
Margaret Atwood's Novels, Fiction Books
Margaret Atwood's novels are filled with characters who are all seeking something; whether for answers, equilibrium, freedom, revenge, understanding, or fulfillment. The plots are complex, at times very dark, but always filled with passion and drive. What each of Atwood's books illuminates is that there are no simple answers, no flawless people, and that even the sweetest memories can carry bitterness or loss. Often called a "feminist writer," Atwood's female characters, on the surface, range from vulnerable little girls to murderesses, while at the same time they defy such easy labels. The stories range from childhood cruelty to grownup inhumanity of people towards each other; from the search of a father, to the search for answers in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. The locales stretch from nineteenth century Toronto to the Caribbean islands, to dystopian future landscapes. All novels are written in Atwood's rigorous prose, her dry wit, her keen intellect. Atwood's ideal audience is the literate, inquisitive reader, who enjoys a great story superbly told.
Margaret Atwood's Novels:
(Click on Books for Individual Study Guides)
 The Edible Woman; McClelland & Stewart, 1969, 1973, 1978, 1989; Andre Deutsch, 1969;
Atlantic Little-Brown, 1970; Popular Library, 1976; Virago, 1980;
Seal Books, 1984; Warner, 1989; Bantam, 1991, 1996; Anchor, 1998.
McClelland & Stewart, 1972, 1994; Andre Deutsch, 1973;
PaperJacks, 1973, 1977; Simon & Schuster, 1973; Wildwood House, 1973;
Popular Library, 1974; Virago, 1979, 1994; Warner, 1983; General, 1983;
Fawcett, 1987; Bloomsbury, 1992; Bantam, 1996; Anchor, 1998.
 Lady Oracle;
McClelland & Stewart, 1976, 1977; Simon & Schuster, 1976;
Andre Deutsch, 1976; Avon, 1978, 1982; Virago, 1982;
Ballantine, 1987; Bantam, 1996; Anchor, 1998.
 Life Before Man;
McClelland & Stewart, 1979, 1980; Simon & Schuster, 1980;
Jonathan Cape, 1980; Fawcett, 1981, 1990; Virago, 1982;
Warner, 1983; Ballantine, 1987; Bantam, 1996; Anchor, 1998.
 Bodily Harm; McClelland & Stewart, 1981, 1984; Simon & Schuster, 1981;
Jonathan Cape, 1982; Ultramarine, 1982; Bantam, 1983, 1996;
Virago, 1983; Anchor, 1998.
 The Handmaid's Tale;
McClelland & Stewart, 1985, 1986; Houghton Mifflin, 1986;
Jonathan Cape, 1986; Ballantine, 1986, 1996; G.K. Hall, 1987;
Virago, 1987; Anchor, 1998.
 Cat's Eye; McClelland & Stewart, 1988, 1989; Doubleday, 1989;
Bloomsbury, 1989; Bantam, 1989; Virago, 1990, 1994;
G.K. Hall, 1990; Chivers, 1991; Anchor, 1998.
 The Robber Bride;
McClelland & Stewart, 1993, 1994; Bloomsbury, 1993; Doubleday, 1993;
Franklin Library, 1993; Virago, 1994; Bantam, 1995; Anchor, 1998.
 Alias Grace;
McClelland & Stewart, 1996, 1997; Bloomsbury, 1996; Doubleday, 1996;
Bantam, 1997; G.K. Hall, 1997; Virago, 1997; Chivers, 1997.
 The Blind Assassin;
McClelland & Stewart, 2000; Bloomsbury, 2000; Doubleday, 2000;
Virago, 2001; Random House (Nan. A Talese), 2000; Anchor, 2001;
Seal Books, 2001.
 Oryx and Crake; McClelland & Stewart, 2003, 2005; Bloomsbury, 2003;
Doubleday, 2003; Random House (Nan. A Talese), 2003;
Anchor, 2004; Virago, 2004.
 The Penelopiad; Canongate 2005, 2006; Knopf Canada, 2005.
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This page created on December 18, 2006 by Anniina Jokinen. Last updated January 3, 2007.
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Margaret Atwood's Books.
Margaret Atwood has gone on to become not just
a major Canadian Writer, and a woman writer (whom some would call a Feminist Writer),
but an award-winning author of English literature. Her works include novels,
fiction, non-fiction, mystery, science fiction, sci-fi,
short stories, poetry, etc.