Old Fortunatus (?1598)
by Thomas Dekker
VIRTUE'S branches wither, Virtue pines,
O pity, pity, and alack the time ;
Vice doth flourish, Vice in glory shines,
Her gilded boughs above the cedar climb.
Vice hath golden cheeks, O pity, pity,
She in every land doth monarchize ;
Virtue is exiled from every city,
Virtue is a fool, Vice only wise.
O pity, pity, Virtue weeping dies,
Vice laughs to see her faint, alack the time.
This sinks, with painted wings the other flies :
Alack that best should fall, and bad should climb.
O pity, pity, pity, mourn, not sing,
Vice doth flourish, Vice in glory shines,
Vice is a saint, Virtue an underling ;
Virtue's branches wither, Virtue pines.
Schelling, Felix E., Ed. A Book of Elizabethan Lyrics.
Boston: Ginn and Company, 1895. 44-45.
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