King James I


From "Poetical Exercises."

THE azur'd vaulte, the crystall circles bright,
The gleaming fyrie torches powdred there,
The changing round, the shynie beamie light,
The sad and bearded fyres, the monsters faire;
The prodiges appearing in the aire,
The rearding thunders, and the blustering windes,
The fowles in hew, in shape, in nature raire,
The prettie notes that wing'd musiciens finds;
In earth the sau'rie flowres, the mettal'd minds,
The wholesome hearbes, the hautie pleasant trees,
The syluer streames, the beasts of sundrie kinds;
The bounded waves, and fishes of the seas:
     All these for teaching man the Lord did frame,
     To do his will whose glorie shines in thame.


Select Poetry: Chiefly Sacred, of the Reign
of King James the First.  Edward Farr, ed.
Cambridge: University Press, 1847. 1.



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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 1, 2006.

King James I of England, King James VI of Scotland, James Charles Stuart, King James I, King James VI, Authorized Version, 1611, James I, Jacobean, King James VI & I, King James Version, biography of King James I, King James Bible, Basilikon Doron, Basilikon, Basilicon, Doron, Daemonology, Daemonologie, Counterblast, Free Law, True Monarchies, Renaissance, England, witch, witches, witchcraft, demons, witch hunts, royalty, regal, royal, England, English, Literature, monarchy, travel, Shakespeare, Gunpowder Plot, Parliament, Scots, Scotland, Bible, Prentice, Prentise, Essayes, Divine Art of Poesy, Poesy, Divine, Art, Counterblast to Tobacco, works, poems, KJV, King James Version, Divine Art of Poesie, Poesie