The following biographical note by Anthony à Wood
on Richard Lovelace is from
Lovelace, Richard. The Poems of Richard Lovelace.
London: Unit Library, Ltd., 1904. 223-225.
ANTHONY WOOD'S (1632-1695) account of Lovelace is as follows :

Richard Lovelace, the eldest son of Sir William Lovelace of Woollidge in Kent, knight, was born in that county, educated in grammar learning in Charterhouse School near London, became a gent. commoner of Glocester Hall in the beginning of the year 1634, and in that of his age sixteen, being then accounted the most amiable and beautiful person that ever eye beheld ; a person also of innate modesty, virtue, and courtly deportment, which made him then, but especially after, when he retired to the great city, much admired and adored by the female sex. In 1636, when the king and queen
were for some days entertained at Oxon, he was, at the request of a
great lady belonging to the queen, made to the Archbishop of
Canterbury, then Chancellor of the University, actually
created, among other persons of quality, Master of Arts, though but
of two years' standing ; at which time his conversation being made
public, and consequently his ingenuity and generous soul
discovered, he became as much admired by the male, as before by the
female, sex. After he had left the University, he retired in great
splendour to the court, and being taken into the favour of George, Lord Goring, afterwards Earl of Norwich, was by him adopted a soldier, and sent in the quality of an ensign, in the Scotch
expedition, an. 1639. Afterwards, in the second expedition, he was
commissionated a captain in the same regiment, and in that time
wrote a tragedy called The Soldier, but never acted, because the
stage was soon after suppressed. After the pacification of
Berwick, he retired to his native country, and took possession of
his estate at Lovelace Place, in the parish of Bethersden, at
Canterbury, Chart, Halden, &c., worth, at least, £500 per
annum. About which time he was made choice of by the whole body of the county of Kent
at an assize, to deliver the Kentish petition to the House of
Commons, for the restoring the king to his rights, and for settling
the government, &c. For which piece of service he was committed to the Gatehouse at Westminster, where he
made that celebrated song called, Stone Walls do not a Prison make, &c.
After three or four months' imprisonment, he had his liberty upon bail of
£40,000 not to stir out of the lines of communication without a pass from
the speaker. During this time of confinement to London,
he lived beyond the income of his estate, either to keep up
the credit and reputation of the king's cause by furnishing
men with horse and arms, or by relieving ingenious men in want,
whether scholars, musicians, soldiers, &c. Also, by furnishing
his two brothers, Colonel Franc. Lovelace, and Captain William
Lovelace (afterwards slain at Caermarthen) with men and
money for the king's cause, and his other brother, called Dudley
Posthumus Lovelace, with moneys for his maintenance in Holland,
to study tactics and fortification in that school of war. After
the rendition of Oxford garrison, in 1646, he formed a regiment
for the service of the French king, was colonel of it, and
wounded at Dunkirk ; and in 1648, returning into England, he,
with Dudley Posthumus before mentioned, then a captain under him,
were both committed prisoners to Peter House,1 in London, where
he framed his poems for the press, entitled, Lucasta : Epodes, Odes, Sonnets, Songs, &c., Lond. 1649, oct. The reason why he gave that
title was because, some time before, he had made his amours to a
gentlewoman of great beauty and fortune, named Lucy Sacheverel,
whom he usually called Lux casta ; but she, upon a strong report that
Lovelace was dead of his wound received at Dunkirk, soon after
married. He also wrote Aramantha [sic], a Pastoral,
printed with Lucasta. Afterwards a musical composition of two
parts was set to part of it by Henry Lawes, sometimes servant
to king Charles I, in his public and private music.
After the murther of king Charles I. Lovelace was set at liberty,
and, having by that time consumed all his estate, grew
very melancholy (which brought him at length into a consumption),
became very poor in body and purse, was the object of charity,
went in ragged cloaths (whereas when he was in his glory he wore
cloth of gold and silver), and mostly lodged in obscure and dirty
places, more befitting the worst of beggars and poorest of
servants, &c. After his death his brother Dudley, before
mentioned, made a collection of his poetical papers, fitted them
for the press, and entitled them Lucasta : Posthume Poems, Lond.
1659, oct., the second part, with his picture before
them. These are all the things that he hath extant ; those
that were never published were his tragedy, called The Soldier or Soldiers, before mentioned ; and his comedy, called The Scholar, which he composed at sixteen years of age, when he
came first to Glocester hall, acted with applause afterwards in
Salisbury Court. He died in a very mean lodging in Gunpowder
Alley, near Shoe Lane, and was buried at the west-end
of the church of S. Bride, alias Bridget, in London, near to the
body of his kinsman Will. Lovelace, of Gray's Inn, Esq., in sixteen
hundred fifty and eight, having before been accounted by all
those that well knew him to have been a person well versed in the
Greek and Latin poets, in music, whether practical or
theoretical, instrumental or vocal, and in other things befitting a
gentleman. Some of the said persons have also added, in my
hearing, that his common discourse was not only significant and
witty, but incomparably graceful, which drew respect from all men
and women. Many other things I could now say of him, relating
either to his most generous mind in his prosperity, or dejected
estate in his worst state of poverty, but for brevity's sake I
shall now pass them by. At the end of his Posthume Poems are
several elegies written on him by eminent poets of that time,
wherein you may see his just character."
1 Aldersgate Street.
Lovelace, Richard. The Poems of Richard Lovelace.
London: Unit Library, Ltd., 1904. 223-225.
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