 Vermeer. A Lady and Two Gentlemen, c1659.
On her Loving Two Equally.
Set by Mr. Pack.
HOW strongly does my Passion flow,
Divided equally 'twixt two?
Damon had ne'er subdued my Heart,
Had not Alexis took his part;
Nor could Alexis powerful prove,
Without my Damons Aid, to gain my Love.
When my Alexis present is,
Then I for Damon sigh and mourn;
But when Alexis I do miss,
Damon gains nothing but my Scorn.
But if it chance they both are by,
For both alike I languish, sigh, and die.
Cure then, thou mighty winged God,
This restless feaver in my blood;
One Golden-Pointed Dart take back:
But which, O Cupid, wilt thou take?
If Damons, all my Hopes are crossed;
Or that of my Alexis, I am lost.
The Works of Aphra Behn. Vol. VI. Montague Summers, Ed.
London: William Heinemann, 1915. 189-190.
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