Robert Herrick
THOU know'st, my Julia, that it is thy turn
This morning's incense to prepare and burn.
The chaplet and Inarculum* here be,
With the white vestures, all attending thee.
This day the queen-priest thou art made, t' appease
Love for our very many trespasses.
One chief transgression is, among the rest,
Because with flowers her temple was not dressed ;
The next, because her altars did not shine
With daily fires ; the last, neglect of wine ;
For which her wrath is gone forth to consume
Us all, unless preserv'd by thy perfume.
Take then thy censer, put in fire, and thus,
O pious priestess ! make a peace for us.
For our neglect, Love did our death decree
That we escape. Redemption comes by thee.
* A twig of a pomegranate, which the queen-priest did use to wear on her head at sacrificing. (Note in the original edition.)
 Statue of a Vestal Virgin, Rome.
Herrick, Robert. Works of Robert Herrick. vol I.
Alfred Pollard, ed. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1891. 247.
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