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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 9, 2006.
Portrait by the circle of Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1709.
Copyright ©National Portrait Gallery. By their gracious permission.
playwright, plays, dramatist, drama, dramas, comedy, comediesRenaissance, London, British, Britain, English, England, author, novelist, novels, books, classics, novels, satire, narrative, Renaissance, English, England, Church of England author, novelist, novels, books, classics, novels, Gulliver's Travels, Ireland, Irish authors, satire, narrative, travel, natives, satirist, writer, William and Mary, London, rise of the novel, Dublin, minister, Lilliput, lilliputians, Restoration, eighteenth century, 18th century, university, literature, classic, writing, anthology, scholarship, poetry, narrative, fiction, history, historical, maps, antiques, antiquarian, adventure, shipwreck, castaway, cast away, film, romantic, romance