Adieu sweet Sun
from Urania
by Lady Mary Wroth
Adieu sweet Sun
Thy night is neare
Which must appeare
Like mine, whose light but new begun
Weares as if spun
By chance not right,
Led by a light
False, and pleasing, ever wun.
Come once in view
Sweet heat, and light
My heavy s'prit
Dull'd in thy setting, made anew
If you renew,
Daysies doe grow,
And spring below
Blest with thy warm'th, so once I grew.
Wilt thou returne,
Deare blesse mine eyes
Where loves zeale lyes
Let thy deere object mildly burne
Nor flie, but turne
'Tis season now
Each happy bow
Both buds and blooms, why should I mourne?

Claude Lorrain. Seaport at Sunset, 1639. From CGFA.
Wroth, Lady Mary. The Poems of Lady Mary Wroth.
Josephine A. Roberts, ed. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University
Press, 1983. 149.
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