
[Trinity Coll., Cambridge, MS O. 3. 58. recto]
XV cent
[T]her [is n]o rose of swych vertu
As is the rose that bar Jhesu.
Ther is no ro[se of] swych vertu
As is the rose that bar Jhesu,
For in this rose conteynyd was
Heuen and erthe in lytyl space,
Res miranda
Be that rose we may weel see
That he is God in personys thre,
Pari forma.
The aungelys sungyn the sheperdes to
'Gloria in excelsis Deo'
[L]eue we al this wordly merthe,
And folwe we this joyful berthe,
a few letters have become illegible from damage by damp
Text Source:
Green, Richard Leighton, ed. The Early English Carols.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1935. 130.
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