 | Earl of Rochester |

A S O N G.
My dear Mistress has a Heart
Soft as those kind Looks she gave me;
When with Love's resistless Art,
And her Eyes, she did enslave me.
But her Constancy's so weak,
She's so wild, and apt to wander;
That my jealous Heart would break
Should we live one Day asunder.
Melting Joys about her move,
Killing Pleasures, wounding Blisses;
She can dress her Eyes in Love,
And her Lips can warm with Kisses.
Angels listen when she speaks,
She's my Delight, all Mankind's Wonder;
But my jealous Heart would break,
Should we live one Day asunder.
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of. The Works of John Earl of Rochester.
London: Jacob Tonson, 1714. 35.
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