 | Earl of Rochester |

A S O N G.
LOVE bid me hope and I obey'd;
Phillis continu'd still unkind:
Then you may e'en despair, he said,
In vain I strive to change her Mind.
Honour's got in, and keeps her Heart;
Durst he but venture once abroad,
In my own Right I'd take your Part,
And shew my self a mightier God.
This huffing Honour domineers
In Breasts, where he alone has place:
But if true gen'rous Love appears,
The Hector dares not shew his Face.
Let me still languish and complain,
Be most inhumanly deny'd:
I have some Pleasure in my Pain,
She can have none with all her Pride.
I fall a Sacrifice to Love,
She lives a Wretch for Honour's sake;
Whose Tyrant does most cruel prove,
The Diff'rence is not hard to make.
Consider Real Honour then,
You'll find Hers cannot be the same;
'Tis noble Confidence in Men,
In Women mean mistrustful Shame.
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of. The Works of John Earl of Rochester.
London: Jacob Tonson, 1714. 11-12.
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