
Nativity from 'The Dunois Hours', c1450.
| Alleluia |
| [Bodleian Library
MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, fol. 10r.]
20 |
Now well may we mirthës make:
For us Jhesu manhood hath take
Only for our sinnës sake;
Alleluia. Alleluia.
A King of Kings now forth is brought
Of a maid that sinnëd nought,
Neither in deed, neither in thought,
Res miranda. Alleluia.
An angel of counsel this day is born
Of a maid, I said beforn,
For to save that was forlorn;
Sol de stella. Alleluia.
That sun hath never down-going,
Neither his light no time lesing;
The star is evermore shining,
Semper clara. Alleluia.
Right as the star bringeth forth a beam
Of whom there cometh a marvellous stream,
So childed the maid withoutë wem;
Pari forma. Alleluia.
3. hath take, has taken.
9. Res miranda, a wondrous thing; a thing to be marvelled at.
12. that was, that which was.
13. Sol de stella, sun of a star.
15. lesing, losing; (i.e., no amount of time causes him to lose of his light).
17. Semper clara, always clear.
20. childed, begat a child.
withoutë wem, without blemish; faultless.
21. Pari forma, of the same form; of equal beauty.
Manuscript Image of Bodleian MS. Arch. Selden B. 26, fol. 10r. |
Transcribed and glossed from the manuscript by Anniina Jokinen.
Jokinen, Anniina, ed. "Alleluia." Luminarium.
21 Nov 2009. [Date you accessed this page].
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