
Poetical Works
Frequently Anthologized and Studied Poems (Alphabetical)

The Castaway
The Colubriad
The Distressed Travellers; or, Labour in Vain
The Dog and the Water-Lily
Epitaph on a Hare
The Flatting Mill
The Lily and the Rose
The Morning Dream
The Negro's Complaint
The Nightingale and Glow-Worm
Ode to Apollo
On Her Endeavouring to Conceal Her Grief at Parting
On Receipt Of My Mother's Picture
On the Grasshopper
On the Loss of the Royal George
The Poplar Field
The Retired Cat
The Rose
The Shrubbery
The Snail
Sonnet to William Wilberforce, Esq.
Sweet Meat has Sour Sauce, or, the Slave-Trader in the Dumps
To Mary
To Mrs. Unwin
To the Immortal Memory of the Halibut, on Which I Dined this Day
To the Rev. Mr. Newton; An Invitation into the Country
Verses supposed to be written by Alexander Selkirk
The Winter Nosegay
Olney Hymns (1779)
[67 by Cowper, rest by John Newton]

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Complete - CCEL
Walking with God
On Opening a Place for Social Prayer
Exhortation to Prayer
Light Shining Out of Darkness
The Heart Healed and Changed by Mercy
Grace and Providence
Peace after a Storm
Anti-Thelyphthora: A Tale, in Verse (1781)

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Poems by William Cowper (1782)

Table Talk
The Progress of Error
Tirocinium; or, A Review of Schools (1784)

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The Task: A Poem in Six Books (1785)

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The Sofa
The Time-Piece
The Garden
The Winter Evening
The Winter Morning Walk
The Winter Walk at Noon
The Diverting History of John Gilpin (1785)

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Complete - Roger Blackwell Bailey
The Iliad and Odyssey of Homer (1791)

Complete (1850 ed. Southey) - Google Books
The Iliad - Project Gutenberg
Original poems on various occasions, by a lady, revised by William Cowper (1792)

Complete - Google Books
Poems translated from the French of Madame de la Mothe Guion
by the late William Cowper... To which are added some original
poems of Mr. Cowper, not inserted in his works (1801)

Complete - Google Books
Complete - CCEL
Prose Works
Contributions to Connoisseur (1756)

Billy Suckling [no. 111, 11 March 1756]
Complaints of an old Bachelor [no. 115, 8 April 1756]
On keeping a secret [no. 119, 6 May 1756]
Letter from Mr. Village [no. 134, 19 Aug 1756]
On conversation [no. 138, 16 Sept 1756]
Letter on his Hares (1784)
[Gentleman's Magazine, June 1784]

Complete - Google Books
Collected Works
The Life and Posthumous Writings of William Cowper,
William Hayley, ed. [3v.] (1803-04)

Vol I - GB
Vol II - GB
Vol III - GB
Cowper's Milton, William Haley, ed. [4v.] (1808; 1810)

Vol II - GB
Vol III - GB
Vol IV - GB
Poems by the late William Cowper, John Newton, ed. [2v.]
[Illustrated by Richard Westall]

Vol II - GB
Poems: Containing his Posthumous poetry; and
a sketch of his life by John Johnson [3v.] (1815)

Complete - Google Books
Memoir of the early life of William Cowper, Esq,
written by himself, and never before published. With an
appendix containing some of Cowper's religious letters,
and other interesting documents, illustrative of the memoir (1816)

Complete - Google Books
The Works of William Cowper, Esq, Robert Southey, ed. [15v.] (1836-37)

Vol I - GB
Vol II - GB
Vol III - GB
Vol IV - GB
Vol V - GB
Vol VI - GB
Vol VII - GB
Vol IX - GB
Vol X - GB
Vol XI - GB
Vol XII - GB
Vol XIV - GB
The Works of William Cowper: His Life, Letters, and Poems, Grimshawe, ed. (1851)

Complete - Google Books
The Unpublished and Uncollected Poems of William Cowper, Wright, ed. (1900)

Complete - Google Books
The Correspondence of William Cowper, Wright, ed. [4v.] (1900)

Vol I - GB
Vol II - GB
Vol III - GB
Vol IV - GB

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