THE PARTING VERSE OR CHARGE TO HIS SUPPOSED WIFE WHEN HE TRAVELLED. by Robert Herrick GO hence, and with this parting kiss, Which joins two souls, remember this : Though thou be'st young, kind, soft, and fair, And mayst draw thousands with a hair Yet let these glib temptations be Furies to others, friends to me. Look upon all, and though on fire Thou set their hearts, let chaste desire Steer thee to me, and think, me gone, In having all, that thou hast none. Nor so immured would I have Thee live, as dead and in thy grave ; But walk abroad, yet wisely well Stand for my coming, sentinel. And think, as thou do'st walk the street, Me or my shadow thou do'st meet. I know a thousand greedy eyes Will on thy feature tyrannise In my short absence, yet behold Them like some picture, or some mould Fashion'd like thee, which, though 't have ears And eyes, it neither sees or hears. Gifts will be sent, and letters, which Are the expressions of that itch, And salt, which frets thy suitors ; fly Both, lest thou lose thy liberty ; For, that once lost, thou't fall to one, Then prostrate to a million. But if they woo thee, do thou say, As that chaste Queen of Ithaca Did to her suitors, this web done, (Undone as oft as done), I'm won ; I will not urge thee, for I know, Though thou art young, thou canst say no, And no again, and so deny Those thy lust-burning incubi. Let them enstyle thee fairest fair, The pearl of princes, yet despair That so thou art, because thou must Believe love speaks it not, but lust ; And this their flattery does commend Thee chiefly for their pleasure's end. I am not jealous of thy faith, Or will be, for the axiom saith : He that doth suspect does haste A gentle mind to be unchaste. No, live thee to thy self, and keep Thy thoughts as cold as is thy sleep, And let thy dreams be only fed With this, that I am in thy bed ; And thou, then turning in that sphere, Waking shall find me sleeping there. But yet if boundless lust must scale Thy fortress, and will needs prevail, And wildly force a passage in, Banish consent, and 'tis no sin Of thine ; so Lucrece fell and the Chaste Syracusian Cyane. So Medullina fell ; yet none Of these had imputation For the least trespass, 'cause the mind Here was not with the act combin'd. The body sins not, 'tis the will That makes the action, good or ill. And if thy fall should this way come, Triumph in such a martyrdom. I will not over-long enlarge To thee this my religious charge. Take this compression, so by this Means I shall know what other kiss Is mixed with mine, and truly know, Returning, if 't be mine or no : Keep it till then ; and now, my spouse, For my wished safety pay thy vows And prayers to Venus ; if it please The great blue ruler of the seas, Not many full-faced moons shall wane, Lean-horn'd, before I come again As one triumphant, when I find In thee all faith of womankind. Nor would I have thee think that thou Had'st power thyself to keep this vow, But, having 'scaped temptation's shelf, Know virtue taught thee, not thyself. Queen of lthaca, Penelope. Incubi, adulterous spirits. Cyane, a nymph of Syracuse, ravished hy her father whom (and herself) she slew. Medullina, a Roman virgin who endured a like fate. Compression, embrace.
Source: Herrick, Robert. Works of Robert Herrick. vol I. Alfred Pollard, ed. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1891. 217-220.
Created by Anniina Jokinen on July 11, 1999.