The Works of Edward, Lord Herbert

To his Watch, when he could not sleep
Tears, flow no more
To Her Face
To Her Body
To Her Mind
Love's End
Ditty in imitation of the Spanish Entre
tanto que L'Avril
The State-progress of Ill
To his Friend Ben. Johnson, of his Horace
made English
In a Glass-Window for Inconstancy
Epitaph of a Stinking Poet
Epitaph on Sir Edward Sackville's Child,
who died in his Birth
A merry Rime sent to the Lady Wroth upon
the Birth of my L. of Pembroke's Child
Epitaph on Sir Philip Sidney lying in St.
Paul's without a Monument
Elegy for the Prince
Epitaph of King James
Elegy Over a Tomb
To her Eyes
Sonnet of Black Beauty
Another Sonnet to Black Itself
To a Lady who did sing excellently
An Ode upon a Question moved, whether
Love should continue for ever?
The Thought

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Created by Anniina Jokinen
on February 5, 1998. Last updated on September 10, 2006.
Background by the kind permission of Roger Hamstra's Silk Purse