CHORUS, ENDYMION,LUNA. | Chorus. | | THE astrologer's own eyes are set, And even wolves the sheep forget ; Only this shepherd, late and soon, Upon this hill outwakes the moon ; Hark how he sings with sad delight, Thorough the clear and silent night ! | | Endymion. | | CYNTHIA, O CYNTHIA,turn thine ear, Nor scorn ENDYMION'S plaintsto hear ! As we our flocks, so you command The fleecy clouds with silver wand. 10 | | Cynthia. | | If thou a mortal, rather sleep ; Or if a shepherd, watch thy sheep. | | Endymion. | | The shepherd, since he saw thine eyes, And sheep, are both thy sacrifice ; Nor merits he a mortal's name, That burns with an immortal flame. | | Cynthia. | | I have enough for me to do, Ruling the waves that ebb and flow. | | Endymion. | | Since thou disdain'st not then to share On sublunary things thy care, 20 Rather restrain these double seas, Mine eyes, incessant deluges. | | Cynthia. | | My wakeful lamp all night must move, Securing their repose above. | | Endymion. | | If therefore thy resplendent ray Can make a night more bright than day, Shine thorough this obscurer breast, With shades of deep despair oppressed. | | Chorus. | | Courage, ENDYMION, boldly woo ! ANCHISES was a shepherd too, 30 Yet is her younger sister laid Sporting with him in IDA'Sshade : And CYNTHIA,though the strongest, Seeks but the honour to have held out longest. | | Endymion. | | Here unto Latmos' top I climb, How far below thine orb sublime ! O why, as well as eyes to see, Have I not arms that reach to thee ? | | Cynthia. | | 'Tis needless then that I refuse, Would you but your own reason use. 40 | | Endymion. | | Though I so high may not pretend, It is the same, so you descend. | | Cynthia. | | These stars would say I do them wrong, Rivals, each one, for thee too strong. | | Endymion. | | The stars are fixed unto their sphere And cannot, though they would, come near. Less loves set off each other's praise, While stars eclipse by mixing rays. | | Cynthia. | | That cave is dark. | | Endymion. | | Then none can spy : Or shine thou there, and 'tis the sky. 50 | | Chorus. | | Joy to ENDYMION ! For he has CYNTHIA'S favourwon, And JOVE himself approves With his serenest influence their loves. For he did never love to pair His progeny above the air ; But to be honest, valiant, wise, Makes mortals matches fit for deities. |
| | Hobbinol. | | PHILLIS, TOMALIN,away ! Never such a merry day, For the northern shepherd's son Has MENALCA'S daughter won. | | Phillis. | | Stay till I some flowers have tied In a garland for the bride. | | Tomalin. | | If thou wouldst a garland bring, PHILLIS, you may wait the spring : They have chosen such an hour When she is the only flower. 10 | | Phillis. | | Let's not then, at least, be seen Without each a sprig of green. | | Hobbinol. | | Fear not ; at MENALCA'Shall There are bays enough for all. He, when young as we, did graze, But when old he planted bays. | | Tomalin. | | Here she comes ; but with a look Far more catching than my hook ; 'Twas those eyes, I now dare swear, Led our lambs we know not where. 20 | | Hobbinol. | | Not our lambs' own fleeces are Curled so lovely as her hair, Nor our sheep new-washed can be Half so white or sweet as she. | | Phillis. | | He so looks as fit to keep Somewhat else than silly sheep. | | Hobbinol. | | Come, let's in some carol new Pay to love and them their due. | | All. | | Joy to that happy pair, [30 Whose hopes united banish our despair. What shepherd could for love pretend, Whilst all the nymphs on DAMON'Schoice attend ? What shepherdess could hope to wed Before MARINA'Sturn were sped ? Now lesser beauties may take place, And meaner virtues come in play ; While they, Looking from high, Shall grace Our flocks and us with a propitious eye. 40 But what is most, the gentle swain No more shall need of love complain ; But virtue shall be beauty's hire, And those be equal, that have equal fire. MARINA yields. Who dares be coy ? Or who despair, now DAMON does enjoy ? Joy to that happy pair, Whose hopes united banish our despair ! |
Source: Marvell, Andrew.The Poems of Andrew Marvell. G. A. Aitken, Ed. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892.113-118.
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