
Adoration of the Shepherds, c1500.
:: Go day, go day,
My lord Syre Christemasse, go day! ::
Good day, Syre Christemas, our kyng,
For every man, both olde & yinge,
Ys glad & blithe of your comynge;
Go day!
:: Go day, go day,
My lord Syre Christemasse, go day! ::
Godys sone so moche of myght
Ffram heven to erthe down is lyght
And borne ys of a mayde so bryght;
Good day!
:: Go day, go day,
My lord Syre Christemasse, go day! ::
Heven & erthe & also helle,
And alle that ever in hem dwelle,
Of your comynge they beth ful snelle;
Good day!
:: Go day, go day,
My lord Syre Christemasse, go day! ::
Of your comynge this clerkys fynde:
Ye come to save al mankynde
And of her balys hem unbynde;
Good day!
:: Go day, go day,
My lord Syre Christemasse, go day! ::
Alle maner of merthes we wole make
And solas to oure hertys take,
My semely lorde, for your sake;
Good day!
:: Go day, go day,
My lord Syre Christemasse, go day! ::
Go day, good day.
yinge, young.
Godys sone, God's son.
moche, much; great.
myght, might; power.
Ffram, from.
is lyght, has alit.
in hem dwelle, in them dwelled.
beth, be.
ful snelle, very good; well-behaved.
clerkys, scholars.
her balys hem unbynde, their sins them release.
Alle maner of merthes, all kinds of revelry.
wole, will.
solas, comfort; joy.
hertys, hearts.
semely, honoured; worthy of respect; virtuous.
Manuscript Image of Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, fol. 8r. |
Transcribed and glossed from the manuscript by Anniina Jokinen.
Jokinen, Anniina, ed. "Goday, My Lord Sire Christmas." Luminarium.
27 Nov 2009. [Date you accessed this page].
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