by Robert Herrick
SEEST thou those diamonds which she wears
In that rich carcanet ;
Or those, on her dishevell'd hairs,
Fair pearls in order set ?
Believe, young man, all those were tears
By wretched wooers sent,
In mournful hyacinths and rue,
That figure discontent ;
Which when not warmed by her view,
By cold neglect, each one
Congeal'd to pearl and stone ;
Which precious spoils upon her
She wears as trophies of her honour.
Ah then, consider, what all this implies :
She that will wear thy tears would wear thine eyes.
Carcanet, necklace.
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Titian. Portrait of a Young Woman. 1530s.
Herrick, Robert. Works of Robert Herrick. vol I.
Alfred Pollard, ed. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1891. 163.
 | to Works of Robert Herrick |
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