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Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie. Part II.

Thomas Lodge

Part I. | Part II. | Part III.

Note: this Renascence Editions text was transcribed by Risa Bear, January 2001, from The Complete Works of Thomas Lodge (1883), published by the Hunterian Club. Their source text was the only known copy of the first edition of 1590, which had been damaged, and the text of signature "R" was supplied from the third edition within square brackets, which practice has been preserved here. Any errors that have crept into the transcription are the fault of the present publisher. The text is in the public domain. It has been arbitrarily divided into three parts for faster downloading. Content unique to this presentation is copyright © 2001 The University of Oregon. For nonprofit and educational uses only.

Montanus Sonnet.

Phœbe sate
Sweete she sate,
        Sweete sate
Phœbe when I saw her,
White her brow,
coy her eye:
        Brow and eye how much you please me?
Words I spent,
Sighes I sent,
        Sighs and words could neuer draw her.
Oh my loue
Thou art lost,
        Since no sight could euer ease thee.

Phœbe sat
By a fount;
        Sitting by a fount I spide her:
Sweet her touch,
Rare her voyce;
        Touch and voice what may distaine you?
As she sung,
I did sigh,
        And by sighs whilst that I tride her.
Oh mine eyes
You did loose
        Her first sight whose want did paine you.

Phœbes flocks
White as wooll,
        Yet were
Phœbes locks more whiter.
Phœbes eyes
Douelike mild,
        Douelike eyes both mild and cruell.
Montan sweares
In your lampes
        He will die for to delight her.
Phœ be yeeld,
Or I die;
        Shall true hearts be fancies fuell?

    MONTANUS had no sooner ended his sonnet, but CORIDON with a lowe courtesie rose vp and went with his fellow and shut their sheepe in the foldes: and after returning to ALIENA and GANIMEDE, conducted them home wearie to his poore Cottage. By the way there was much good chat with MONTANUS about his loues; he resoluing ALIENA that PHŒBE was the fairest Shepherdice in all France, and that in his eye her beautie was equall with the Nimphs. But (quth hee) as of all stones the Diamond is most cleerest, and yet most hard for the Lapidory to cut; as of all flowers the Rose is the fairest, and yet guarded with the sharpest prickles: so of all our Countrey Lasses PHŒBE is the brightest, but the most coy of all to stoope vnto desire. But let her take heede quoth he, I haue heard of NARCISSUS, who for his high disdaine against Loue, perished in the follie of his owne loue. With this they were at CORIDONS cotage, where MONTANUS parted from them, and they went in to rest. ALINDA and GANIMEDE glad of so contented a shelter, made merrie with the poore swayne: and though they had but countrey fare and course lodging, yet their welcome was so great, and their cares so litle, that they counted their diet delicate, and slept as soundly as if they had been in the court of TORISMOND. The next morne they lay long in bed, as wearied with the toyle of vnaccustomed trauaie: but assoone as they got vp, ALIENA resolued there to set vp her rest, and by the helpe of CORIDON swept a barga[i]ne with his Landslord, and so became Mistres of the farme & the flocke: her selfe putting on the attire of a shepheardesse, and GANIMEDE of a yong swaine: euerie day leading foorth her flocks with such delight, that she held her exile happie, and thought no content to the blisse of a Countrey cottage. Leauing her thus famous amongst the shepheards of Arden, againe to SALADYNE.
    When SALADYNE had a long while concealed a secret resolution of reuenge, and could no longer hide fire in the flax, nor oyle in the flame; (for enuie is like lightning, that will appeare in the darkest fogge). It chaunced on a morning verie early he calde vp certaine of his seruants, and went with them to the chamber of ROSADER, which being open, he entred with his crue, and surprised his brother beeing a sleepe, and bound him in fetters, and in the midst of his hall chained him to a poast. ROSADER amazed at this straunge chaunce, began to reason with his brother about the cause of this sodaine extremitie, wherein he had wronged? and what fault he had committed worthie so sharpe a penaunce. SALADYNE answered him onely with a looke of disdaine, & went his way, leauing poore ROSADER in a deepe perplexitie. Who (thus abused) fell into sundrie passions, but no meanes of releefe could be had: wherevpon (for anger) he grew into a discontented melancholy. In which humour he continued two or three dayes without meate: insomuch, that seeing his brother would giue him no foode, he fell into despaire of his life. Which ADAM SPENCER the olde seruaunt of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux seeing, touched with the duetie and loue he ought to his olde Master, felt a remorse in his conscience of his sonnes mishap: and therefore, although SALADYNE had giuen a generall charge to his seruaunts, that none of them vppon paine of death shoulde giue either meate or drinke to ROSADER, yet ADAM SPENCER in the night arose secretely, and brought him such victualls as hee could prouinde, and vnlockt him and set him at libertie. After ROSADER had well feasted himselfe, and felt he was loose, straight his thoughts aymed at reuenge, and now (all being a sleepe) hee woulde haue quit SALADYNE with the methode of his owne mischief. But ADAM SPENCER perswaded him to the contrarie, with these reasons; Sir quoth he, be content, for this night go againe into your olde fetters, so shall you trie the faith of friends, and saue the life of an olde seruant. To morrowe hath your brother inuited al your kindred and allyes to a solempne breakfast, onely to see you, telling them all, that you are mad, & faine to be tied to a poast. Assone as they come, make complaint to them of the abuse profered you by SALADYNE. If they redress you, why so: but if they pass ouer your plaints sicco pede, and holde with the violence of your brother before your innocence, then thus: I will leaue you vnlockt that you may breake out at your pleasure, and at the ende of the hall shall you see stand a couple of good pollaxes, one for you, and another for me. When I giue you a wink, shake off your chaynes, and let vs play the men, and make hauocke amongst them, driue them out of the house and maintaine possession by force of armes, till the King hath made a redresse of your abuses. These worde of ADAM SPENCER so perswaded ROSADER, that he went to the place of his punishment, and stood there while the next morning. About the time appoynted, came all the guests bidden by SALADYNE, whom he intreated with courteous and curious intertainment, as they al perceiued their welcome to be great. The tables in the hal where ROSADER was tyed, wer couered, and SALADYNE bringing in his guests together, shewed them where his brother was bound, and was inchainde as a man lunaticke. ROSADER made replie, and with some inuectiues made complaints of the wrongs proffered him by SALADYNE, desiring they would in pitie seeke some meanes for his reliefe. But in vaine, they had stopt their eares with VLISSES, that were his words neuer so forceable, he breathed onely his passions into the winde. They carelesse, sat down with SALADYNE to dinner, bieng verie frolicke and pleasant, washing their heads with wine. At last, when the fume of the grape had entred peale meale into their braines, they began in satyrical speaches to raile against ROSADER: which ADAM SPENCER no longer brooking, gaue the signe, and ROSADER shaking off his chaines got a pollax in his hand, and flew amongst them with such violence and fury, that he hurt manie, and slew some, and draue his brother and all the rest quite out of the house. Seeing the coast cleare, he shut the doores, and being sore an hungred, and seeing such good victuals, he sate him downe with ADAM SPENCER and such good fellows as he knew were honest men, and there feasted themselues with such prouision as SALADYNE had prepared for his frie[n]ds. After they had taken their repast, ROSADER rampierd vp the house, least vpon a sodaine his brother should raise some crue of his tenaunts, and surprise them vnawares. But SALADYNE tooke a contrarie course, and went to the Sheriffe of the shyre and made a complaint of ROSADER, who giuing credite to SALADYNE, in a determined resolution to reuenge the Gentlemans wrongs, tooke with him fiue and twentie tall men, and made a vow, either to breake into the house and take ROSADER, or els to coope him in till he made him yeelde by famine. In this determination, gathering a crue together he went forward to set SALADYNE in his former estate. Newes of this was brought vnto ROSADER, who smiling at the cowardize of his brother, brookt all the iniuries of Fortune with patience, expecting the comming of the Sheriffe. As he walkt vpon the battlements of the house, he descryed where SALADYNE and he drew neare, with a troupe of lustie gallants. At this he smilde, and calde vp ADAM SPENCER, and shewed him the enuious treacherie of his brother, and the folly of the Sheriffe to bee so credulous: now ADAM, quoth he, what shall I doo? It rests for me, either to yeelde vp the house to my brother and seeke a reconcilement, or els issue out, and breake through the companie with courage, for coopt in like a coward I will not bee. If I submit (ah ADAM) I dishonour my selfe, and that is worse than death; for by such open disgraces the fame of men growes odious: If I issue out amongst them, fortune may fauour me, and I may escape with life; but suppose the worst: If I be slaine, then my death shall be honourable to me, and so inequall a reuenge infamous to SALADYNE. Why then Master forward and feare not, out amongst them, they bee but faint hearted lozells, and for ADAM SPENCER, if he die not at your foote, say he is a dastard. These words cheered vp so the hart of yong ROSADER, that he thought himselfe sufficient for them all, & therefore prepared weapons for him and ADAM SPENCER, and were readie to intertaine the Sheriffe: for no sooner came SALADYNE and he to the gates, but ROSADER vnlookt for leapt out and assailed them, wounded manie of them, and caused the rest to giue backe, so that ADAM and hee broke through the prese in despite of them all, and tooke theyr way towards the forrest of Arden. This repulse so set the Sheriffes heart on fire to reuenge, that he straight raysed al the countrey, and made Hue and Crie after them. But ROSADER and ADAM knowing full well the secrete wayes that led through the vineyards, stole away priuely through the prouince of Bourdeaux & escaped safe to the forrest of Arden. Being come thether, they were glad they had so good a harbour: but Fortune (who is like the Camelion) variable with euerie obiect, & constant in nothing but inconsta[n]cie, thought to make them myrrours of her mutabilitie, and therefore still crost them thus contrarily. Thinking still to passe on by the bywaies to get to Lions, they chaunced on a path that led into the thicke of the forrest, where they wandred fiue or sixe dayes without meat, that they were almost famished, finding neither shepheard nor cottage to relieue them: and hunger growing on so extreame, ADAM SPENCER (being olde) began first to faint, and sitting him downe on a hill, and looking about him, espied where ROSADER laye as feeble and as ill perplexed: which sight made him shedde teares, and to fall into these bitter tearmes.

Adam Spensers speach.

H how the life of man may be compared to the state of the Oceans seas, that for euerie calme hath a thousand stormes: resembling the Rose tree, that for a few faire flowers, hath a multitude of sharpe prickles: all our pleasures ende in paine, and our highest delights, are crossed with deepest discontents. The ioyes of man, as they are few, so are they momentarie, scarce ripe before they are rotten: and wythering in the blossome, either parched with the heate of enuie, or fortune. Fortune, oh inconstant friend, that in all thy deedes are froward and fickle, delighting in the pouertie of the lowest, and the ouerthrow of the highest, to decypher thy inconstancie. Thou standst vpon a gloabe, and thy wings are plumed with times feathers, that thou maist euer be restlesse; thou art double faced like IANUS, carying frownes in the one to threaten, and smiles in the other to betray; thou profferest an Eele, and perfourmest a Scorpion; and where thy greatest fauours be, there is the feare of the extreamest misfortunes; so variable are all thy actions. But why ADAM doost thou exclaime against fortune? she laughs at the plaints of the distressed; and there is nothing more pleasing vnto her, than to heare fooles boast in her fading allurements, or sorrowfull men to discouer the sower of their passions. Glut her not ADAM then with content, but thwart her with brooking all mishappes with patience. For there is no greater checke to the pride of fortune, than with a resolute courage to passe ouer her crosses without care. Thou art olde ADAM, and thy haires wax white, the Palme tree is alreadie full of bloomes, and in the furrowes of thy face appeares the Kalenders of death? wert thou blessed by fortune thy yeares could not be manie, nor the date of thy life long: then sith Nature must haue her due, what is it for thee to resigne her debt a little before the day. Ah, it is not this which grieueth mee: nor doo I care what mishaps Fortune can wage against me: but the sight of ROSADER, that galleth vnto the quicke. When I remember the worships of his house, the honour of his fathers, and the vertues of himselfe; then doo I say, that fortune and the fates are most iniurious, to censure so hard extreames, against a youth of so great hope. Oh ROSADER, thou art in the flower of thine age, and in the pride of thy yeares, buxsome and full of May. Nature hath prodigally inricht thee with her fauours, and vertue made thee the myrrour of her excellence: and now through the decree of the uniust starres, to haue all these good partes nipped in the blade, and blemisht by the inconstancie of Fortune. Ah ROSADER, could I helpe thee, my griefe were the lesse, and happie should my death be, if it might be the beginning of thy reliefe: but seeing we perish both in one extreame, it is a double sorrowe. What shall I do? preuent the sight of his misfortune, with a present dispatch of mine owne life. Ah, despaire is a mercilesse sinne.
    As he was readie to go forward in his passion, he looked earnestly on ROSADER, and seeing him change colour, he rise vp and went to him, and holding his temples saide, what cheere master? though all faile, let not the heart faint: the courage of a man in shewed in the resolution of his death. At these words ROSADER lifted vp his eye, and looking on ADAM SPENCER began to weepe. Ah ADAM quoth he, I sorrowe not to die, but I grieue at the manner of my death. Might I with my launce encounter the enemie, and so die in the field, it were honour, and content: might I (ADAM) combat with some beast, and perish as his pray, I wer satisfied: but to die with hunger, O ADAM, it is the extreamest of all extreames. Master (quoth hee) you see wee are both in one predicament, and long I cannot liue without meate, seeing therefore we can find no foode, let the death of the one preserue the life of the other. I am olde, and ouerworne with age, you are young, and are the hope of many honours: let me then die, I will presently cut my veynes, &master with the warme bloud reliue your fainting spirits: sucke on that till I ende, and you be comforted. With that ADAM SPENCER was readie to pull out his knife, when ROSADER full of courage (though verie faint) rose vp, and wisht ADAM SPENCER to sit there till his retourne: for my minde giues me quoth he, I shall bring thee meate. With that, like a mad man he rose vp, and ranged vp and downe the woods, seeking to encounter some wilde beast with his rapier, that either he might carrie his friend ADAM food, or els pledge his life in pawne of his loyaltie. It chaunced that day, that GERISMOND the lawfull king of France banished by TORISMOND, who with a lustie crue of Outlawes liued in that forest, that day in honour of his Birth made a Feast to all his bolde yeomen, and frolickt it with store of wine and venison, sitting all at a long table vnder the shadowe of lymon trees. To that place by chance Fortune conducted ROSADER, who seeing such a crue of braue men hauing store of that, for want of which he and ADAM perished, he stept boldly to the boords end, and saluted the companie thus.
    Whatsoere thou bee that art master of these lustie squiers, I salute thee as grasciously, as a man in extreame distresse may; knowe that I and a fellow friend of mine, are heere famished in the forrest for want of foode: perish we must vnlesse relieued by thy fauours. Therefore if thou be a Gentleman, giue meate to men, and to such men as are euerrie way worthie of life; let the proudest squire that sittes at thy table, rise & incounter with me in anie honourable point of actiuitie what soeuer, and if he and thou proue me not a man, send me a way comfortlesse. If thou refuse this, as a niggard of thy cates, I will haue amongst you with my sword; for rather will I die valiantly, than perish with so cowardly an extreame. GERISMOND looking him earnestly in the face, and seeing so proper a Gentleman in so bitter a passion, was mooued with so great pitie, that rising from the table, he tooke him by the hand and bad him welcome, willing him to sit downe in his place, and in his roome not onely to eate his fill but be Lord of the feast. Gramercie sir (quoth ROSADER) but I haue a feeble friend that lies heereby famished almost for food, aged and therfore lesse able to abide the extremitie of hunger than my selfe, and dishonour it were for me to taste one crum, before I made him partner of my fortunes: therefore I will runne and fetch him, and then I will gratefully accept your proffer. Away hies ROSADER to ADAM SPENCER, and tells him the newes, who was glad of so happie fortune, but so feeble he was that hee could not goe: wherupon ROSADER got him vp on his backe, and brought him to the place. Which when GERISMOND & his men saw, they greatly applauded their league of friendship; & ROSADER hauing GERISMONDS place assigned him, would not sit there himselfe, but set downe ADAM SPENCER. Well to be short, those hungrie squires fell to their victualls, and feasted themselues with good delicates, and great store of wine. Assoone as they had taken their repast, GERISMOND (desirous to heare what hard fortune draue them into those bitter extreames) requested ROSADER to discourse, (if it wer not anie way preiudiciall vnto him) the cause of his trauell. ROSADER (desirous anie way to satisfie the courtesie of his fauourable host, (first beginning his exordium with a volley of sighes, and a few luke warme teares) prosecuted his discourse, & told him fro[m] point to point all his fortunes; how he was the yongest Sonne of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux, his name ROSADER, and this olde man (quoth he) whome I so much loue and honour, is surnamed ADAM SPENCER, an old seruant of my fathers, and one (that for his loue) neuer fayled me in all my misfortunes. When GERISMOND hearde this, hee fell on the neck of ROSADER, and next discoursing vnto him, how he was GERISMOND their lawfull King exiled by TORISMOND, what familiaritie had euer been betwixt his father Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux and him, how faithful a subiect he liued, and how honourable he died; promising (for his sake) to giue both him and his friend such courteous intertainment, as his present estate could minister: and vpon this made him one of his forresters. ROSADER seeing it was the King, craude pardon for his boldnesse, in that he did not doo him due reuerence, and humbly gaue him thankes for his fauourable courtesie. GERISMOND not satisfied yet with newes, began to enquire if he had been lately in the court of TORISMOND, and whether he had seene his daughter ROSALYNDE or no? At this, ROSADER fetcht a deep sigh, and shedding many teares, could not answere: yet at last, gathering his spirits together, hee reuealed vnto the King, how ROSALYNDE was banished, and how there was such a simpathie of affections betweene ALINDA and her, that she chose rather to be partaker of her exile, than to part fellowshippe: whereupon the vnnaturall King banished them both; and now they are wandred none knowes whether, neither could anie learne since their departure, the place of their abode. This newes driue the King into a great melancholy, that presently he arose from all the companie, and went into his priuie chamber, so secret as the harbor of the woods would allow him. The companie was all dasht at these tidings, & ROSADER and ADAM SPENCER hauing such opportunitie, went to take their rest. Where we leaue them, and returne againe to TORISMOND.
    The flight of ROSADER came to the eares of TORISMOND, who hearing that SALADYNE was sole heire of the landes of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux, desirous to possesse such faire reuenewes, found iust occasion to quarrell with SALADYNE, about the wrongs hee proffred to his brother: and therefore dispatching a Herehault, hee sent for SALADYNE in all poast hast. Who meruailing what the matter should be, began to examine his owne conscience, wherein he had offended his Highnesse: but imboldened with his innocence, hee boldly went with the Herehault vnto the Court. Where assoone as hee came, hee was not admitted into the presence of the King, but presently sent to prison. This greatly amazed SALADYNE, chiefly in that the Iayler had a straight charge ouer him, to see that he should be close prisoner. Manie passionate thoughts came in his head, till at last he began to fall into consideration of his former follies, & to meditate with himselfe. Leaning his head on his hand, and his elbowe on his knee, full of sorrow, griefe and disquieted passions, he resolued into these tearmes.

Saladynes complaint.

Nhappie SALADYNE, whome folly hath led to these misfortunes, and wanton desires wrapt within the laborinth of these calamities. Are not the heauens doomers of mens deedes? And holdes not God a ballaunce in his fist, to reward with fauour, and reuenge with iustice? Oh SALADYNE, the faults of thy youth, as they were fond, so were they foule; and onely discouering little nourture, but blemishing the excellence of nature. Whelpes of one litter are euer most louing, and brothers that are the sonnes of one father, should liue in friendship without iarre. Oh SALADYNE, so it should bee: but thou hast with the deere fedde against the winde, with the Crab stroue against the streame, and sought to peruert Nature by vnkindnesse. ROSADERS wrongs, the wrongs of ROSADER (SALADYNE) cries for reuenge, his youth pleades to God to inflict some penaunce vpon thee, his vertues are pleas that inforce writs of displeasure to crosse thee: thou hast lightly abused thy kinde & naturall brother, and the heauens cannot spare to quite thee with punishment. There is no sting to the worme of conscience, no hell to a minde toucht with guilt. Euerie wrong I offered him (called now to remembrance) wringeth a drop of bloud from my heart, euerie bad looke, euerie frowne pincheth me at the quicke, and sayes SALADYNE thou hast sind against ROSADER. Be penitent, and assigne thy selfe some penaunce to discouer thy sorrow, and pacifie his wrath.
    In the depth of his passion, he was sent for to the King: who with a looke that threatned death entertained him, and demaunded of him where his brother was? SALADYNE made aunswere, that vpon some ryot made against the Sheriffe of the shyre, he was fled from Bourdeaux, but he knew not whether. Nay villain (quoth he) I haue heard of the wrongs thou hast proffered thy brother since the death of thy father, and by thy meanes haue I lost a most braue and resolute Chaualier. Therefore, in Iustice to punish thee, I spare thy life for thy fathers sake, but banish thee for euer from the Court and Countrey of France, and see thy departure bee within tenne dayes, els trust me thou shalt loose thy head & with that the King flew away in a rage, and left poore SALADYNE greatly perplexed. Who grieuing at his exile, yet determined to beare it with patience, and in penaunce of his former follies to trauell abroade in euerie Coast, till hee had founde out his Brother ROSADER. With whom now I begin.
    ROSADER beeing thus preferred to the place of a Forester by GERISMOND, rooted out the remembrance of his brothers vnkindnes by continual exercise, trauersing the groues and wilde Forrests: partly to heare the melodie of the sweete birdes which recorded, and partly to shewe his diligent indeauour in his masters behalfe. Yet whatsoueuer he did, or howseoeuer he walked, the liuely Image of ROSALYNDE remained in memorie: on her sweete perfections he fedde his thoughts, proouing himselfe like the Eagle a true borne bird, since as the one is knowen by beholding the Sunne: so was he by regarding excellent beautie. One day among the rest, finding a fit opportunitie and place conuenient, desirous to discouer his woes to the woodes, hee engraued with his knife on the barke of a Myrtle tree, this pretie estimate of his Mistres perfection.


Of all chast birdes the Phœnix doth excell,
Of all strong beasts the Lion beares the bell,
Of all sweete flowers the Rose doth sweetest smell,
Of all faire maides my
Rosalynde is fairest.

Of all pure mettals golde is onely purest,
Of all high trees the Pine hath highest crest,
Of all soft sweetes I like my Mistres brest,
Of all chast thoughts my Mistres thoughts are rarest.

Of all proud birds the Ægle pleaseth Ioue,
Of pretie fowles kinde
Venus likes the Doue,
Of trees
Minerua doth the Oliue loue,
Of all sweete Nimphes I honour

Of all her gifts her wisedome pleaseth most,
Of all her graces vertue she doth boast:
For all thess giftes my life and ioy is lost,
Rosalynde proue cruell and vnkinde.

    In these and such like passions, ROSADER did euerie daye eternize the name of his ROSALYNDE: and this day especiallie when ALIENA and GANIMEDE (inforced by the heate of the Sunne to seeke for shelter) by good fortune arriued in that place, where this amorous forrester registred his melancholy passions; they saw the sodane change of his looks, his folded armes, his passioante sighes; they heard him often abruply call on ROSALYNDE: who (poore soule) was as hotly burned as himselfe, but that she shrouded her paines in the cinders of honorable modestie. Whereupon, (gessing him to be in loue, and according to the nature of their sexe, being pitifull in that behalfe) they sodainly brake off his melancholy by their approach: and GANIMEDE shooke him out of his dumpes thus.
    What newes Forrester? hast thou wounded some deere, and lost him in the fall? Care not man for so small a losse, thy fees was but the skinne, the shoulder, and the hornes; tis hunters lucke, to ayme faire and misse: and a woodmans fortune to strike and yet goe without the game.
    Thou art beyond the marke GANIMEDE, quoth ALIENA, his passions are greater, and his sighs discouers more losse; perhaps in trauersing these thickets, he hath seen some beautifull Nymph, and is growen amorous. It maye bee so (quoth GANIMEDE) for heere he hath newly ingrauen some sonnet: come and see the discourse of the Foresters poems. Reading the sonnet ouer, and hearing him name ROSALYND, ALIENA lookt on GANIMEDE and laught, and GANIMEDE looking backe on the Forrester, and seeing it was ROSADER blusht, yet thinking to shroud all vnder hir pages apparell, she boldly returned to ROSADER, and began thus.
    I pray thee tell me Forrester, what is this ROSALYNDE, for whom thou pinest away in such passions? Is shee some Nymph that waites vpon DIANAES traine, whose chastitie thou hast decyphred in such Epethites? Or is shee some shepheardesse, that haunts these plaines, whose beautie hath so bewitched thy fancie, whose name thou shaddowest in couert vnder the figure of ROSALYNDE, as OUID did IULIA vnder the name of CORINNA? Or say mee for sooth, is it that ROSALYNDE, of whom we shepheards haue heard talke, shee Forrester, that is the Daughter of GERISMOND, that once was King, and now an Outlaw in this Forrest of Arden. At this ROSADER fetcht a deepe sigh, and said, It is shee, O gentle swayne, it is she, that Saint it is whom I serue, that Goddesse at whose shrine I doo bend all my deuotions: the most fairest of all faires, the Phenix of all that sexe, and the puritie of all earthly perfection. And why (gentle Forrester) if she bee so beautifull and thou so amorous, is there such a disagreement in thy thoughts? Happely she resembleth the rose, that is sweete but full of Prickles? or the serpent REGIUS that hath scales as glorious as the Sunne, & a breath as infectious as the Aconitum is deadly? So thy ROSALYNDE, may be most amiable, and yet vnkinde: full of fauour, and yet froward: coy without wit, and disdainefull without reason.
    O shepheard (quoth ROSADER) knewest thou her personage graced with the excellence of all perfection, beeing a harbour wherein the Graces shroude their vertues: thou wouldst not breathe out such blasphemie against the beauteous ROSALYNDE. She is a Diamond, bright but not hard, yet of most chast operation: a pearle so orient, that it can be stained with no blemish: a rose without prickles, and a Princesse absolute aswell in beautie, as in vertue. But I, vnhappie I, haue let mine eye soare with the Eagle against so bright a Sunne, that I am quite blinde; I haue with APOLLO enamoured my selfe of a DAPHNE, not (as shee) disdainfull, but farre more chast than DAPHNE; I haue with IXION laide my loue on IUNO, and shall (I feare) embrace nought but a clowde. Ah shepheard, I haue reacht at a star, my desires haue mounted aboue my degree, & my thoughts aboue my fortunes. I being a peasant haue ventred to gaze on a Princesse, whose honors are too high to vouchsafe such base loues.
    Why Forrester (quoth GANIMEDE) comfort thy selfe: be blythe and frolicke man, Loue sowseth as low as she soareth high: CUPIDE shootes at a ragge assoone as at a roabe, and VENUS eye that was so curious sparkled fauor on pole footed VULCAN. Feare not man, womens lookes are not tied to dignities feathers, nor make they curious esteeme, where the stone is found, but what is the vertue. Feare not Forrester, faint heart neuer wonne faire Ladie. But where liues ROSALYNDE now, at the Court?
    Oh no (quoth ROSADER) for I glorie to make all eares wonder at my Mistres excellence. And with that he pulde a paper forth his bosome wherein he read this.

Rosalyndes description.

Like to the cleere in highest spheare
Where all imperiall glorie shines,
Of selfe same colour is her haire
Whether vnfolded or in twines:
        Heigh ho faire
Her eyes are Saphires set in snow,
Refining heauen by euerie winke;
The Gods doo feare when as they glow,
And I doo tremble when I thinke.
        Heigh ho, would she were mine.

Her cheekes are like the blushing clowde
That beautefies
Auroraes face,
Or like the siluer crimson shrowde
Phœbus smiling lookes doth grace:
        Heigh ho faire
Her lippes are like two budded roses,
Whom rankes of lillies neighbour nie,
Within which bounds she balme incloses,
Apt to intice a Deitie:
        Heigh ho, would she were mine.

Her necke like to a stately towre,
Where Loue himselfe imprisoned lies,
To watch for glaunces euerie howre,
From her deuine and sacred eyes,
        Heigh ho faire
Her pappes are centers of delight,
Her pappes are orbes of heauenlie frame,
Where Nature moldes the deaw of light,
To feede perfection with the same:
        Heigh ho, would she were mine.

With orient pearle, with rubie red,
With marble white, with saphire blew,
Her bodie euerie way is fed;
Yet soft in touch, and sweete in view:
        Heigh ho faire
Nature her selfe her shape admires,
The Gods are wounded in her sight,
And Loue forsakes his heauenly fires,
And at her eyes his brand doth light:
        Heigh ho, would she were mine.

Then muse not Nymphes though I bemoane
The absence of faire
Since for her faire there is fairer none,
Nor for her vertues so deuine.
        Heigh ho faire
    Heigh ho my heart, would God that she were mine.

Perijt, quia deperibat.       

    Beleeue me (quoth GANIMEDE) either the Forrester is an exquisite painter, or ROSALYNDE faire aboue wonder: so it makes me blush, to heare how women should be so excellent, and pages so vnperfect.
    ROSADER beholding her earnestly, answered thus. Truly (gentle page) thou hast cause to complaine thee, wert thou the substance: but resembling the shadow, content thy selfe: for it is excellence inough to be like the excellence of Nature. He hath aunswered you GANIMEDE (quoth ALIENA) it is inough for pages to waite on beautifull ladies, & not to be beautifull themselues. Oh Mistres (quoth GANIMEDE) hold you your peace, for you are partiall: Who knowes not, but that all women haue desire to tie souerein-to their peticoats, and ascribe beautie to themselues, where if boyes might put on their garments, perhaps they would prooue as comely, it may be more curteous. But tell mee Forrester, (and with that shee turnde to ROSADER) vnder whom maintainest thou thy walke? Gentle swaine vnder the King of Outlawes said he, the vnfortunate GERISMOND: who hauing lost his kingdome, crowneth his thoughts with content, accompting it better to gouern among poore men in peace, than great men in daunger. But hast thou not said she, (hauing so melancholie opportuities as this Forrest affoordeth thee) written more Sonnets in commendations of thy Mistres? I haue gentle Swayne quoth he, but they be not about me: to morrow by dawne of daye, if your flockes feede in these pastures, I will bring them you: wherein you shall reade my passions, whilest I feele them; iudge my patience when you read it: till when I bid farewell. So giuing both GANIMEDE and ALIENA a gentle good night, he resorted to his lodge: leauing ALIENA and GANIMEDE to their prittle prattle. So GANIMEDE said ALIENA, the Forrester beeing gone) you are mightely beloued, men make ditties in your praise, spend sighes for your sake, make an Idoll of your beautie: beleeue me it greeues mee not a little, to see the poore man so pensiue, and you so pittilesse.
    Ah ALIENA (quoth she) be not peremptorie in your iudgments, I heare ROSALYNDE praisde as I am GANIMEDE, but were I ROSALYNDE, I could answere the Forrester: If hee mourne for loue, there are medicines for loue: ROSALYNDE cannot be faire and vnkinde. And so Madame you see it is time to folde our flockes, or els CORIDON will frowne, and say you will neuer prooue a good huswife. With that they put their Sheepe into the coates, and went home to her friend CORIDONS cottage, ALIENA as merrie as might be, that she was in the companie of her ROSALYNDE: but shee poore soule, that had Loue her load starre, and her thoughts set on fire with the flame of fancie, coulde take no rest, but being alone began to consider what passionate penaunce poore ROSADER was enioyned to by loue and fortune: that at last she fell into this humour with her selfe.
Rosalynde passionate alone.

H ROSALYNDE, how the Fates haue set downe in their Synode to make thee vnhappie: for when Fortune hath done her worst, then Loue comes in to begin a new tragedie; shee seekes to lodge her sonne in thine eyes, and to kindle her fires in thy bosome. Beware fonde girle, he is an vnruly guest to harbour; for cutting in by intreats he will not be thrust out by force, and her fires are fed with such fuell, as no water is able to quench. Seest thou not how VENUS seekes to wrap thee in her Laborynth, wherein is pleasure at the entrance, but within, sorrowes, cares, and discontent: she is a SYREN, stop thine eares at her melodie; and a Basiliske, shut thine eyes, and gaze not at her least thou perish. Thou art nowe placed in the Countrey content, where are heauenly thoughts, and meane desires: in those Lawnes where thy flockes feede DIANA haunts: bee as her Nymphes, chaste, and enemie to Loue: there is no greater honour to a Maide, than to accompt of fancie, as a mortall foe to their sexe. DAPHNE that bonny wench was not toured into a Bay tree, as the Poets faine: but for her chastitie her fame was immortall, resembling the Lawrell that is euer greene. Follow thou her steps ROSALYNDE, and the rather, for that thou art an exile, and banished from the Court: whose distresse, as it is appeased with patience, so it woulde bee renewed with amorous passions. Haue minde on thy forepassed fortunes, feare the worst, and intangle not thy selfe with present fancies: least louing in hast thou repent thee at leasure. Ah but yet ROSALYNDE, it is ROSADER that courts thee; one, who as hee is beautifull, so he is vertuous, and harboureth in his minde as manie good qualities, as his face is shadowed with gracious fauours: and therefore ROSALYNDE stoope to Loue, least beeing either too coy, or too cruell, VENUS waxe wrothe, and plague thee with the reward of disdaine.
    ROSALYNDE thus passionate, was wakened from her dumpes by ALIENA, who saide it was time to goe to bedde. CORIDON swore that was true, for CHARLES Wayne was risen in the North. Whereuppon each taking leaue of other, went to their rest all, but poore ROSALYNDE: who was so full of passions, that shee coulde not possesse anie content. Well, leauing her to her broken slumbers, expect what was perfourmed by them the nexte morning.
    The Sunne was no sooner stept from the bed of AURORA, but ALIENA was wakened by GANIMEDE: who restlesse all night had tossed in her passions: saying it was then time to goe to the field to vnfold their sheepe. ALIENA (that spied where the hare was by the hounds, and could see day at a little hole) thought to be pleasant with her GANIMEDE, & therfore replied thus; What wanton? the Sun is but new vp, & as yet IRIS riches lies folded in the bosome of FLORA, PHŒBUS hath not dried vp the pearled deaw, & so long CORIDON hath taught me, it is not fit to lead the sheepe abroad: least the deaw being vnwholesome, they get the rot: but now see I the olde prouerbe true, he is in hast whom the diuel driues, & where loue prickes forward, there is no worse death than delay. Ah my good page, is there fancie in thine eie, and passions in thy heart? What, hast thou wrapt loue in thy looks? And set all thy thoughts on fire by affection? I tell thee, it is a flame as hard to be quencht as that of ÆTNA. But nature must haue her course, womens eyes haue facultie attractiue like the ieat, and retentiue like the diamond: they dallie in the delight of faire obiects, til gazing on the Panthers beautifull skinne, repenting experience tell them hee hath a deuouring paunch. Come on (quoth GANIMEDE) this sermon of yours is but a subtiltie to lie still a bed, because either you thinke the morning colde, or els I being gone, you would steale a nappe: this shifte carries no paulme, and therefore vp and away. And for Loue let me alone, Ile whip him away with nettles, and set disdaine as a charme to withstand his forces: and therefore looke you to your selfe, be not too bolde, for VENUS can make you bend; nor too coy, for CUPID hath a piercing dart, that will make you crie Peccaui. And that is it (quoth ALIENA) that hath raysed you so early this morning. And with that she slipt on her peticoate, and start vp, and assoone as she had made her readie, and taken her breakfast, away goe these two with their bagge and bottles to the field, in more pleasant content of mind, than euer they were in the court of TORISMOND. They came no sooner nigh the foldes, but they might see where their discontented Forrester was walking in his melancholy. Assoone as ALIENA saw him, she smiled, and sayd to GANIMEDE; wipe your eyes sweeting: for yonder is your sweet hart this morning in deepe praiers no doubt to VENUS, that she may make you as pitifull as hee is passionante. Come on GANIMEDE, I pray thee lets haue a little sport with him. Content (quoth GANIMEDE) and with that, to waken him out of his deepe memento, he began thus.
    Forrester, good fortune to thy thoughts, and ease to thy passions, what makes you so early abroad this morne, in co[n]templation, no doubt of your ROSALYNDE. Take heede Forrester, step not too farre, the foord may be deepe, and you slip ouer the shooes: I tell thee, flies haue their spleene, the ants choller, the least haires shadowes, & the smallest loues great desires. Tis good (Forrester) to loue, but not to ouerloue: least in louing her that likes not thee, thou folde thy selfe in an endlesse Laborynth. ROSADER seeing the fayre shepheardesse and her pretie swayne, in whose companie [he] felt the greatest ease of his care, he returned them a salute on this manner.
    Gentle shepheards, all haile, and as healthfull bee your flockes, as you happie in content. Loue is restlesse, and my bedde is but the cell of my bane, in that there I finde busie thoughtes and broken slumbers: heere (although euerie where passionate) yet I brooke loue with more patience, in that euerie obiect feedes mine eye with varietie of fancies; when I looke on FLORAES beauteous tapestrie, checkered with the pride of all her treasure, I call to minde the fayre face of ROSALYNDE, whose heauenly hiew exceedes the Rose and the Lilly in their highest excellence; the brightnesse of PHŒBUS shine, puts me in minde to thinke of the sparkling flames that flew from her eies, and set my heart first on fire; the sweet harmonie of the birds, puts me in remembrance of the rare melodie of her voyce, which like the SYREN enchaunteth the eares of the hearer. Thus in contemplation I salue my sorrowes, with applying the perfection of euerie obiect to the excellence of her qualities.
    She is much beholding vnto you (quoth ALIENA) and so much, that I haue oft wisht with my selfe, that if I should euer prooue as amorous as OENONE, I might finde as faithfull a PARIS as your selfe.
    How say you by this Item Forester, (quoth GANIMEDE) the faire shepeardesse fauours you, who is mistresse of so manie flockes. Leaue of man the supposition of ROSALYNDS loue, when as watching at her, you roue beyond the Moone; and cast your lookes vpon my Mistres, who no doubt is as faire though not so royall; one birde in the hande is woorth two in the wood; better possesse the loue of ALIENA, than catch friuo[l]ously at the shadowe of ROSALYNDE.
    Ile tell thee boy (quoth [ROSADER]) so is my fancie fixed on my ROSALYNDE, that were thy Mistress as faire as LÆDA or DANAE, whome IOUE courted in transformed shapes, mine eyes would not vouch to intertaine their beauties: and so hath Loue lockt mee in her perfections, that I had rather onely contemplate in her beauties, than absolutely possesse the excellence of anie other. VENUS is too blame (Forrester) (quoth GANIMEDE) if hauing so true a seruant of you, she reward you not with ROSALYNDE, if ROSALYNDE were more fairer than her selfe. But leauing this prattle, nowe Ile put you in minde of your promise, about those sonnets which you saide were at home in your lodge. I haue them about me (quoth ROSADER) let vs sit downe, and then you shall heare what a Poeticall furie Loue will infuse into a man: with that they sate downe vpon a greene bank, shadowed with figge trees, and ROSADER, fetching a deepe sigh read them this Sonnet.

Rosaders Sonnet.

In sorrowes cell I laid me downe to sleepe:
But waking woes were iealous of mine eyes,
They made them watch, and bend themselues to weepe:
But weeping teares their want could not suffice:
    Yet since for her they wept who guides my hart,
    They weeping smile, and triumph in their smart.

Of these my teares a fountaine fiercely springs,
Venus baynes her selfe incenst with loue;
Cupid bowseth his faire feathred wings:
But I behold what paines I must approue.
    Care drinkes it drie: but when on her I thinke,
    Loue makes me weepe it full vnto the brinke.

Meane while my sighes yeeld truce vnto my teares,
By them the windes increast and fiercely blow:
Yet when I sigh the flame more plaine appeares,
And by their force with greater power doth glow:
    Amids these paines, all Phœnix like I thriue,
    Since loue that yeelds me death, may life reuiue.

Rosader en esperance.   

    Now surely Forrester (quoth ALIENA) when thou madest this sonnet, thou wert in some amorous quandarie, neither too fearfull, as despairing of thy Mistres fauours: nor too gleesome, as hoping in thy fortunes. I can smile (quoth GANIMEDE) at the Sonnettoes, Canzones, Madrigales, rounds and roundelayes, that these pensiue patients powre out, when their eyes are more ful of wantonnesse, than their hearts of passions. Then, as the fishers put the sweetest baite to the fairest fish: so these OUIDIANS (holding Amo in their tongues, when their thoughtes come at hap hazarde, write that they be wrapt in an endlesse laborynth of sorrow, when walking in the large leas of libertie, they onely haue their humours in their inckpot. If they finde women so fond, that they will with such painted lures come to theyr lust, then they triumph till they be full gorgde with pleasures: and then fly they away (like ramage kytes) to their owne content, leauing the tame foole their Mistres full of fancie, yet without euer a feather. If they misse (as dealing with some wary wanton, that wa[n]ts not such a one as themselues, but spies ther subtiltie) they ende their amors with a few fained sighes: and so there excuse is, their Mistres is cruell, and they smoother passions with patience. Such gentle Forrester we may deeme you to bee, that rather passe away the time heere in these Woods with writing amorets, than to bee deepely enamoured ( as you say) of your ROSALYNDE. If you bee such a one, then I pray God, when you thinke your fortunes at the highest, and your desires to bee most excellent, then that you may with IXION embrace IUNO in a clowde, and haue nothing but a marble Mistres to release your martyrdome: but if you be true and trustie, eypaind and hart sicke, then accursed be ROSALYNDE if shee prooue cruell: for Forrester (I flatter not) thou art woorthie of as faire as shee. ALINDA spying the storme by the winde, smiled to see how GANIMEDE flew to the fist without anie call: but ROSADER who tooke him flat for a shepheardes Swayne made him this answere.
    Trust me Swayne (quoth ROSADER) but my Canzon was written in no such humour: for mine eye & my heart are relatiues, the one drawing fancie by sight, the other entertaining her by sorrowe. If thou sawest my ROSALYNDE, with what beauties Nature hath fauoured her, with what perfection the heauens hath graced her, with what qualities the Gods haue endued her; then wouldst thou say, there is none so fickle that could be fleeting vnto her. If she had ben AENEAS DIDO, had VENUS and IUNO both scolded him from Carthage, yet her excellence despite of them, woulde haue detained him at Tyre. If PHILLIS had been as beauteous, or ARIADNE as vertuous, or both as honourable and excellent as she; neither had the Philbert tree sorrowed in the death of despairing PHILLIS, nor the starres haue been graced with ARIADNE: but DEMPHOON and THESEUS had been trustie to their Paragons. I will tell thee Swaine, if with a deepe insight thou couldst pearce into the secrete of my loues, and see what deepe impressions of her IDEA affection hath made in my heart: then wouldst thou confesse I were passing passionate, and no lesse indued with admirable patience. Why (quoth ALIENA) needes there patience in Loue? Or els in nothing (quoth ROSADER) for it is a restlesse soare, that hath no ease, a cankar that still frets, a disease that taketh awaie all hope of sleepe. If then so manie sorrowes, sodain ioies, momentarie pleasures, continuall feares, daylie griefes, and nightly woes be found in Loue, then is not he to be accompted patient, that smoothers all these passions with silence? Thou speakest by experience (quoth GANIMEDE) and therefore wee holde all thy words for Axiomes: but is Loue such a lingring maladie? It is (quoth he) either extreame or meane, according to the minde of the partie that entertaines it: for as the weedes growe longer vntouchte than the pretie flowers, and the flint lies safe in the quarrie, when the Emeraulde is suffering the Lapidaries toole: so meane men are freeed from VENUS iniuries, when kings are enuyroned with a laborynth of her cares. The whiter the Lawne is, the deeper is the moale, the more purer the chrysolite the sooner stained; and such as haue their hearts ful of honour, haue their loues full of the greatest sorrowes. But in whomsoeuer (quoth ROSADER) he fixeth his dart, hee neuer leaueth to assault him, till either hee hath wonne him to follie or fancie: for as the Moone neuer goes without the starre LUNISEAQUA, so a Louer neuer goeth without the vnrest of his thoughts. For proofe you shall heare another fancie of my making. Now doo gentle Forrester (quoth GANIMEDE) and with that he read ouer this Sonetto.
Rosaders second Sonetto.

Turne I my lookes vnto the Skies,
Loue with his arrowes wounds mine eies:
If so I gaze vpon the ground,
Loue then in euerie flower is found.
Search I the shade to flie my paine,
He meets me in the shade againe:
Wend I to walke in secrete groue,
Euen there I meete with sacred Loue.
If so I bayne me in the spring,
Euen on the brinke I heare him sing:
If so I meditate alone,
He will be partner of my moane.
If so I mourne, he weepes with mee,
And where I am, there will he bee.
When as I talke of
The God from coynesse waxeth kinde,
And seemes in selfe same flames to frie,
Because he loues as well as I.
Rosalynde for pitie rue,
For why, then Loue will quicklie flie,
But in thy loue I liue and die.

    How like you this Sonnet, quoth ROSADER? Marrie quoth GANIMEDE, for the penne well, for the passion ill: for as I praise the one; I pitie the other, in that thou shouldest hunt after a clowde, and loue either without rewarde or regarde. Tis not her frowardnesse, quoth ROSADER, but my hard fortunes, whose Destinies haue crost me with her absence: for did shee feele my loues, she would not let me linger in these sorrowes. Women, as they are faire, so they respect faith, and estimate more (if they be honourable) the wil than the wealth, hauing loyaltie the obiect whereat they ayme their fancies. But leauing off these interparleyes, you shall heare my last Sonnetto, and then you haue heard all my Poetrie: and with that he sight out this.

Rosaders third Sonnet.

Of vertuous Loue my selfe may boast alone,
Since no suspect my seruice may attaint:
For perfect faire shee is the onely one,
Whom I esteeme for my beloued Saint:
    Thus for my faith I onely beare the bell,
    And for her faire she onely doth excell.

Then let fond Petrarch shrowde his Lawraes praise,
Tasso cease to publish his affect;
Since mine the faith confirmde at all assaies,
And her the faire, which all men doo respect:
        My lines her faire, her faire my faith assures;
        Thus I by Loue, and Loue by me endures.

    Thus quoth ROSADER, heere is an ende of my Poems, but for all this no release of my passions: so that I resemble him, that in the deapth of his distresse hath none but the Eccho to aunswere him. GANIMEDE pittying her ROSADER, thinking to driue him out of this amorous melancholie, said, that now the Sunne was in his Meridionall heat, and that it was high noone, therefore we shepheards say, tis time to goe to dinner: for the Sunne and our stomackes, are Shepheards dialls. Therefore Forrester, if thou wilt take such fare as comes out of our homely scrippes, welcome shall aunsere whatsoeuer thou wantst in delicates. ALIENA tooke the entertainment by the ende, and told ROSADER he should be her guest. He thankt them heartely, and sate with them downe to dinner: where they had such cates as Countrey state did allow them, sawst with such content, and such sweete prattle, as it seemed farre more sweete, than all their Courtly iunckets.
    Assoone as they had taken their repast, ROSADER giuing them thankes for his good cheere, would haue been gone: but GANIMEDE, that was loath to let him pass out of her presence, began thus; Nay Forrester quoth he, if thy busines be not the greater, seeing thou saist thou art so deeply in loue, let me see how thou canst wooe: I will represent ROSALYNDE, and thou shalt bee as thou art ROSADER; see in some amorous Eglogue, how if ROSALYNDE were present, how thou couldst court her: and while we sing of Loue, ALIENA shall tune her pipe, and playe vs melodie. Content, quoth ROSADER. And ALIENA, shee to shew her willingnesse, drewe foorth a recorder, and began to winde it. Then the louing Forrester began thus.

The wooing Eglogue betwixt Rosa-
lynde and Rosader.


I pray thee Nymph by all the working words,
By all the teares and sighes that Louers know,
Or what or thoughts or faltring tongue affords,
I craue for mine in ripping vp my woe.
Rosalynd my loue (would God my loue)
My life (would God my life) ay pitie me;
Thy lips are kinde, and humble like the doue,
And but with beautie pitie will not be.
Looke on mine eyes made red with rufull teares,
From whence the raine of true remorse descendeth,
All pale in lookes, and I though young in yeares,
And nought but loue or death my daies befrendeth.
Oh let no stormie rigour knit thy browes,
Which Loue appointed for his mercie seate:
The tallest tree by
Boreas breath it bowes,
The yron yeelds with hammer, and to heate.
Rosalynde then be thou pittifull,
Rosalynde is onely beautifull.

Loues wantons arme their traitrous sutes with teares,
With vowes, with oathes, with lookes, with showers of golde:
But when the fruite of their affectes appeares,
The simple heart by subtill sleights is solde.
Thus suckes the yeelding eare the poysoned bait,
Thus feedes the hart vpon his endlesse harmes,
Thus glut the thoughts themselues on selfe deceipt,
Thus blinde the eyes their sight by subtill charmes.
The louely lookes, the sighs that storme so sore,
The deaw of deepe dissembled doublenesse:
These may attempt, but are of power no more,
Where beautie leanes to wit and soothfastnesse.
Rosader then be thou wittifull,
Rosalynde scornes foolish pittifull.

I pray thee
Rosalynde by those sweete eyes
That staine the Sunne in shine, the morne in cleare;
By those sweete cheekes where Loue incamped lies
To kisse the roses of the springing yeare.
I tempt thee
Rosalynde by ruthfull plaints,
Not seasoned with deceipt of fraudfull guile,
But firme in paine, farre more than tongue depaints,
Sweete Nymph be kinde, and grace me with a smile.
So may the heauens preserue from hurtfull food
Thy harmelesse flockes, so may the Summer yeeld
The pride of all her riches and her good,
To fat thy sheepe (the Citizens of field).
Oh leaue to arme thy louely browes with scorne:
The birds their beake, the Lion hath his taile,
And Louers nought but sighes and bitter mourne,
The spotlesse fort of fancie to assaile.
Rosalynde then be thou pitifull:
Rosalynde is onely beautifull.

The hardned steele by fire is brought in frame:

Rosalynde my loue than anie wooll more softer;
And shall not sighes her tender heart inflame?

Were Louers true, maides would beleeue them ofter.
Truth and regard, and honour guide my loue.

Faine would I trust, but yet I dare not trie.

Oh pitie me sweete Nymph, and doo but proue.

I would resist, but yet I know not why.

Rosalynde be kinde, for times will change,
Thy lookes ay nill be faire as now they be,
Thine age from beautie may thy lookes estrange:
Ah yeelde in time sweete Nymph, and pitie me.

Rosalynde thou must be pitifull.
Rosader is yong and beautifull.

Oh gaine more great than kingdomes, or a crowne.

Oh trust betraid if
Rosader abuse me.

First let the heauens conspire to pull me downe,
And heauen and earth as abiect quite refuse me.
Let sorrowes streame about my hatefull bower,
And restlesse horror hatch within my breast,
Let beauties eye afflict me with a lowre,
Let deepe despaire pursue me without rest;
Rosalynde my loyaltie disproue,
Rosalynde accuse me for vnkinde.

Rosalynde will grace thee with her loue,
Rosalynde will haue thee still in minde.

Then let me triumph more than
Tithons deere,
Rosalynde will Rosader respect:
Then let my face exile his sorrie cheere,
And frolicke in the comfort of affect:
        And say that
Rosalynde is onely pitifull,
Rosalynde is onely beautifull.

    When thus they had finished their courting Eglogue in such a familiar clause, GANIMEDE as Augure of some good fortunes to light vpon their affections, beganne to be thus pleasant; How now Forrester, haue I not fitted your turn? Haue I not plaide the woman handsomely, and shewed my selfe as coy in graunts, as courteous in desires, and been as full of suspition as men of flatterie? And yet to salue all, iumpt I not all vp with the sweete vnion of loue? Did not ROSALYNDE content her ROSADER? The Forrester at this smiling, shooke his head, and folding his armes made this merrie replie.
    Truth gentle Swaine, ROSADER hath his ROSALYNDE: but as IXION had IUNO, who thinking to possesse a goddesse, onely imbraced a clowde: in these imaginarie fruitions of fancie, I resemble the birds that fed themselues with ZEUXIS painted grapes; but they grewe so leane with pecking at shaddowes, that they were glad with AESOPS Cocke to scrape for a barley cornell: so fareth it with me, who to feede my selfe with the hope of my Mistres fauours, sooth my self in thy sutes, and onely in conceipt reape a wished for content: but if my food be no better than such amorous dreames, VENUS at the yeares ende, shall finde mee but a leane louer. Yet doo I take these follies for high fortunes, and hope these fained affections doo deuine some vnfained ende of ensuing fancies. And thereupon (quoth ALIENA) Ile play the priest, from this day forth GANIMEDE shall call thee husband, and thou shalt call GANIMEDE wife, and so weele haue a marriage. Content (quoth ROSADER) and laught. Content (quoth GANIMEDE) and changed as redde as a rose: and so with a smile and a blush, they made vp this iesting match, that after prooude to a marriage in earnest; ROSADER full little thinking he had wooed and wonne his ROSALYNDE. But all was well, hope is a sweete string to harpe on: and therefore let the Forrester a while shape himselfe to his shadow, and tarrie Fortunes leasure, till she may make a Metamorphosis fit for his purpose. I digresse, and therefore to ALIENA: who said the wedding was not worth a pinne, vnles there were some cheere, nor that bargaine well made that was not striken vp with a cuppe of wine: and therefore she wild GANIMEDE to set out such cates as they had, and to drawe out her bottle, charging the Forrester as hee had imagined his loues, so to conceipt these cates to be a most sumptuous banquet, and to take a Mazer of wine and to drinke to his ROSALYNDE: which ROSADER did; and so they passed awaye the day in manie pleasant deuices. Till at last ALIENA perceiued time would tarrie no man, and that the Sunne waxed verie lowe, readie to set: which made her shorten their amorous prattle, and ende the Banquet with a fresh Carrowse; which done, they all three rose, and ALIENA broke off thus.
    Now Forrester, PHŒBUS that all this while hath been partaker of our sports; seeing euerie Woodman more fortunate in his loues, than hee in his fancies; seeing thou hast wonne ROSALYNDE, when he could not wooe DAPHNE, hides his head for shame, and bids vs adiew in a clowde; our sheep they poore wantons wander towards their foldes, as taught by Nature their due times of rest: which tells vs Forrester, we must depart. Marrie, though there were a marriage, yet I must carrie (this night) the Bryde with me, and to morrow morning if you meete vs heere, Ile promise to deliuer her as good a maide as I finde her. Content quoth ROSADER, tis enough for me in the night to dreame on loue, that in the day am so fond to doate on loue: and so till to morrow you to your Foldes, and I will to my Lodge; and thus the Forrester and they parted. He was no sooner gone, but ALIENA and GANIMEDE went and folded their flockes, and taking vp their hookes, their bagges, and their bottles, hied homeward. By the waye, ALIENA to make the time seeme short, began to prattle with GANIMEDE thus; I haue heard them say, that what the Fates forepoint, that Fortune pricketh downe with a period, that the starres are sticklers in VENUS Court, and desire hangs at the heele of Destinie; if it be so, then by all probable coniectures, this match will be a marriage: for if Augurisme be authenticall, or the deuines doomes principles, it cannot bee but such a shaddowe portends the issue of a substaunce, for to that ende did the Gods force the conceipt of this Eglogue, that they might discouer the ensuing consent of your affections: so that eare it bee long, I hope (in earnest) to daunce at your Wedding.
    Tush (quoth GANIMEDE) al is not malte that is cast on the kill, there goes more words to a bargaine than one, loue feeles no footing in the aire, and fancie holdes it slipperie harbour to nestle in the tongue: the match is not yet so surely made but he may misse of his market; but if Fortune be his friend, I will not be his foe: and so I pray you (gentle Mistresse ALIENA) take it. I take all things well (quoth shee) that is your content, and am glad ROSADER is yours: for now I hope your thoughts will be at quiet; your eye that euer looked at Loue, will nowe lende a glaunce on your Lambes: and then they will proue more buxsome and you more blythe, for the eyes of the Master feedes the Cattle. As thus they were in chat, they spied old CORIDON where hee came plodding to meete them: who tolde them supper was readie: which newes made them speede home. Where we leaue them to the next morrow, and returne to SALADYNE.
    all this while did poore SALADYNE (banished from Bourdeaux and the Court of France by TORISMOND) wander vp and downe in the Forrest of Arden, thinking to get to Lions, and so trauell through Germanie into Italy: but the Forrest being full of by-pathes, and he vnskilfull of the Countrey coast, slipt out of the way, and chaunced vp into the Desart, not farre from the place where GERISMOND was, and his brother ROSADER. SALADYNE wearie with wandring vp and downe, and hungrie with long fasting; finding a little caue by the side of a thicket, eating such frute as the Forrest did affoord, and contenting himselfe with such drinke as Nature had prouided, and thirst made delicate, after his repast he fell in a dead sleepe. As thus he lay, a hungrie Lion came hunting downe the edge of the groue for pray, and espying SALADYNE began to ceaze upon him: but seeing he lay still without anie motion, he left to touch him, for that Lions hate to pray on dead carkasses: and yet desirous to haue some foode, the Lion lay downe and watcht to see if hee would stirre. While thus SALADYNE slept secure, fortune that was careful ouer her champion, began to smile, and brought it so to passe, that ROSADER (hauing striken a Deere that but lightly hurt fled through the thicket) came pacing downe by the groue with a Boare speare in his hand in great hast, he spied where a man lay a sleepe, and a Lion fast by him: amazed at this sight, as hee stood gazing, his nose on the sodaine bled; which made him coniecture it was some friend of his. Whereuppon drawing more nigh, hee might easely discerne his visage, and perceiued by his phisnomie that it was his brother SALADYNE: which draue ROSADER into a deepe passion, as a man perplexed at the sight of so vnexpected a chaunce, maruelling what shoulde driue his brother to trauers those secrete Desarts without anie companie in such distresse and forlorne sort. But the present time craued no such doubting ambages: for either he must resolue to hazard his life for his reliefe, or els steale awaye, and leaue him to the crueltie of the Lion. In which doubt, he thus briefly debated with himselfe.

Rosaders meditation.

Ow ROSADER, Fortune that long hath whipt thee with nettles, meanes to salue thee with roses; and hauing crost thee with manie frownes, now she presents thee with the brightnesse of her fauours. Thou that didst count thy selfe the most distressed of all men, maist acccompt thy selfe now the most fortunate amongst men; if fortune can make men happie, or sweete reuenge be wrapt in a pleasing content. Thou seest SALADYNE thine enemie, the worker of thy misfortunes, and the efficient cause of thine exile, subiect to the crueltie of a mercilesse Lion: brought into this miserie by the Gods, that they might seeme iust in reuenging his rigour, and thy iniuries. Seest thou not how the starres are in a fauourable aspect, the plannets in some pleasing coniunction, the fates agreeable to thy thoughtes, and the destenies perfourmers of thy desires, in that SALADYNE shall die, and thou free of his bloud: he receiue meede for his amisse, and thou erect his Tombe with innocent hands. Now ROSADER shalt thou returne to Bourdeaux,and enioye thy possessions by birth, and his reuenewes by inheritaunce: now maist thou triumph in loue, and hang Fortunes Altares with garlandes. For when ROSALYNDE heares of thy wealth, it will make her loue thee more willingly: for womens eyes are made of Chrisecoll, that is euer vnperfect vnlesse tempred with golde: and IUPITER soonest enioyed DANAE, because he came to her in so rich a shower. Thus shall this Lion (ROSADER) end the life of a miserable man, and from distresse raise thee to bee most fortunate. And with that casting his Boare speare on his neck, away he began to trudge. But hee had not stept backe two or three paces, but a new motion stroke him to the very hart, that resting his Boare speare against his breast, hee fell into this passionate humour.
    Ah ROSADER, wert thou the son of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux, whose vertues exceeded his valour, and yet the most hardiest Knight in all Europe? Should the honour of the father shine in the actions of the sonne? and wilt thou dishonour thy parentage, in forgetting the nature of a Gentleman? Did not thy father at his last gaspe this golden principle; Brothers amitie is like the drops of Balsamum, that salueth the most dangerous sores? Did hee make a large exhort vnto concord, and wilt thou shewe thy selfe carelesse? Oh ROSADER, what though SALADYNE hath wronged thee, and made thee liue an exile in the Forrest? shall thy nature be so cruell, or thy nurture so crooked, or thy thoughts so sauage, as to suffer so dismall a reuenge? what, to let him be deuoured by wilde beasts? Non sapit, qui non sibi sapit is fondly spoken in such bitter extreames. Loose not his life ROSADER to winne a world of treasure: for in hauing him thou hast a brother, and by hazarding for his life, thou gettest a friend, and reconcilest an enemie: and more honour shalt thou purchase by pleasuring a foe, than reuenging a thousand inuries.
    With that his Brother began to stirre, and the Lion to rowse himselfe: whereupon ROSADER sodainely charged him with the Boare speare, and wounded the Lion verie sore at the first stroake. The beast feeling himselfe to haue a mortall hurt, leapt at ROSADER, and with his pawes gaue him a sore pinch on the breast that he had almost faln: yet as a man most valiant, in whom the sparkes of Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux remained, he recouered himselfe, and in short combat slew the Lion: who at his death roared so lowde, that SALADYNE awaked, and starting vp was amazed at the sodayne sight of so monstrous a beast lie slaine by him, and so sweete a Gentleman wounded. He presently (as hee was of a ripe conceipt) began to coniecture, that the Gentleman had slain him in his defence. Whereuppon (as a man in a traunce) he stood staring on them both a good while, not knowing his Brother beeing in that disguise: at last hee burst into these tearmes. Sir whatsouer thou bee, (as full of honour thou must needs be, by the view of thy present valure) I perceiue thou hast redrest my fortunes by thy courage, and saued my life with thine owne losse: which ties me to be thine in all humble seruice. Thankes thou shalt haue as thy due, and more thou canst not haue: for my abilitie denies to perfourme a deeper debt. But if anie wayes it please thee to commaund me, vse me as farre as the power of a poore Gentleman may stretch.
    ROSADER seeing hee was vnknowen to his brother, wondred to heare such courteous words come from his crabbed nature; but glad of such reformed nourture, hee made this aunswere. I am sir (whatsoeuer thou art) a Forrester and Ranger of these walkes: who following my Deere to the fall, was conducted hether by some assenting Fate, that I might saue thee, and disparage my selfe. For comming into this place, I sawe thee a sleepe, and the Lion watching thy awake, that at thy rising hee might prey vppon thy carkasse. At the first sight, I coniectured thee a Gentleman, ( for all mens thoughts ought to be fauourable in imagination) and I counted it the hart of a resolute man to purchase a strangers reliefe, though with the losse of his owne bloud: which I haue perfourmed (thou seest) to mine owne preiudice. If therefore thou be a man of such worth as I valew thee by thy exteriour liniaments, make discourse vnto mee what is the cause of thy present fortunes. For by the furrowes in thy face thou seemest to be crost with her frowns: but whatsoeuer or howsoeuer, let me craue that fauour, to heare the tragicke cause of thy estate. SALADYNE sitting downe and fetching a deepe sigh, began thus.

Saladynes discourse to Rosader vnknowen.

Lthough the discourse of my fortunes, be the renewing of my sorrowes, and the rubbing of the scar, will open a fresh wound; yet that I may not prooue ingratefull to so courteous a Gentleman, I will rather sitte downe and sigh out my estate, than giue anie offence by smoothering my griefe with silence. Know therefore (sir) that I am of Bourdeaux, and the sonne and heire of Syr IOHN of Bourdeaux, a man for his vertues and valour so famous, that I cannot thinke, but the fame of his honours, hath reacht farther than the knowledge of his Personage. The infortunate son of so fortunate a Knight am I, my name SALADYNE: Who succeeding my Father in possessions but not in qualities, hauing two Brethren committed by my Father at his death to my charge, with such golden principles of brotherly concord, as might haue pierst like the SYRENS melodie into anie humane eare. But I (with VLYSSES[)] became deafe against his Phliosophicall harmony, and made more value of profite than of vertue, esteeming golde sufficient honour, and wealth the fittest title for a gentlemans dignitie: I set my middle brother to the Vniuersitie to be a Scholler, counting it enough if he might pore on a booke, while I fed vpon his reuenewes: and for the yongest (which was my fathers ioye) yong ROSADER. And with that, naming of ROSADER, SALADYNE sate him downe and wept.
    Nay forward man (quoth the Forrester) teares are the vnfittest salue that anie man can applie to cure sorowes, and therefore cease from such feminine follies, as shoulde droppe out of a Womans eye to deceiue, not out of a Gentlemans looke to discouer his thoughts, and forward with thy discourse.
    Oh sir (quoth SALADYNE) this ROSADER that wringes teares from mine eyes, and bloud from my heart, was like my father in exteriour personage and in inward qualities: for in the prime of his yeares he aimed all his actes at honor, and coueted rather to die, than to brook anie inurie vnworthie a Gentlemans credite. I, whom enuie had made blinde, and couetousnesse masked with the vaile of selfe loue, seeing the Palme tree grow straight, thought to supresse it being a twig: but Nature will haue her course, the Cedar will be tall, the Diamond bright, the Carbuncle glistering, and vertue will shine though it be neuer so much obscured. For I kept ROSADER as a sla[u]e, and vsed him as one of my seruile hindes, vntil age grew on, and a secrete insight of my abuse entred into his minde: insomuch, that hee could not brooke it, but coueted to haue what his father left him, and to liue of himselfe. To be short sir, I repined at his fortunes, and he countercheckt me not with abilitie but valour, vntill at last by my friends and aid of such as followed golde more than right or vertue, I banisht him from Bordeaux, and he pore Gentleman liues no man knowes where in some distressed discontent. The Gods not able to suffer such impietie vnreuenged, so wrought, that the King pickt a causeles quarrell against me, in hope to haue my lands, and so hath exiled me out of France for euer. Thus, thus sir, am I the most miserable of all men, as hauing a blemish in my thoughtes for the wrongs I proffered ROSADER, and a touche in my state to be throwen from my proper possessions by inustice. Passionate thus with manie griefes, in penaunce of my former follies, I goe thus pilgrime like to seeke out my Brother, that I may reconcile my selfe to him in all submission, and afterward wend to the holy Land, to ende my yeares in as manie vertues, as I haue spent my youth in wicked vanities.
    ROSADER hearing the resolution of his brother SALADYNE began to compassionate his sorrowes, and not able to smother the sparkes of Nature with fained secrecie, he burst into these louing speaches. Then know SALADYNE (quoth he) that thou hast met with ROSADER; who grieues as much to see thy distresse, as thy selfe to feele the burden of thy miserie. SALADYNE casting vp his eye, and noting well the phisnomie of the Forrester, knew that it was his brother ROSADER: which made him so bash and blush at the first meeting, that ROSADER was faine to recomfort him. Which he did in such sort, yt he shewed how highly he held reuenge in scorne. Much a doo there was betweene these two Brethren, SALADYNE in crauing pardon, and ROSADER in forgiuing and forgetting all former iniuries, the one submisse, the other curteous; SALADYNE penitent and passionate, ROSADER kinde & louing; that at length Nature working an vnion of theyr thoughts, they earnestly embraced, and fell from matters of vnkindnesse, to talke of the Countrey life, which ROSADER so highly commended, that his brother began to haue a desire to taste of that homely content. In this humour ROSADER conducted him to GERISMONDS Lodge, and presented his brother to the King; discoursing the whole matter how all had happened betwixt them. The King looking vppon SALADYNE, found him a man of a most beautifull personage, and saw in his his face sufficient sparkes of ensuing honours, gaue him great entertainment, and glad of their friendly reconcilement, promised such fauour as the pouertie of his estate might affoord: which SALADYNE gratefully accepted. And so GERISMOND fell to question of TORISMONDS life? SALADYNE briefly discourst vnto him his inustice and tyrannies: with such modestie (although hee had wronged him) that GERISMOND greatly praised the sparing speach of the yong Gentleman.
    Manie questions past, but at last GERISMOND began with a deepe sigh, to inquire if there were anie newes of the welfare of ALINDA or his daughter ROSALYNDE? None sir quoth SALADYNE, for since their departure they were neuer heard of. Iniurious Fortune (quoth the King) that to double the Fathers miserie, wrongst the Daughter with misfortunes. And with that (surcharged with sorrowes) he went into his Cel, & left SALADYNE and ROSADER, whom ROSADER streight conducted to the sight of ADAM SPENCER. Who seeing SALADYNE in that estate, was in a browne studie: but when hee heard the whole matter, although he grieued for the exile of his Master, yet hee ioyed that banishment had so reformed him, that from a lasciuious youth hee was prooued a vertuous Gentleman. Looking a longer while, and seeing what familiaritie past betweene them, and what fauours were interchanged with brotherly affection, he said thus: I marrie, thus should it be, this was the concord that olde Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux wisht betwixt you. Now fulfill you those precepts he breathed out at his death, and in obseruing them, looke to liue fortunate, and die honourable. Wel said ADAM SPENCER quoth ROSADER, but hast anie victualls in store for vs? A peece of a red Deere (quoth he) and a bottle of wine. Tis Forresters fare brother, quoth ROSADER: and so they sate downe and fell to their cates. Assoone as they had taken their repast, and had well dined, ROSADER tooke his brother SALADYNE by the hand, and shewed him the pleasures of the Forrest, and what content they enioyed in that meane estate. Thus for two or three dayes he walked vp and down with his brother, to shewe him all the commodities that belonged to his Walke. In which time hee was mist of his GANIMEDE, who mused greatly (with ALIENA ) what should become of their Forester. Some while they thought he had taken some word vnkindly, and had taken the pet: then they imagined some new loue had withdrawen his fancie, or happely that he was sicke, or detained by some great businesse of GERISMONDS, or that he had made a reconcilement with his brother, and so returned to Bourdeaux. These coniectures did they cast in their heads, but especially GANIMEDE: who hauing Loue in her heart prooued restlesse, and halfe without patience, that ROSADER wronged hir with so long absence: for Loue measures euerie minute, and thinkes howers to be dayes, and dayes to be months, till they feed their eyes with the sight of their desired obiect. Thus perplexed liued poore GANIMEDE: while on a day sitting with ALIENA in a great dumpe, she cast vp her eye, and saw where ROSADER came pacing towards them with his forrest bill on his necke. At that sight her colour chaungde, and she said to ALIENA; See Mistresse where our iolly Forrester comes. And you are not a little glad thereof (quoth ALIENA) your nose bewrayes what porredge you loue, the winde can not bee tied within his quarter, the Sunne shaddowed with a vaile, Oyle hidden in water, nor Loue kept out of a Womans lookes: but no more of that, Lupus est in fabula. As soone as ROSADER was come within the reach of her tungs ende, ALIENA began thus: Why how now gentle Forrester, what winde hath kept you from hence? that beeing so newly married, you haue no more care of your ROSALYNDE, but to absent your selfe so manie dayes? Are these the passions you painted out so in your Sonnets and roundelaies? I see well hote loue is soone colde, and that the fancie of men, is like to a loose feather that wandreth in the aire with the blast of euerie winde. You are deceiued Mistres quoth ROSADER, twas a coppie of vnkindnesse that kept me hence, in that I being married, you carried away the Bryde: but if I haue giuen anie occasion of offence by absenting my selfe these three dayes, I humblie sue for pardon: which you must graunt of course, in that the fault is so friendly confest with penaunce. But to tell you the truth (faire Mistresse, and my good ROSALYNDE) my eldest Brother by the inurie of TORISMOND is banished from Bourdeaux, and by chaunce hee and I met in the Forrest. And heere ROSADER discourst vnto them what had hapned betwixt them: which reconcilement made them gladde, especially GANIMEDE. But ALIENA hearing of the tyrannie of her Father, grieued inwardly, and yet smothred all things with such secrecie, that the concealing was more sorrow than the conceipt: yet that her estate might be hid still, shee made faire weather of it, and so let all passe.
    Fortune, that sawe how these parties valued not her Deitie, but helde her power in scorne, thought to haue about with them, and brought the matter to passe thus. Certaine Rascalls that liued by prowling in the Forrest, who for feare of the Prouost Marshall had caues in the groues and thickets, to shrowde themselues from his traines; hearing of the beautie of this faire Shepheardesse ALIENA, thought to steale her away, and to giue her to the King for a present; hoping, because the King was a great lechour, by such a gift to purchase all their pardons: and therfore came to take her and her Page away. Thus resolued, while ALIENA and GANIMEDE were in this sad talk, they came rushing in, and laid violent hands vpon ALIENA and her Page, which made them crie out to ROSADER: who hauing the valour of his father stamped in his heart, thought rather to die in defence of his friends, than anie way be toucht with the least blemish of dishonour; and therfore dealt such blowes amongst them with his weapon, as he did witnesse well vpon their carcasses, that he was no coward. But as Ne Hercules quidem contra duos, so ROSADER could not resist a multitude, hauing none to backe him; so that hee was not onely rebatted, but sore wounded, and ALIENA and GANIMEDE had been quite carried away by these Rascalls, had not Fortune (that ment to turne her frowne into a fauour) brought SALADYNE that way by chaunce; who wandring to finde out his Brothers Walke, encountred this crue: and seeing not onely a shepheardesse and her boy forced, but his brother wounded, hee heaued vp a forrest bill he had on his necke, and the first hee stroke had neuer after more neede of the Phisition: redoubling his blowes with such courage, that the slaues were amazed at his valour.
    ROSADER espying his brother so fortunately arriued, and seeing how valiantly he behaued himselfe, though sore wou[n]ded, rushed amongst them, and laid on such load, that some of the crue were slaine, and the rest fled, leauing ALIENA & GANIMEDE in the posession of ROSADER and SALADYNE.
    ALIENA after she had breathed a while and was come to her selfe from this feare, lookt about her, and saw where GANIMEDE was busie dressing vp the wounds of the Forrester: but she cast her eye vpon this courteous champion that had made so hote a rescue, and that with such affection, that shee began to measure euerie part of him with fauour, and in her selfe to commend his personage and his vertue, holding him for a resolute man, that durst assaile such a troupe of vnbridled villaines. At last gathering her spirites together, she returned him these thankes.
    Gentle sir, whatsoeuer you be that haue aduentured your flesh to relieue our fortunes, as we holde you valiant, so we esteem you courteous, and to haue as manie hidden vertues as you haue manifest resolutions. Wee poore Shepheards haue no wealth but our flockes, and therefore can we not make requitall with anie great treasure: but our recompence is thankes, and our rewardes to our friendes without faining. For ransome therefore of this our rescue, you must content your selfe to take such a kinde gramercie, as a poore Shepheardesse and her Page may giue: with promise (in what wee may) neuer to prooue ingratefull. For this Gentleman that is hurt, yong ROSADER, he is our good neighbour and familiar acquaintance, weele pay him with smiles, and feede him with loue-lookes: and though he bee neuer the fatter at the yeares ende, yet wele so hamper him that he shall holde himselfe satisfied.
    SALADYNE hearing this Shepheardesse speake so wisely began more narrowly to prie into her perfection, and to suruey all her liniaments with a curious insight; so long dallying in the flame of her beautie, that to his cost he found her to be most excellent: for Loue that lurked in all these broiles to haue a blowe or two, seeing the parties at the gaze, encountred them both with such a venie, that the stroke pierst to the heart so deep, as it could neuer after be raced out. At last after he had looked so long, till ALIENA waxt red, he returned her this answere.
    Faire Shepherdesse, if Fortune graced mee with such good hap, as to doo you anie fauour, I holde my selfe as contented, as if I had gotten a great conquest: for the reliefe of distressed women is the speciall point, that Gentlemen are tied vnto by honour: seeing then my hazarde to rescue your harmes, was rather dutie than curtesie, tha[n]ks is more than belongs to the requitall of such a fauour. But least I might seeme either too coye or too carelesse of a Gentlewomans proffer, I wil take your kinde gramercie for a recompence. All this while that he spake, GANIMEDE lookt earnestly vpon him, and saide; Truly ROSADER, this Gentleman fauours you much in the feature of your face. No meruaile (quoth hee, gentle Swaine) for tis my eldest brother SALADYNE. Your brother quoth ALIENA? (& with that she blusht) he is the more welcome, and I holde myselfe the more his debter: and for that he hath in my behalfe done such a peece of seruice, if it please him to doo me that honour, I will call him seruant, and he shall call me Mistresse. Content sweet Mistresse quoth SALADYNE, and when I forget to call you so, I will be vnmindfull of mine owne selfe. Away with these quirkes and quiddities of loue quoth ROSADER, and giue me some drinke, for I am passing thirstie, and then wil I home for my wounds bleede sore, and I will haue them drest. GANIMEDE had teares in her eyes, and passions in her heart to see her ROSADER so pained, and therefore stept hastely to the bottle, and filling out some wine in a Mazer, shee spiced it with such comfortable drugs as she had about her, and gaue it him; which did comfort ROSADER: that rising (with the helpe of his brother) he tooke his leaue of them, and went to his Lodge. GANIMEDE assoone as they were out of sight ledde his flockes downe to a vale, and there vnder the shadow of a Beech tree sate downe, and began to mourne the misfortunes of her sweete heart.

Continue on to the third part.

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