
Bluebeard's Egg
"By turns humorous and warm, stark and frightening, Bluebeard's Egg glows with childhood memories, the reality of parents growing old, and the casual cruelty men and women inflict on each other. Here is the familiar outer world of family summers at remote lakes, winters of political activism, and seasons of exotic friends, mundane lives, and unexpected loves. But here too is the inner world of hidden places and all that emerges from them-the intimately personal, the fantastic, the shockingly real...whether it's what lives in a mysterious locked room or the secret feelings we all conceal. In this dramatic and far-ranging collection, Margaret Atwood proves why she is a true master of the genre.
" —The Publisher.
Short Stories in this Collection:
(Canadian, US, and UK editions vary)
- "Significant Moments in the Life of My Mother" — (Quote; Read Story)
- "Spring Song of the Frogs"
- "Hurricane Hazel" — (Quote)
- "Scarlet Ibis"
- "Loulou; or, The Domestic Life of the Language"
- "The Salt Garden"
- "Uglypuss"
- "The Sin Eater"
- "Betty" — (Synopsis)
- "The Sunrise"
- "Bluebeard's Egg"
- "Unearthing Suite"
- "Two Stories about Emma" ("The Whirlpool Rapids" and "Walking on Water")
- "In Search of the Rattlesnake Plantain"
Excerpts from Bluebeard's Egg
Excerpt: "Significant Moments in the Life of My Mother"
Book Reviews
New York Times Review, 1986
Time Magazine Review, 1987
Essays on Bluebeard's Egg
Temporality and Margaret Atwood - Alice Ridout
Identity Politics in Atwood, Kogawa, and Wolf - Jean Wilson
National identity, international life-styles and cosmopolitan culture in Atwood's "Significant Moments
in the Life of my Mother", "Hurricane Hazel" and "Unearthing Suite" - Margarete Rubik
La Short Story di Margaret Atwood (in Italian) - Cinzia Chiappini
Study Guides and Miscellaneous Resources
Notes on Bluebeard's Egg - Kate Liu
DVD: "The Atwood Stories" - FilmWest
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This page created on December 18, 2006 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated January 3, 2007.
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Margaret Atwood has gone on to become not just
a major Canadian Writer, and a woman writer (whom some would call a Feminist Writer),
but an award-winning author of English literature. Her works include novels,
short stories, poetry, etc.