
Birth of the Virgin. Late 15th-c.
Ave Domina
Ave domina celi regina:
Worshyp be the birth of the,
Quem portasti Maria,
Both in bourgh and in cite:
Ave domina.
For thorwe oure synnes we were forlorne,
Infernali pena.
But nowe shal us save that thou hast borne;
Ave domina.
Almyghty godys wyl hit was,
Felix fecundata,
That uppon the shal lyght his grace;
Ave domina.
Y-blessyd be thou maide mylde,
Que semper es amica
Bytwene mankynd & the chylde;
Ave domina.
Lady, quene of paradyse,
Mater Dei electa,
Thou bare oure lorde, that hye justyse;
Ave domina.
With merthe & alle solempnite
Nato canunt omnia;
Thou berde of ble welcome thou be;
Ave domina.
Ave domina, Hail, Lady.
celi regina, Queen of Heaven.
Worshyp be, worshipped be; blessed be.
birth of the, birth of thee; your birth.
Quem portasti, whom thou didst bear.
bourgh, village.
cite, city.
thorwe, through.
forlorne, forsaken.
infernali pena, infernal punishment, i.e., damnation in hell.
that thou hast borne, he whom thou has born.
Almyghty godys wyl hit was, it was the almighty God's will.
felix fecundata, blessed in thy fertility; blessed the fruit of thy womb.
uppon the, upon thee.
Y-blessyd, blessed.
Que semper es amica, who always are a friend.
Mater Dei electa, chosen mother of God.
bare, bore.
hye justyse, high judge.
merthe, joy.
solempnite, ceremony.
Nato canunt omnia, all sing to praise the Babe.
berde of ble, lady bright.
Manuscript Image of Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, fol. 14r. |
Transcribed and glossed from the manuscript by Anniina Jokinen.
Jokinen, Anniina, ed. "Ave Domina." Luminarium.
23 Nov 2009. [Date you accessed this page].
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