Ben Jonson
Claiming a Second Kiss by Desert
Charis, guess, and do not miss,
Since I drew a morning kiss
From your lips, and suck'd an air
Thence, as sweet as you are fair.
What my Muse and I have done :
Whether we have lost, or won,
If by us the odds were laid,
That the bride (allowed a maid)
Look'd not half so fresh and fair,
With the advantage of her hair,
And her jewels, to the view
Of the assembly, as did you !
Or that did you sit or walk,
You were more the eye and talk
Of the court, to-day, than all
Else that glister'd in Whitehall ;
So, as those that had your sight,
Wish'd the bride were changed to-night,
And did think such rites were due
To no other Grace but you !
Or, if you did move to-night
In the dances, with what spite
Of you peers, you were beheld,
That at every motion swell'd
So to see a lady tread,
As might all the Graces lead,
And was worthy (being so seen)
To be envied of the queen.
Or if you would yet have stay'd,
Whether any would upbraid
To himself his loss of time ;
Or have charged his sight of crime,
To have left all sight for you.
Guess of these which is the true ;
And if such a verse as this
May not claim another kiss.
The Songs and Poems of Ben Jonson.
London: Philip Allan & Co., 1924. 27-28.
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