 | Earl of Rochester |
 Caesar van Everdingen. Bacchus with Nymphs and Cupid, c1660.
To A Lady, in A Letter.
Such perfect bliss, fair Chloris, we
In our enjoyment prove:
'Tis pity restless jealousy
Should mingle with our love.
Let us, since wit has taught us how,
Raise pleasure to the top:
You rival bottle must allow,
I'll suffer rival fop.
Think not in this that I design
A treason 'gainst love's charms,
When following the god of wine
I leave my Chloris' arms:
Since you have that for all your haste,
At which I'll ne'er repine,
Will take its liquor off as fast
As I can take off mine.
There's not a brisk insipid spark
That flutters in the town,
But with your wanton eyes you mark
Him out to be your own.
Nor do you think it worth your care
How empty and how dull
The heads of your admirers are,
So that their bags be full.
All this you freely may confess,
Yet we ne'er disagree:
For did you love your pleasure less,
You were no match for me.
Whilst I my pleasure to pursue,
Whole nights am taking in
The lusty juice of grapes, take you
The juice of lusty men.
Restoration Literature. Paul Hammond, ed.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002. 259-260.
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Page created by Anniina Jokinen on June 29, 2006. Last updated September 18, 2012.