - Neil Cartlidge
- "In Forme of Speche" is Anxiety: Orality in Chaucer's House of Fame - Leslie K. Arnovick
- False and Sooth Compounded in Caxton's Ending of Chaucer's House of Fame - N. Haydock
- The House of Fame: Tripartite Structure and Occasion - John M. Steadman
- The Neuroplastic Aesthetics of Chaucer's House of Tidings - Ashby Kinch
- Airy Bodies and Knowledge in Chaucer's House of Fame - Sean Gordon Lewis
- Textual Vision and Visual Text: Envisioning the Vernacular Text in The House of Fame - Ming-tsang Yang
- Petrarch and Chaucer on Fame - Wei-ko Sung
- Chaucer and Old Norse Mythology - Rory McTurk
- The Idea of Cultural Continuity in Chaucer's House of Fame - Andrzej Wicher
Text World Theory and Reading the Medieval
Dream Vision in House of Fame - J. Lobley
The Importance of "Sound" and "Hearing" in The House of
Fame, The Pearl,
Dunbar's The Golden Targe, and Stewart's The Kingis Quair - Sophie Crowe
The House of Fame: Chaucer and the Manipulation of the Reader's Mind - Lauren M. Smith
Legend of Good Women |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Miscellaneous |
=Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
- Book: Chaucer and the Fictions of Gender - Elaine Tuttle Hansen
- Book: Courtly Love in Chaucer and Gower, 1913 - W. G. Dodd, 1913
Shame and Guilt in Chaucer - Anne H. McTaggart
Chaucer the Love Poet: A Study in Historical Criticism - John B. Treilhard
A Chaucerian Narratology: "Storie" and "Tale" in Chaucer's Narrative Practice - Gary W. Shawver
An Approach to Chaucer's Concept of the Dream - Jack Lewis
"Termes of phisik": Reading between literary and medical discourses
in Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and John Lydgate's Dietary - Jake Walsh Morrissey
Chaucer and the Medieval Conventions of Bird Imagery - David E. Southmayd
Constructing the Father: Fifteenth-Century Manuscripts of Chaucer's Works - Roberta Magnani
The Mise-en-page of Chaucer, Gower, and Hoccleve Manuscripts - Aditi Nafde
The Subject of Madness: Insanity, Individuals and Society
in Late-Medieval English Literature [Chaucer, Gower, Hoccleve] - Stephen Harper
The Medieval English Begging Poem [Chaucer, Lydgate, Hoccleve] - Dave Henderson
Families, Fictions, and Seeing Through Things: Re-reading Langland, Chaucer, and the Pearl-Poet [Chaucer, Langland, Pearl Poet] - Noëlle Phillips
An Ecoritical Approach to Chaucer: Representations of the Natural World
in the English Literature of the Middle Ages - Simona Alias
Reclaiming Reason: Chaucer's Prose and the Path to Autonomy - Dawn Fleurette Colley
Body Politics: Otherness and the Representation of Bodies
in Late Medieval Writings - Martin Blum
'That ther lakke no word...': A Cognitive Study of Existential There in the Works of Chaucer - G. B. Jenset
Chaucer's Concept of the Complaint: A Study of the Intercalated Complaint - Mary M. Hatfield
Chaucer and Narrative Strategy - Christina Coleman
A Comparison of Chaucer's Verse Forms and Metrical Practices with Those of his French
Contemporaries—Machaut, Deschamps, and Froissart - Margaret McMurry
Fortune in Chaucerian Tragedy - James Joseph Donnelly
Chaucer and the Medieval Sciences - Joshua A. Goldman
- Humanism in Chaucer - Giash Maih
- Chaucer and Englishness - Derek Pearsall
- Towards a Chaucerian Poetic - Derek Brewer
- The Early Reception of Chaucer and Langland - A.S.G. Edwards
- Chaucer's Scribe - Linne R. Mooney
- Chaucerian Irony Revisited: A Rhetorical Perspective - R. J. Schoeck
- 'And gret wel Chaucer whan ye mete': Chaucer's Earliest Readers,
Addressees, and Audiences - Sebastian Sobecki
- Geoffrey Chaucer, Cecily Chaumpaigne, and the Statute of Laborers:
New Records and Old Evidence Reconsidered - Euan Roger and Sebastian Sobecki
- Whose Chaucer? Cecily Chaumpaigne, Cancellation, and the English Literary Canon - Samantha Katz Seal
- Chaucer's Global Orbits and Global Communities - Candace Barrington and Jonathan Hsy
- Chaucer and the Death of the Political Animal: Poetry's Old War - Jameson S. Workman
- Fame's Penitent: Deconstructive Chaucer among the Lancastrians - Andrew Galloway
- Petrarch's Pleasures, Chaucer's Revulsions, and the Aesthetics of Renunciation - A. Galloway
- Chaucer's Former Age and the Fourteenth-Century Anthropology of Craft:
The Social Logic of a Premodernist Lyric - Andrew Galloway
- Chaucer and Lady Fortune - Howard R. Patch
- Chaucer's Laughter - Toshinori Hira
- Sex and Gender in Chaucer's Poetry - Sheila Delany
- Chaucer's Decibels - Beverly Boyd
- A View of Chaucer's Astronomy - Hamilton M. Smyser
- Chaucer's Brown Faces: Race, Interpretation, Adaptation - Jonathan Hsy
- Chaucer and Italian Textuality - K. P. Clarke
- Scribal Role, Authorial Intention, and Chaucer's "Boece" - Tim William Machan
- Editorial Method and Medieval Translations: The Example of Chaucer's "Boece" - Tim William Machan
- Derived Words in Chaucer's "Boece:" The Translator as Wordsmith - Morton Donner
- Poetics of the Rule: Form, Biopolitics, Lyric - Ingrid Nelson
- Chaucer's Defense of the Vulgar Tongue - James R. Andreas
- Chaucer and Aesthetics - David Raybin and Susanna Fein
- The Characteristics of Chaucer's Syntax as Observed from the Rime Words - M. Masui
- The Bane of Flattery in the World of Chaucer and Langland - Douglas Wurtele
- The Liberating Truth: The Concept of Integrity in Chaucer's Writings - George Kane
- Chaucer's Provisions for Future Contingencies - Eyvind Ronquist
- Clerics and Courtly Love in Andreas Capellanus' The Art of Courtly Love
and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Andrew Williams
- In Search of Happiness: felicitas and beatitudo in Early English Boethius Translations - Matti Rissanen
- Courtly love and christian marriage: Chretien de Troyes, Chaucer, and Henry VIII - David L. Jeffrey
- The Robberies of Chaucer - David R. Carlson
- Chaucer's "makyng" of the Romaunt of the Rose - Jordi Sanchez-Marti
- From Text to Man: Re-Creating Chaucer in Sixteenth-Century Print Editions - Siobhain Bly
- Thou and Ye: A Collocational-Phraseological Approach to Pronoun Change
in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales - Gabriele Knappe & Michael Schumann
- The Injuries of Time: Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Speght and Wade's Boat - Thomas Speght
- Chaucer and the Consolation of Prosimetrum - Eleanor Johnson
- Romancing Ethics in Boethius, Chaucer, and Levinas: Fortune, Moral Luck, Erotic Adventure - J.A. Mitchell
- 'To whom shul we compleyn?': the poetics of agency in Chaucer's complaints - Carolynn Van Dyke
- Chaucerian 'Merciles Beaute' Treated in a Newfangled Spirit - Toshinori Hira
- Chaucer's Scogan and Scogan's Chaucer - Robert Epstein
- Gower's Quarrel with Chaucer, and the Origins of Bourgeois Didacticism
in Fourteenth-Century London Poetry - Andrew Galloway
- Chaucer and Langland: Literary Representations of History in Fourteenth-Century England - N. Lassahn
- BL MS Harley 7333: The "Publication" of Chaucer in the Rural Areas - Timothy A. Shonk
- Metrical Abnormality: Headless Lines and Initial Inversion in Chaucer - Ad Putter
- Code-Switching in Langland, Chaucer, and the Gawain Poet; Diglossia and Footing - Ad Putter
- The End of Knowledge: The Argus Legend and Chaucer - Susan Yager
- 'And to the herte she hireselven smot': The Loveris Maladye and the Legitimate Suicides
of Chaucer's and Gower's Exemplary Lovers - Sebastian Sobecki
- Chaucer's Religious Skepticism - Mahameed Mohammed and Al-Quran Raji
- Medicine and the Mortal Body in Chaucer - Samantha Katz Seal
- Chaucer and Dialectology - Juliette Dor
- Chaucer and Pronominatio - Amanda Holton
- Dante, Chaucer, and the Currency of the Word:... - R.A.Shoaf
- Semiotic Perception and the Problem of Chaucerian "Prejudice" - Marcus A. J. Smith and Julian N. Wasserman
- "I do not wish to be called auctour, but the pore compilatour":
The Plight of the Medieval Vernacular Poet - Graham D. Caie
- 'For my synne and for my yong delite': Chaucer, The Tale of Beryn,
and the Problem of Adolescentia - Ben Parsons
- Being Alone in Chaucer - Peter Goodall
- Chaucer's Use of the Vulgate - Grace W. Landrum
- Chaucer and the Study of Prosody - Morris Halle and Samuel Keyser
- Chaucerian Onomastics: Formation and Use of Personal Names in Chaucer's Works - Jacqueline de Weever
- Chaucer as a Sociolinguist: Role of Language in Chaucer's Internationalism - Jonathan Fruoco
- Chaucer and the Death of the Father as a Figure of Authority - Kostas Yavis
- Father Chaucer and the Vivification of Print - Louise M. Bishop
- The Legacy of the Bestiaries in Chaucer and Henryson - Thomas Honegger
- Stereotyped Comparisons in the Language of Geoffrey Chaucer - Javier Calle Martín
- Chaucer and Montserrat - Antonio R. León Sendra & Jesús L. Serrano Reyes
- Paul Bush and the Chaucer tradition - Seth Lerer
- Black Death in Heterotopia: Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Langland - Biljana Vlašković Ilić
- Chaucer's Sources, Chaucer's Lies: Anelida and Arcite and the Poetics of Fabrication - T. S. Miller
- Personal Politics and Thomas Gascoigne's Account of Chaucer's Death - Míċeál F. Vaughan
- Henry of Lancaster and Geoffrey Chaucer: Anglo-French and middle English in 14th-c. England - W. Rothwell
- French Rhymes and Chaucer's Wit - André Crépin
- The Production of Space in Chaucer's London - Ruth Evans
- Chaucer and the Hand that Led Him - Vincent DiMarco
- Traveling Chaucer: Comparative Translation and Cosmopolitan Humanism - Candace Barrington
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Created on November 3, 1997 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated on February 4, 2023.
Middle English Literature
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John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster
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Thomas of Woodstock, Gloucester
Richard of York, E. of Cambridge
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Edward, Duke of York
Henry V
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Joan of Arc
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Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy
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Henry VI
Margaret of Anjou
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Edward IV
Elizabeth Woodville
Edward V
Richard III
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