George Herbert

MMORTALL LOVE, authour of this great frame,
Sprung from that beautie which can never fade ;
How hath man parcel’d out thy glorious name,
And thrown it on that dust which thou hast made,
While mortall love doth all the title gain !
Which siding with invention, they together
Bear all the sway, possessing heart and brain,
(Thy workmanship) and give thee share in neither.
Wit fancies beautie, beautie raiseth wit :
The world is theirs ; they two play out the game,
Thou standing by : and though thy glorious name
Wrought our deliverance from th’ infernall pit,
Who sings thy praise ? onely a skarf or glove
Doth warm our hands, and make them write of love.
Herbert, George. The Poetical Works of George Herbert.
New York: D. Appleton and Co., 1857. 65.
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