 | Earl of Rochester |

A S O N G.
Insulting beauty, you misspend
Those frowns upon your slave:
Your scorn against such rebels bend
Who dare with confidence pretend
That other eyes their hearts defend
From all the charms you have.
Your conquering eyes so partial are,
Or mankind is so dull,
That while I languish in despair,
Many proud, senseless hearts declare
They find you not so killing fair
To wish you merciful.
They an inglorious freedom boast;
I triumph in my chain.
Nor am I unrevenged, though lost,
Nor you unpunished, though unjust,
When I alone, who love you most,
Am killed with your disdain.
The Complete Poems of the Earl of Rochester. David M. Vieth, ed.
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2002. 11.
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