
"Though some saith youth ruled me"
By Henry VIII
Though sum saith that yough rulyth me
I trust i~ age to tarry
god and my ryght & my dewtye
frome them shall I neuer vary
thow sum say yt yough rulith me[!]
Thowgh su~ say þt youth rulyth me
I trust in age for to tarry
god & my ryght and my dewte
from the~ shall || neuer vary[!]
thow su~ say yt youth rulith me.
I pray you all that aged be,
how well dyd ye yor yough carry[?]
I thynk su~ wars of yeh degre.
Ther in a wager lay dar I,
though su~ sayth &c.
Though su~ sayth yt yough rulyth me
I trust i~ age for to tarry,
god & my ryght & my dewte
frome them shall I neuer vary
thow su~ sayth yt yough rulyth me.
Pastymes of yough su~ tyme a mong
none can sey but necessary
I hurt no man I do no wrong
I loue trew when I dyd mary
Though su~ sayth . vt . svpra.
Pastymes of yough su~ tyme a monge
none can say but necessary
I hurt no man I do no wrong
I loue trew wher I dyd mary
Thow su~ saith . vt . svpra.
Then sone dyscusse that hens we must
pray we to god and seynt mary.
That all amend & here an end.
Thus sayth the kyng the . VIIIth . harry [:]
though su~.
I hurt no man I do no wronge
I loue trewly wher I dyd mary.
Thow su~ [&c.].
Wülker, Richard Paul. Anglia. Vol XII.
Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1889. 246-7.
Though some saith that youth ruleth me,
I trust in age to tarry.
God and my right and my duty,
From them I shall never vary,
Though some say that youth ruleth me!
I pray you all that aged be,
How well did ye your youth carry?
I think some worse, of each degree:
Therein a wager lay dare I,
Though some saith that youth ruleth me.
Pastimes of youth sometime among,
None can say but necessary.
I hurt no man, I do no wrong,
I love true where I did marry,
Though some saith that youth ruleth me.
Then soon discuss that hence we must:
Pray we to God and Saint Mary,
That all amend, and here an end,
Thus saith the king, the eighth Harry,
Though some saith that youth ruleth me.
Stevens, John. Music & Poetry in the Early Tudor Court.
London: Methuen, 1961. 411-2.
Sheet Music for "Though some sayeth" (Original Manuscript, c.1518)
Sheet Music for "Though some sayeth" (Modern)
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on April 7, 2007. Last updated February 7, 2018.
The Tudors
The Parents of Henry VIII
King Henry VII
Elizabeth of York
The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Queen Catherine of Aragon
Queen Anne Boleyn
Queen Jane Seymour
Queen Anne of Cleves
Queen Catherine Howard
Queen Katherine Parr
The Children of Henry VIII
Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond
King Edward VI
Queen Mary I
Queen Elizabeth I
The King's Advisors
Cardinal Thomas Wolsey
Archbishop Thomas Cranmer
Thomas Cromwell
Sir Thomas More
European Monarchs
Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland
James IV, King of Scotland
James V, King of Scotland
Mary of Guise, Queen of Scotland
Mary Tudor, Queen of France
Louis XII, King of France
Francis I, King of France
Ferdinand II, King of Aragon
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor
Pope Julius II
Pope Leo X
Pope Clement VII
Pope Paul III
English Nobility
Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk
Edward Stafford, D. of Buckingham
Thomas Howard, 3rd D. of Norfolk
John Dudley, D. of Northumberland
Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire
George Boleyn, Viscount Rochford
John Russell, Earl of Bedford
Thomas, Lord Audley
Richard de la Pole
Thomas Seymour, Lord Admiral
Edward Seymour, Protector Somerset
Cardinal Lorenzo Campeggio
Cardinal Reginald Pole
Bishop Stephen Gardiner
Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London
Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London
John Hooper, Bishop of Gloucester
John Aylmer, Bishop of London
John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester
Archbishop William Warham
Richard Fox, Bishop of Winchester
Edward Fox, Bishop of Hereford
William Tyndale
Hugh Latimer
William Grocyn
Thomas Linacre
Historical Events
The Battle of the Spurs, 1513
Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520
Dissolution of Monasteries, 1536-40
Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536
The Siege of Boulogne, 1544
The Sweating Sickness
Tudor Legal System
Common Law
Court of Common Pleas
Court of King's Bench
Court of Star Chamber
Council of the North
Oath of Supremacy
The Act of Supremacy, 1534
The Act of Succession, 1534
The Ten Articles, 1536
The Six Articles, 1539
Royal Residences
Greenwich Palace
Hatfield House
Richmond Palace
Windsor Palace
Tudor Literature
See section
16th-century Renaissance English Literature
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