The Cambridge History of English and American Literature in 18 Volumes (1907–21).
Ben Jonson - Ashley H. Thorndike Marston's quarrel with Jonson: Assaults and Counter-assaults - W. Macneile Dixon End of the quarrel - W. Macneile Dixon Massinger's literary models: Shakespeare, Fletcher, Jonson - Emil Koeppel General characteristics of the Jacobean and Caroline Drama: the central position of Jonson - Rev. Ronald Bayne The Pupils of Jonson: Nathaniel Field - Rev. Ronald Bayne Field’s debt to Jonson - Rev. Ronald Bayne Masque and Pastoral - Rev. Ronald Bayne Ben Jonson’s Masques - Rev. Ronald Bayne Rapid increase of dramatic elements in Jonson’s Masques - Rev. Ronald Bayne Jonson’s later work in this field - Rev. Ronald Bayne Ben Jonson’s The Sad Shepherd - Rev. Ronald Bayne Ben Jonson’s Timber - Harold V. Routh Jacobean and Caroline Criticism. Ben Jonson - J. E. Spingarn Jonson’s literary“portraits” - J. E. Spingarn Cavalier Lyrists. Influence of Jonson. - F. W. Moorman Miscellaneous Metric: Jonson and Others - George Saintsbury Perceptive Prosody: Jonson and Dryden - George Saintsbury
Title-page of "Eastward Ho" (1605) - Columbia University
Title-page of The Workes of Beniamin Jonson, 1616. [114k]
Title-page of Jonson's Workes, 1640 - University of Sydney
Jonson miniature - Folger Library
Jonson's Signature - Folger Library
Engraving of Jonson from the 1692 Workes - Holloway Pages
Portrait of Jonson - Britannica
Jonson portrait - SAC LitWeb
The Grave of Ben Jonson
The Robert Vaughan portrait of Ben Jonson with an epithet by Dryden [91k]
Title-page of Every Man Out of His Humour, 1600. [54k]
Beardsley's illustration for Volpone,1898. [36k]
Pages from "Every Man Out of his Humour" (1616) - Columbia University
Actor List from "Sejanus, his Fall" - Columbia University
Title-page of Tragedies and Comedies (1633) [33k]
Inigo Jones: House of Fame Set Drawing [51k]
Oberon's Palace from "The Masque of Oberon"
Oberon's Palace from "The Masque of Oberon" (image 2) [231k]
Inigo Jones: Oberon from "The Masque of Oberon" [69k]
Satyrs and Fays from "The Masque of Oberon" [164k]
Inigo Jones: Female masquer [203k]
Inigo Jones: Male masquer [138k]
Inigo Jones Costume Plate from "Masque of Queens" [96k] Inigo Jones: Daughter of Niger from "Masque of Blackness" (1605) [91k]
On Volpone
Study Questions forVolpone - Prof. Philip Mitchell Study guide to Volpone - Prof. Theresa M. DiPasquale Notes on Volpone - Prof. Arnie Sanders
Monstrous Characters in Volpone - Dr. Desmet, UGA Discussion of Monsters in Volpone - English 434/ Dr. Desmet, UGA Venice in Volpone - Jason
List of Jonson's Works - David Lewis
The Ben Jonson Journal
Study guide to Masque of Blacknesse - Theresa M. DiPasquale
Money Jonson - Jennifer W. Spirko
SAC LitWeb Jonson Page - Roger Blackwell Bailey
The Ben Jonson page - Matt Steggle
Oberon: Ben Jonson and Inigo Jones - UVictoria
Indigo "To Penshurst" - Prof. Clare Kinney
The Alchemy of Human Relations in Ben Jonson's The Alchemist - Dr. Desmet, UGA
The Alchemy of Human Relations in Ben Jonson's The Alchemist (PartII) - Dr. Desmet, UGA
On Jonson and Bacon - Martin Pares
On the presentation of The Masque of Beauty
Information on the Vaughan portrait
Herrick's poems on Ben Jonson
Carew's To Ben Jonson Upon Occasion of His Ode of Defiance Frank's Creative Quotations from Ben Jonson
The Ben Jonson Journal
First Volume of "The Ben Jonson Journal" Published A Digital Catalogue of Watermarks and Type Ornaments Used by WilliamStansby in the Printing of THE WORKES OF BENIAMIN JONSON (London, 1616) A Student's Bibliography for Jonson - Southwest Texas Community College |
 Jonson | Life | Works | Essays | Books | Renaissance Drama | 17th Century Englist Literature
 | to Ben Jonson |
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