
from Vertue of the Masse
¶ The offeratory next comyng
¶ Interpretacioun . who wisely can aduerte
The offeratory . is named of offeryng
As whan a man . offrithe to god his hert
Richest oblacioun . rekene by writyng
And for Melchisedeche . bothe prist and kyng
Gaf brede and wyne . to Abraham for victory
Whiche oblacioun . in figure by remembryng
Iche day at masse . seyde is the offeratory
¶ Tokenyng of Ihesu our saviour and our lorde
Ayen oure fieblenes . and Impotens
Last on the Awter . callid goddis borde
His body his bloode . of most Reuerence
We to receyve it . withe diewe diligence
In forme of breede and wyne for a memory
Figurithe . that the lamb chief of Innocence
Offred vp his body . grounde of the offeratory.
MS. Harl. 2254, fol. 182b—183.
Simmons, Thomas Frederick, ed. The Lay-Folks Mass-Book.
London: Early English Text Society, 1879. 233.
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