
Virgin among Virgins in the Rose Garden, c1480.
Institute of Arts, Detroit.
Of a Rose Synge We
:: Of a rose synge we:
Misterium mirabile. ::
This rose is railed on a rys;
He hath bought the prince of prys,
And in this tyme soth hit ys,
Viri sine semine.
This rose is reed of colour bryght,
Throw whom oure joye gan alyght,
Uppon a Cristys masse nyght,
Claro David germine.
Of this rose was Cryst y-bore,
To save mankynde that was forlore;
And us alle from synnes sore,
Prophetarum carmine.
This rose, of flourys she is flour,
She ne wole fade for no shour,
To synful men she sent socour,
Mira plenitudine.
This rose is so faire of hywe,
In maide Mary that is so trywe,
Y-borne was lorde of virtue,
Salvator sine crimine.
Misterium mirabile, miraculous mystery.
railed, staked (supported by a "rail", i.e. stake).
rys, a branch.
prince of prys, the best of princes (i.e. Christ).
soth hit ys, truth it is; certain it is.
Viri sine semine, without seed of man.
Throw, through.
gan, began.
Cristys masse, Christ's mass, i.e. Christmas.
Claro David germine, born of the house of David.
y-bore, born.
forlore, forsaken; gone astray.
Prophetarum carmine, lit. "after the prophets' songs", i.e. as the prophets foretold.
of flourys she is flour, she is the flower of flowers.
She ne wole fade for no shour, she will not fade from any shower (of rain).
socour, succor.
Mira plenitudine, in wondrous plenty.
hywe, hue.
trywe, faithful; pure.
Salvator sine crimine, Saviour without sin.
Manuscript Image of Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, fol. 9v. |
Transcribed and glossed from the manuscript by Anniina Jokinen.
Jokinen, Anniina, ed. "Of a Rose Sing We." Luminarium.
23 Nov 2009. [Date you accessed this page].
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