Richard Lovelace.

An Elegiacall Epitaph.
YOU that shall live awhile before
Old Time tyr's, and is no more ;
When that this Ambitious Stone
Stoopes low as what it tramples on ;
Know that in that Age when Sinne
Gave the World Law, and governd Queene,
A Virgin liv'd, that still put on
White Thoughts, though out of fashion ;
That trac't the Stars, 'spite of report,
And durst be good, though chidden for't :
Of Such a Soule that Infant Heav'n
Repented what it thus had giv'n ;
For finding equall happy man,
Th' impatient Pow'rs snatch it agen :
Thus Chaste as th' Ayre whither shee's fled,
She making her Celestiall bed
In her warme Alablaster lay
As cold is in this house of Clay ;
Nor were the Rooms unfit to feast
Or Circumscribe This Angel-guest ;
The Radiant Gemme was brightly set
In as Divine a Carkanet ;
For which the clearer was not knowne,
Her Minde, or her Complexion :
Such an everlasting Grace,
Such a beatifick Face,
Incloysters here this narrow floore
That possest all hearts before.
Blest and bewayl'd in Death and Birth !
The smiles and teares of Heav'n and Earth !
Virgins at each step are afeard,
FILMER is shot by which they steer'd,
Their Star extinct, their beauty dead
That the yong world to honour led ;
But see ! the rapid Spheres stand still,
And tune themselves unto her will.
Thus, although this Marble must,
As all things crumble into dust,
And though you finde this faire-built Tombe
Ashes, as what lyes in it's Wombe ;
Yet her Saint-like name shall shine
A living Glory to this Shrine,
And her eternall Fame be read,
When all, but very Vertue's dead.
Lovelace, Richard. The Poems of Richard Lovelace.
London: Unit Library, Ltd., 1904. 42-44.
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