
These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from the university. Not only are your professors as technology savvy as you are, they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.
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King James VI & I (1566-1625)
=Student Essay
From Scotland to England:
The Poetic Strategies of James VI and I - Jane Rickard
'No Scot, No English Now': Literary and Cultural Responses to James VI and I's Policies on Union - Sandra Bell
James VI and I and the Fringes of the Enlarged Kingdom - Martyn Bennett
The Impact of James I's Accession on the North-East of England - Diana Newton
King James and the Union - Bryan Bevan
The Accession of King James I and English Religious Poetry - James Doelman
Assessing Cultural Influence: James I as Patron of the Arts - Leeds Barroll
James VI& I - Jenny Wormald
Macbeth, King James and the Witches - Edward H. Thompson
The 'Candie-souldier,' Venice, and James VI's Advice on Monarchic Dress in 'Basilicon Doron - Daniel Fischlin
The Stewarts: An Historical Essay - Russ Jimeson
Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626)
=Student Essay
Lancelot Andrewes' Doctrine of the Incarnation - Rev. Davidson R. Morse [.pdf]
Writings of English Cathedral Clergy, 1600-1700: I. Devotional Literature and Sermons - Stanford Lehmberg
'The Feast in the Text,' Lancelot Andrewes on the task and art of preaching - David A. deSilva
Lancelot Andrewes and Language - Peter E. McCullough
An introduction to The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes - F. E. Brightman
Bishop Andrewes' Sermons - James Bowling Mozley
The Pulpit - George Philip Krapp
Lancelot Andrewes, Plagiarism, and Pedagogy at Hampton Court in 1606 - P. J. Klemp
Preaching pastor versus custodian of order: Donne, Andrewes, and the Jacobean church - Daniel W. Doerksen
Lancelot Andrewes and Prayer - Dr Marianne Dorman
Andrewes' and English Catholics' Response to Cranmer's Prayer Books of 1549 and 1552 - Dr Marianne Dorman [pdf]
Andrewes and the Caroline Divines' Teaching on the Blessed Virgin Mary - Dr Marianne Dorman [pdf]
Lancelot Andrewes—Prelate, Preacher, Pastor - Dr Marianne Dorman [pdf]
The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andrewes: A Spiritual and Devotional Classic - Joel Stephen Williams
John Donne (1572-1631)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: John Donne's Songs and Sonnets: A Reinterpretation in Light of Their Traditional Backgrounds - Leslie A. Fiedler [.pdf]
Dissertation: The Sacramental Art of John Donne's Sermons on the Penitential Psalms - Philip M. George [.pdf]
Dissertation: Ovid and John Donne: A Comparative Study of Love Poetry Written by Two Kindred Minds - Alta A. C. Schoner [.pdf]
Dissertation: Holy Ambition: The Rhetoric of Courtship in the Sermons of John Donne - Brent Nelson [.pdf]
Dissertation: The Poetry of Immanence: Sacrament in Donne and Herbert - Robert H. Whalen
Dissertation: Somiotics: Rhetoric, Medicine and Hermeneutics in John Donne - Stephen Pender [.pdf]
Dissertation: Narcissus in the other: John Donne, woman and the dynamics of recognition - Steven M. Larocco [.pdf]
Dissertation: Negotiating the threshold: Self-other dynamics in Milton, Herbert, and Donne - Susannah B. Mintz [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Me thoughts I heard one calling": Talking to God in the Poetry of John Donne,
George Herbert, Christina Rossetti, and Gerard Manley Hopkins - Sarah F. Winters [.pdf]
Dissertation: Prophetic Vision and Poetic Faith: A Reading of Donne's "Anniversaries" - Paul A. Parrish [.pdf]
Dissertation: Poetry, Prayer, and Pedagogy: Writings By and For the English Catholic Community, 1547-1650 - Patricia M. Garcia [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Petty magic to experiment": The Seventeenth Century's Scientific Revolution and the Closing of This World to the Next - Mary E. Zimmer [.pdf]
Thesis: Animal Imagery in the Poetry and Prose of John Donne - Miriam S. Long
Thesis: Time, Death, and Mutability: A Study of Themes in Some Poetry of the Renaissance — Spenser, Shakespeare, and Donne - Jean M. Gerber [.pdf]
Thesis: Versions of the Apocalypse in Four Seventeenth Century Authors - Charles Earnest Watson
Thesis: A New Reading of John Donne's "Song. Goe, and catche a falling starre" - David T. Newton [.pdf]
Thesis: John Donne's Songs and Sonets: The Intractable "I" - Wladyslaw Konieczny [.pdf]
"For reason, put to her best extension,/Amost meets faith":
The Flawed Dialectical Structure in Donne's Sonnets - Margaret Oakes
The Canonization of John Donne - David Kelly [.pdf]
A Pattern for Love — The Structure of Donne's "The Canonization" - A. P. Riemer [.pdf]
John Donne and the Translation of Aristotle’s Politics into English - James R. Stoner, Jr.
Donne's "dialogue of one" - Paul Dean
Religious criticism, the verse epistle, and Donne's daring discretion - Gregory Kneidel
John Donne's Bawdy Body Devotion - James Wardwell
The Rape of Mother Earth in Seventeenth Century English Poetry: An Ecofeminist Interpretation - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
'Be My Trew Mistres Still, Not My Faignd Page':
Truth and Disguise in Donne's 'Elegy 16' - Daniel Nisa Cáceres [.pdf]
John Donne: "Holy Sonnet XIV" or the Plenitude of Metaphor - Purificación Ribes
John Donne: The New Turn of Classical Tradition - Laura Lojo Rodríguez [.pdf]
John Donne and the New Universe: Retaking the Issue - Julián Jiménez Heffernan [.pdf]
'The Rest is Silence': Absent Voices in John Donne's Songs and Sonnets - Antonio Ballesteros González [.pdf]
Donne's "The Good-Morrow" - Eleanor Tate [.pdf]
Nothing's Paradox in Donne's "Negative Love"
and "A Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day" - Sean Ford [.pdf - p.98]
'All flat maps, and I am one': Cartographic References in the Poems of John Donne - Ladan Niayesh [.pdf]
The Prosodic Significance of Donne's "Accidentals" - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
Les représentations scientifiques dans la poésie de
John Donne: Satire et Imaginaire - Zohra Rahmouni [.pdf]
John Donne - T. S. Eliot
Criticism by Terry G. Sherwood
Criticism by A. Alvarez
John Donne's strategies for discreet preaching - Marla Hoffman Lunderberg
Alchemical augmentation and primordial fire in Donne's "The Dissolution" - Roberta Albrecht
Spenser, Donne, and the Theology of Joy - Adam Potkay
The Erotology of Donne's "Extasie" and the Secret History of Voluptuous Rationalism - Catherine Gimelli Martin
John Donne and Music: Paths to an Opera - Chris Jarrett
Poetry as Language Presentation: John Donne, Poet, Preacher, Craftsman - Anca Rosu
Elizabethan Precursors of Donne's Divine Meditations - William L. Stull
John Donne: Bulimic Bore? - Veronica Chater
The Metaphysical Sonnets of John Donne and Mikolaj Sep Szarzynski: A Comparison - Magdalena Kay 
In the Person of Womankind: Female Persona Poems by Campion, Donne, Jonson - Pamela Coren
Writings of English Cathedral Clergy, 1600-1700: I. Devotional Literature and Sermons - Stanford Lehmberg
Jonson and Carew on Donne: Censure into Praise - John Lyon
Heaven's Net: The Meeting of John Donne and Johannes Kepler - Jeremy Bernstein
Completing the Conversation: Donne and Lady Mary Wroth - Maureen Quilligan
Donne's "Elegy 19": the busk between a pair of bodies - Sandy Feinstein
The meaning of "rage" in "The Canonization" - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
"Lines which circles do contain": circles, the cross, and Donne's dialectic scheme of salvation - Alan Fischler
John Donne and the Baroque Doubt - Kathleen Raine
John Donne and Elizabethan Economic Theory - Coburn Freer
Can't buy me love: money, gender, and colonialism in Donne's erotic verse - Shankar Raman
Love, Poetry, and John Donne in the Love Poetry of John Donne - R. V. Young
The Religious Poetry of John Donne - Helen Gardner
Talking to a Silent God: Donne's Holy Sonnets and the Via Negativa - Lawrence Beaston
John Donne and Scholarly Melancholy - Trevor Douglas
Severed Hair from Donne to Pope - Erik Gray
The "press and the fire": print and manuscript culture in Donne's circle - Richard B. Wollman
Donne, The Rainbow, and The Lady of the Camellias - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Donne's Body - Nancy Selleck
'Hebdomada Mortium': the structure of Donne's last sermon - Jonquil Bevan
Preaching pastor versus custodian of order: Donne, Andrewes, and the Jacobean church - Daniel W. Doerksen
John Donne the Divine and Mundane - Yoshiko Fujito
"miserrimum dictu": Donne's Epitaph for his Wife - M. Thomas Hester
Donne and the Court of Wards - M. Thomas Hester
The Titles/Headings of Donne's English Epigrams - M. Thomas Hester
Moses, Dante, and the Visio Dei of Donne's "Going to Bed" - Raymond-Jean Frontain
Donne's Imperfect Resurrection - Raymond-Jean Frontain
The Plot of Donne's Anniversaries - James Andrew Clark
The Act of Preaching and the Art of Prophesying - Bryan Crockett
Donne's Atomies and Anatomies: Deconstructed Bodies and
the Resurrection of Atomic Theory - David A. Hedrich Hirsch
Love "Elemented" in John Donne's "Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" - Edgar S. Laird
Gold in the Washes: Donne's Last Going Into Germany - Jeffrey Johnson
An Occasion for John Donne's 'The Lamentations of Jeremy' - William B. Hunter
Theology and Spirituality: Notes on the Mystical Christology of John Donne - Mark A. Mcintosh
Plato in John Donne's 'The Good Morrow' - Christopher S. Nassaar
Memory, Reason, and the Quest for Certainty in the Sermons of John Donne - Elizabeth Tebeaux
The 'Well Wrought Urne' as Competitive Trope - Ceri Sullivan
"Forget the Hee and Shee": Gender and Play in John Donne - Susannah B. Mintz
"In whom love wrought new Alchimie": The Inversion of Christian Spiritual
Resurrection in "A nocturnall upon S. Lucies day" - Mary E. Zimmer
Radical Donne: "Satire III" - Richard Strier
A History of Donne's "Canonization" from Izaak Walton to Cleanth Brooks - Dayton Haskin
Depicting Lesbian Desire: Contexts for John Donne's 'Sapho to Philaenis' - C. Annette Grise
'Batter My [Flaming] Heart': Male Masochism in the Religious Lyrics of Donne and Crashaw - Lisa S. Starks
John Donne, Richard Crashaw, and the Mystery of God's Grace - R. V. Young
Under the Sign of Donne - Judith Scherer Herz
Love's Refinement: Metaphysical Expressions of Desire in Philip Sidney and John Donne - Daniel Philip Knauss
Colon and Semi-Colon in Donne's Prose Letters: Practice and Principle - Emma L. Roth-Schwartz
Donne, Herbert, and the Worm of Controversy - Louis L. Martz
W[illiam] S[hakespeare]'s A Funeral Elegy and the Donnean Moment - Claude J. Summers
John Donne's "Lamentations" and Christopher Fetherstone's Lamentations.... - Ted-Larry Pebworth
"The strangest pageant, fashion'd like a court": John Donne and Ben Jonson to 1600 - William F. Blissett
"I launch at paradise, and saile toward home" : The Progresse of the Soule as Palinode - Wyman H. Herendeen
"I haue often such a sickly inclination": Biography and the Critical Interpretation
of Donne's Suicide Tract, Biathanatos - R. G. Siemens
"Witness this Booke, (thy Emblem)": Donne's Holy Sonnets and Biography - Diana Treviño Benet
Trumpet Vibrations: Theological Reflections on Donne's Doomsday Sonnet - G. Richmond Bridge
Britten and Donne: Holy Sonnets Set to Music - Bryan N. S. Gooch
Dr. Donne & Sir Edmund Gosse - Jeremy Bernstein
Rhetoric in English Baroque Literature - Rolf Lessenich
Oral Sex: A Theme in Donne and Some Cavalier Poets - Prof. David Renaker
A Quick and Rough Explication of Donne's Holy Sonnet 10: Death Be Not Proud - Anniina Jokinen
John Donne and the "Anthropomorphic Map" Tradition - Noam Flinker [.pdf]
Two Examples of Poetic Parallelism between John Donne and Lope de Vega - Jesús Cora
The Circle of Souls in John Donne's "A Valediction Forbidding Mourning" - Cynthia A. Cavanaugh
Teaching in the School of Donne: Metaphysical Poetry and English Composition - Steven Marx
'Let them sleepe': Donne's personal allusion in 'Holy Sonnet IV.' - M. Thomas Hester
Cunning elements: water, fire, and sacramental poetics in 'I am a little world.' - Theresa M. Di Pasquale
Carew's response to Jonson and Donne - Scott Nixon
John Donne's Use of Space - Lisa Gorton
Evidence of Dialectical Disputatio in Early Modern Manuscript Culture - Margaret Downs-Gamble
Empson on Donne
Explication of Holy Sonnet 14 - Craig Payne
Explication of Holy Sonnet 18 - Paul R. Rovang
Explication of Devotion 14 - Meenakshi Venkatasubramanian
Explication of Elegy 8, "The Comparison" - Gregory Machacek
Explication of "The Sunne Rising" - M. E. Rickey
Explication of "The Indifferent" - Gregory Machacek
Explication of "The Ecstasy" - Stephen Farmer
Explication of "Nocturnal Upon S. Lucy's Day" - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe
Explication of "To his Mistress Going to Bed" ll.33-35 - Robert H. Ray
The exemplification of love through the use of geometric conceits
in the poetic works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Donne’s Sermons: His (Un)Reason from the Renaissance Episteme - Clarissa Lee Ai Ling
Galvanized, Erotic Love Refined: An Explication of John Donne's "The Ecstasy" - Ken Thompson
Political and Social Criticism in "The Calme" by John Donne - John De Stefano
Views of Death in Donne’s Poetry - Antonio S. Oliver
The Petrarchan Tradition and the Female Object in Donne's Songs and Sonets - Sylvie Crane
Societal Discourse in the Poetry of John Donne - Jon Etter
The Cultural Politics of John Donne: A Bibliographic Essay - Patricia Webb
On Donne's "Nocturnal upon St. Lucy's Day" - Susan Siferd
John Donne and the Tradition of English Literature - Bill Morgan
Donne and Metaphor in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning - William Ames
Love and Gender in the Poetry of John Donne - John Larson
Religion and Politics in Satyre III - Bryan Herek
The Female Body in John Donne's Poetry - Ashley Halsey [.pdf]
Companion Poems: Donne's "To His Mistris Going to Bed" & Hope's "The Elegy" - Kaye Anfield
Conceits in "The Flea" - Kaye Anfield
The Love Poetry of John Donne - Ian Mackean
Ben Jonson (1572-1637)
=Student Essay
Please see Ben Jonson Essays
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626)
=Student Essay
Please see Sir Francis Bacon Essays
Thomas Dekker (1572?-1632)
=Student Essay
Please see Thomas Dekker Essays
John Webster (?1580-1625)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Thesis: White Devil, Black Magic: Remnants of Occult Philosophy in the Drama of John Webster - Joseph Gavin Paul [.pdf]
Truth and Effect in The Duchess of Malfi - F. H. Langman [.pdf]
"An headlesse Ladie" and "a horses loade of heades": writing the beheading - Patricia Palmer
The White Devil and Old Wives' Tales - Judith Weil
Stuart Civic Pageants and Textual Performance - David M. Bergeron
The Crux in A Cure for A Cuckold: A Cryptic Message, A Doubtful Intention,
and Two Dearest Friends - David Carnegie and Macd. P. Jackson
John Webster, James Shirley, and the Melbourne manuscript - MacD. P. Jackson
John Webster's handbook of model letters: a study in attribution - Charles R. Forker
The severed hand in Webster's Duchess of Malfi - Albert H. Tricomi
"Ears prejudicate" in Mariam and Duchess of Malfi - Reina Green
"Dido I am, unless I be deceived": Female Desire and Ruin in Christopher Marlowe's
Dido, Queen of Carthage (1594) and John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi (1613) - Grace Windsor
Patientia Regina: Patience as Character from the Morality Play to Jacobean Tragedy - Mark Sandona
Arbella Stuart, Catherine of Valois, and The Duchess of Malfi: An Examination of
Women, Marriage, and Widowhood in Jacobean England - Nanci Lamb Roider
An Italian Werewolf in London: Lycanthropy and The Duchess of Malfi - Brett D. Hirsch 
Religion, Politics, Revenge: The Dead in Renaissance Drama - Thomas Rist 
The Part with Ne'er a Bone In't: Webster's Women and the Politics of Speech - Lisa Hopkins
Strategies of Submission: Desdemona, The Duchess, and the Assertion of Desire - Emily C. Bartels
On Marston, Chapman, Deckar, Webster - William Hazlitt
Desire, Commodification and the Sublimity of the Early Modern English Playwright - Katherine O. Acheson
A Discussion of Morality and Horror in "The Duchess of Malfi" and "Edward II" - Timothy Fox
The Theme of Entrapment in The Duchess of Malfi - Amanda Elizabeth Koh
The Duchess: Victim or Villain? - Amanda Elizabeth Koh
Bosola: Evil or Misled? - Amanda Elizabeth Koh
Reaffirming the Male Ambition in John Webster's The Duchess of Malfi - Scott
Lycanthropy in The Duchess of Malfi - Christina Hart
Edward, Lord Herbert of Chirbury (1582/3-1648)
=Student Essay
Lord Herbert of Cherbury: Sex and Violence - John Carey
"The Virtue and Discipline" of Wrestling with God - John T. Shawcross
The Unsteady Crown: The State of the Monarchy in Edward Herbert's Poetry of Politics - Anne B. Mangum
Robert Herrick (1591-1674)
=Student Essay
Landscape and Property in Seventeenth-Century
Poetry - Andrew McRae [.pdf]
Robert Herrick: A Tithe of Praise - James Wardwell
Robert Herrick's "Unified vision" and Its Place in Early Seventeenth Century Poetry - Kevin Roberts [.pdf]
'But do not so': Herrick's Ravishment and Lyric Address - Darrell Hinchliffe
Appropriating and Attributing the Supernatural in the Early Modern Country House Poem - A. D. Cousins and R. J. Webb 
"This Poetick Liturgie": Robert Herrick's Ceremonial Mode - A. Leigh Deneef
Robert Herrick's Fathers - Roger B. Rollin
Robert Herrick and the Makings of 'Hesperides.' - Randall Ingram
Herrick among the Goths - Russell Fraser
Herrick and the Ceremony of Mirth - H. R. Swardson
Carew and Herrick - Charles Neaves
Robert Herrick, the Human Figure, and the English Mannerist Aesthetic - L. E. Semler
The Politics of Fairylore in Early Modern English Literature - Marjorie Swann
"The Uncanny Stranger on Display": The Female Body in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Love Poetry - Moira P. Baker
Marriage, celibacy, and ritual in Robert Herrick's'Hesperides' - Marjorie Swann
False Visions in Hesperides - Julia D. Chaffe
Carpe Diem: Seizing the Day in Herrick's "To the Virgins" and Marvell's "Coy Mistress" - Karen Ransom
Rhyme in "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time" - Kaye Anfield
George Herbert (1593-1633)
=Student Essay
Please see George Herbert Essays
Lady Mary Wroth (1587?-1651?)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Reading Women Writers in the Cultural Politics of Early Modern England - Edith Snook [.pdf]
"Et in Arcadia Ego": The Politics of Pirates in the Old Arcadia, New Arcadia and Urania - Claire Jowitt 
"Injoying of true joye the most, and best": Desire and the Sonnet
sequences of Lady Mary Wroth and Adrienne Rich - Madeline Bassnett
A Pack of Lies in a Looking Glass: Lady Mary Wroth's Urania and the Magic Mirror of Romance - Jennifer Lee Carrell
"Sleepe fy possess mee nott": The Return of the Repressed in Lady Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus, Sonnets 16 and 17 - Jesús Cora [.pdf]
Questioning Men's Love in Sidney's Astrophil and Stella and Wroth's Pamphilia to
Amphilanthus - Ivan Cañadas [.pdf]
"Love is a subject so delightful": Concepto
y casuística de amor en el mundo pastoril de la Urania de Mary Wroth - Jorge Figueroa Dorrego
Love, Death and Resurrection in Tragicomedies by Seventeenth-Century English Women Dramatists - Marguèrite Corporaal 
Mary Wroth's Poetics of the Self - Nona Fienberg
The Sage Felicia and the Grave Melissea: Diana of George of Montemayor, An Inspiration for Wroth's
Defense of Women in Urania - Sharon Rose Yang
Pastoral, Temperance, and the Unitary Self in Wroth's Urania - Amelia Zurcher Sandy
Constructing a City of Ladies - Margaret P. Hannay
The Passion Signified: Imitation and the Construction of Emotions in Sidney and Wroth - Jacqueline T. Miller
"Watch, Gaze, and Marke": The Poetry of Mary Wroth - Gary F. Waller
Completing the Conversation: Donne and Lady Mary Wroth - Maureen Quilligan
George Herbert and Lady Mary Wroth: a root for 'The Flower?' - R. E. Pritchard
'I Exscribe Your Sonnets': Jonson and Lady Mary Wroth - R.E. Pritchard
"The Wreck of Order" in Early Modern Women's Drama - Irene Burgess
"But Worth pretends": Discovering Jonsonian Masque in Lady Mary Wroth's Pamphilia to Amphilanthus - Anita M. Hagerman
The Labyrinth as Style in 'Pamphilia to Amphilanthus' - Mary Moore
Transgressing Boundaries: Women's Writing in the Renaissance and Reformation - Janet Clare
Gender and Genre in the Sonnet Sequences of Philip Sidney and Mary Wroth - Jennifer Laws
Lady Mary Wroth: An Overdetermined Self Manifested in Writing - Carolyn Campbell
Twisting Typical Gender: The Androgynous Speaker in the Poems of Lady Mary Wroth - Gabriel Sanchez
Lady Mary Wroth: Autonomy From the Traditional Role of Woman - Katharine Emerson
The Disturbing Lady Mary Wroth - Jason M. Swarts
Thomas Carew (1594-1640)
=Student Essay
Carew's Boar and Panther - Scott Nixon
"The English Masque" - Felix E. Schelling
The Strategy of Carew's Wit - Bruce King
Carew and Herrick - Charles Neaves
Thomas Carew: The Cavalier World - Louis L. Martz
The Poetry of Thomas Carew - G. A. E. Parfitt
Carew's Monarchy of Wit - Diana Benet
Jonson and Carew on Donne: Censure into Praise - John Lyon
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Reinterpreting Formalism and the Country House Poem - Heather Dubrow
Appropriating and Attributing the Supernatural in the Early Modern Country House Poem - A. D. Cousins and R. J. Webb 
Two Versions of the Funeral Elegy: Henry King's "The Exequy" and Thomas Carew's "... Elegie Upon ... Donne" - Antoon Van Velzen
Carew's Funerary Poetry and the Paradox of Sincerity - James Fitzmaurice
Self-Presentation in Carew's 'To A. L. Perswasions to Love' - Renée Hannaford
'My Unwashed Muse': Sexual Play and Sociability in Carew's 'A Rapture' - Renée Hannaford
Carew's 'A Rapture': The Dynamics of Fantasy -
'Wee, of th' adult'rate mixture not complaine': Thomas Carew and Poetic Hybridity - Reid Barbour
'Deare Ben,''Great DONNE,' and 'my Celia,': The Wit of Carew's Poetry - Ada Long and Hugh MacLean
Carew's response to Jonson and Donne - Scott Nixon
Oral Sex: A Theme in Donne and Some Cavalier Poets - Prof. David Renaker
Rejecting the mean in Carew's "Mediocritie in love rejected" - Philip Priestley
Richard Crashaw (1613-1649)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Poetry, Prayer, and Pedagogy: Writings By and For the English Catholic Community, 1547-1650 - Patricia M. Garcia [.pdf]
Thesis: A Reading of Richard Crashaw - P.K. Sundararajan [.pdf]
Thesis: Protestants Reading Catholicism: Crashaw's Reformed Readership - Andrew D. Davis [.pdf]
Thesis: Versions of the Apocalypse in Four Seventeenth Century Authors - Charles Earnest Watson
Opening the Purple Wardrobe: A Psychoanalytic Approach to the Poetry of Richard Crashaw - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
The Religious Epigram in Early Stuart England - James Doelman
L’éloquence de la suavitas: Richard Crashaw et la spiritualité salésienne - Vincent Roger [.pdf]
Pastorale et "parodie sacrée" dans la poésie métaphysique: "In the Holy Nativity" de Richard Crashaw - Anne-Marie Miller-Blaise [.pdf]
Intimacy and the Body in Seventeenth-Century Religious Devotion - James M. Bromley
Richard Crashaw - Edmund Gosse
Crashaw and Marvell - George MacDonald
'Batter My [Flaming] Heart': Male Masochism in the Religious Lyrics of Donne and Crashaw - Lisa S. Starks
John Donne, Richard Crashaw, and the Mystery of God's Grace - R. V. Young
The Crashavian Mother - Susannah B. Mintz
Henry Vaughan (1621-1695)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: The Scriptural Texture of Henry Vaughan's Silex Scintillans:
The Poetics, Politics and Theology of Intertextuality - Holly F. Nelson [.pdf]
"The Soul in Paraphrase": The Devotional Poetry of George Herbert and His Contemporaries - Helen Wilcox
Essay on the Life and Writings of Henry Vaughan, Silurist - Alexander B. Grosart
George Herbert, Henry Vaughan, and the Conversion of the Jews - Nabil I. Matar
A Mount of Vision—Henry Vaughan - George MacDonald
The Sign of the Rose: Vaughan, Rilke, Celan - Shimon Sandbank
"The Virtue and Discipline" of Wrestling with God - John T. Shawcross
The Poisoned Grove. Henry Vaughan: the Grove Recovered - P. W. Thomas
The Exemplification of Love Through the Use of Geometric Conceits in the Poetic Works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Emblems, Style, and Metaphor in Vaughan - Jen Fela, et al.
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
=Student Essay
Thesis: Andrew Marvell and Privacy - Keith McDonald [.pdf]
Andrew Marvell and Edmund Waller: Seventeenth-Century Praise and Restoration Satire - Steven N. Zwicker
Rewriting Cromwell: Milton, Marvell, and Negative Liberty in the English Revolution - C.G. Martin
I, Easy Philosopher: Who is Andrew Marvell's "Upon Appleton House" Really About? - Bill Philips [.pdf]
Action and Indolence in Andrew Marvell's "Upon Appleton House" - Byron Nelson [.pdf]
'A storm of lamentations writ': Lachrymae Musarum and Royalist Culture After the Civil War - John McWilliams
Andrew Marvell's Ambivalence Toward Adult Sexuality - Michael John DiSanto
Andrew Marvell and the 'Painter Satires': A Computational Approach to Their Authorship - John Burrows
Marvell's "The Garden" and the Ars Moriendi - Rodney Stenning Edgecombe [.pdf]
The Alchemical Code in Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress - Lyndy Abraham [.pdf]
"To His Coy Mistress" as Characterization - R. V. Young
Fallen Fruit, Fallen Men, and a Fallen State: Images in Marvell's Pastoral Poetry - Andrew Monnickendam
Seneca and the Text of Marvell's 'Climb at court for me that will' - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
"'Still Keep thy Sword Erect': Marvell and the Phallic Republic - Jonathan Sawday [.doc]
On Andrew Marvell - T. S. Eliot, 1921
Marvell and Milton's literary friendship reconsidered - John McWilliams
Crashaw and Marvell - George MacDonald
Appropriating and Attributing the Supernatural in the Early Modern Country House Poem - A. D. Cousins and R. J. Webb 
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Reinterpreting Formalism and the Country House Poem - Heather Dubrow
Representing Cromwell: Marvell's Wiser Art - Bruce Lawson
Reversible Space, Linear Time: Andrew Marvell's Bermudas - Catherine Gimelli Martin
Marvell's Dialogized Nymph - Daniel Jaeckle
Quarles, Waller, Marvell, and the Instruments of State - Robert Wilcher
"By Lucan driv'n about": A Jonsonian Marvell's Lucanic Milton - Andrew Shifflett
Marvell's 'To His Coy Mistress' and Sandys's translation of Ovid's Metamorphoses - Robert H. Ray
Feminizing Vision: Andrew Marvell and Female Prophecy - Rachel Trubowitz
The Slain Deer and Political Imperium: As You Like It and Andrew Marvell's "Nymph Complaining for the Death of Her Fawn" - Chris Fitter
Marvell's metamorphic 'Fleckno' - Joan Hartwig
The Persuasion of the Coy Mistress - Robert W. Halli, Jr.
The Balance of Power in Marvell's "Horatian Ode." - Thomas M. Greene
England Deflowered and Unmanned: The Sexual Image of Politics in Marvell's "Last Instructions." - Barbara Riebling
Lady State's First Two Sittings: Marvell's Satiric Canon. - Annabel Patterson
Speaking and silent women in Upon Appleton House - Sarah Monette
Preserving Property: History, Genealogy, and Inheritance in "Upon Appleton House." - Brian Patton
The Nature of Marvell's Mower - Linda Anderson
Cohesion as Logic: The Possible Worlds of Marvell's "To his Coy Mistress" - Jeffrey W. Karon
Imaging Social Languages in Marvell's The Last Instructions -Daniel P. Jaeckle
Sacred Violence in Marvell's "Horatian Ode" - Thad Bower
Marvell's Nymph Complaining' as Historical Allegory - Yvonne L. Sandstroem
The Poisoned Grove: Marvell and Lovelace in Retreat - P. W. Thomas
Marvell's Horatian Ode - Brooks/Warren
The Exemplification of love through the use of geometric conceits in the poetic works of Donne, Vaughan, Marvell and Herbert - Natalie Sparke
Now and Then: The Conceptualization of Time in "To His Coy Mistress" - Linda Nguyen
Carpe Diem: Seizing the Day in Herrick's "To the Virgins" and Marvell's "Coy Mistress" - Karen Ransom
Politics and Poetry in Andrew Marvell's "An Horation Ode" - Debbie Wechselblatt-Cranford
Marvell's "The Gallery" vs. Gray's "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" - Michael Wells
Marvell and Nun Appleton House - Angela C. Caraway
Troublemaking Interpretations: Bush and Brooks on "Horation Ode" - Chris McGee
Marvell: How Noble in Reason - Anon.
Carpe poem: Marvell's "To His Coy Mistress" - John Larson
John Milton (1608-1674) |
=Student Essay
Please see Milton Essays
Sir John Suckling (1609-1642)
=Student Essay
John Suckling's Semi-Serious Love Poetry - Michael H. Markel
'At Bottom a Criticism of Life': Suckling and the Poetry of Low Seriousness - Thomas Clayton
Traditions of Précieux and Libertinin Suckling's Poetry - Fletcher Orpin Henderson
The Canon of Sir John Suckling's Poems - L. A.Beaurline
The Pleasures of Restraint: The Mean of Coyness in Cavalier Poetry - Joshua Scodel
Richard Lovelace (1618-1657)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Looking for Lovelace: Identity, Style and Inheritance in the Poetry of the Interregnum - Dosia Reichardt [.pdf]
Another Look at 'Amyntor's Grove': Pastoral and Patronage in Lovelace's Poem - Dosia Reichardt 
Reading the Light in Lovelace's 'The Grasshopper' -Dale B. J. Randall
The Poisoned Grove: Marvell and Lovelace in Retreat - P. W. Thomas
Francis Beaumont (1584-1616)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Thesis: The Blest Fountain: A Study of Salmacis and Hermaphroditus - Sheila M. Roberts
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
Anatomizing the Body Politic: Corporeal Rhetoric in The Maid's Tragedy - Jason R. Denman
The Multiple Plot in Fletcherian Tragicomedies - Mark E. Bingham
The Role of Folk Humor in Seventeenth-century Receptions of The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Dana Aspinall
Mixed Government and Mixed Marriage in A King and No King: Sir Henry Neville Reads Beaumont and Fletcher - Zachary Lesser [.pdf]
Cross-dressing, Gender, and Absolutism in the Beaumont and Fletcher Plays - Peter Berek
How to Look at a Hermaphrodite in Early Modern England - Jenny C. Mann
Unraveling Beaumont from Fletcher with Music, Misogyny, and Masque - Catherine A. Henze
How Music Matters: Some Songs of Robert Johnson in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher - Catherine A. Henze
"The English Masque" - Felix E.Schelling
The Analogous Qualities of The Two Noble Kinsmen and Masque of The Inner Temple and Grey's Inn - Noel R. Blincoe
Staging the Feminine Performance of Desire: Masochism in The Maid's Tragedy - Christina Leon Alfar
Masque Influence on the Dramaturgy of Beaumont and Fletcher - Suzanne Gossett
The Citizens in Philaster: Their Function and Significance - Adkins
The High Design of A King and No King - Arthur Mizener
The Political Appeal of Beaumont and Fletcher's 'A King and No King' on the Restoration Stage - Stephan P. Flores
John Fletcher (1579-1625)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Men on the Road: Beggars and Vagrants in Early Modern Drama - Mi-Su Kim [.pdf]
Dissertation: Speaking England: Nationalism(s) in Early Modern Literature and Culture - Christopher L. Morrow [.pdf]
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
Tragicomic Transformations: Passion, Politics, and the 'Art to Turn'
in Fletcher's The Island Princess - Jean E. Feerick 
Anatomizing the Body Politic: Corporeal Rhetoric in The Maid's Tragedy - Jason R. Denman
Fletcher, Massinger, and Roman Imperial Character - John E. Curran Jr.
Moorish dancing in the Two Noble Kinsmen - Sujata Iyengar
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott
The Multiple Plot in Fletcherian Tragicomedies - Mark E. Bingham
The Role of Folk Humor in Seventeenth-century Receptions of The Knight of the Burning Pestle - Dana Aspinall
Mixed Government and Mixed Marriage in A King and No King: Sir Henry Neville Reads Beaumont and Fletcher - Zachary Lesser [.pdf]
Cross-dressing, Gender, and Absolutism in the Beaumont and Fletcher Plays - Peter Berek
Unraveling Beaumont from Fletcher with Music, Misogyny, and Masque - Catherine A. Henze
How Music Matters: Some Songs of Robert Johnson in the Plays of Beaumont and Fletcher - Catherine A. Henze
Staging the Feminine Performance of Desire: Masochism in "The Maid's Tragedy" - Christina Leon Alfar
Sex Averted or Converted: Sexuality and Tragicomic Genre in the Plays of Fletcher - Verna A. Foster
Distinguishing Shakespeare from Fletcher Through Function Words - Thomas B. Horton
Colonialism, Politics, and Romanization in John Fletcher's Bonduca - Claire Jowitt
John Fletcher's Response to the Gender Debate: The Woman's Prize and The Taming of the Shrew - Molly Easo Smith
Ben Jonson's Head - Jeffrey Masten
Phrase lengths in 'Henry VIII' Shakespeare and Fletcher - Tony Kline
The Analogous Qualities of The Two Noble Kinsmen and Masque of The Inner Temple and Grey's Inn - Noel R. Blincoe
The persistent 'Kinsmen' of Shakespeare and Fletcher - Hugh M. Richmond
Masque Influence on the Dramaturgy of Beaumont and Fletcher - Suzanne Gossett
The Citizens in Philaster: Their Function and Significance - Adkins
The High Design of A King and No King - Arthur Mizener
The Political Appeal of Beaumont and Fletcher's 'A King and No King' on the Restoration Stage - Stephan P. Flores
Fletcher'sThe Tragedie of Bonduca and the Anxieties of the Masculine Government of James I - Julie Crawford
Edmund Waller (1606-1687)
=Student Essay
Andrew Marvell and Edmund Waller: Seventeenth-Century Praise and Restoration Satire - Steven N. Zwicker
Edmund Waller, English Precieux - Thomas Kaminski
Quarles, Waller, Marvell, and the Instruments of State - Robert Wilcher
Edmund Waller's Sacred Poems - Richard Hillyer
Abraham Cowley (1618-1667)
=Student Essay
"The eternal now": Virgilian Echoes and Miltonic Premonitions in Cowley's Davideis - Sue Starke
Odes of Absorption in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century - Margaret Koehler
Abraham Cowley - Geoffrey Walton
Saul and the Social Contract: Constructions of 1 Samuel 8-11 in Cowley's'Davideis' and Defoe's 'Jure Divino.' - Michael Austin
Epic Warfare in Cowley and Milton - D.M. Rosenberg
Truth Is Truest Poetry: The Influence of the New Philosophy on Abraham Cowley - Robert B. Hinman
Discordia Concors, Decorum, and Cowley - Harvey D. Goldstein
The Epic Reticence of Abraham Cowley - Timothy Dykstal
Cowley's 'Pindarique Odes' and the Politics of the Inter-regnum - Stella P. Revard
Dorothy Osborne (1627-1695)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Desire and Renunciation: The Letters of Dorothy Osborne - Carrie Anne Hintz [.pdf]
Epistolary, Audience, Selfhood: The Letters of Dorothy Osborne to William Temple - Sara Crangle [.pdf]
Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle (1623-1673)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Wicked Words, Virtuous Voices: The Reconstruction of Tragic Subjectivity by Renaissance and Early Restoration Women Dramatists - Marguérite C. M. Corporaal [.pdf]
Dissertation: A Figurative Matter: Continuities Between Margaret Cavendish's Theory of Discourse and her Natural Philosophy - Leni Katherine Robinson
Dissertation: Brave New Worlds? The Gender Politics of Margaret Cavendish's Primary and Secondary Realms - Tanya C. Wood [.pdf]
Mad Madge: Britain's First Woman Scientist - John K. Borchardt
Performance, Performativity, and Identity in Margaret Cavendish's The Convent of Pleasure - Katherine R. Kellett
The Life and the Literary Reputation of Margaret Cavendish - James Fitzmaurice [.pdf]
Women, the Republic of Letters, and the Public Sphere in the Mid-Seventeenth Century - David Norbrook
Rhetoric and Gender in Plays by English Renaissance Women - Marguérite Corporaal
Reading Through Galileo's Telescope: Margaret Cavendish and the Experience of Reading - Elizabeth A. Spiller
The Rape of Mother Earth in Seventeenth Century English Poetry: An Ecofeminist Interpretation - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
Material Cavendish: Paper, Performance, "sociable virginity" - Jeffrey Masten
The Irregular Aesthetic of The Blazing World - Angus Fletcher
Contemplation on the "World of My Own Creating":
Alchemical Discourses on Nature and Creation in The Blazing World - Tien-yi Chao
The Function of Analogy in the Scientific Theories of Margaret
Cavendish and Anne Conway - Sandrine Parageau [.pdf]
'An Amazonian Heroickess': The Military
Leadership of Queen Henrietta Maria in Margaret Cavendish's Bell in Campo - Kamille Stone Stanton
La satire des sciences dans Observations upon Experimental
Philosophy et The Blazing World de Margaret Cavendish - Sandrine Parageau [.pdf]
Politique et imagination féminine
dans Nature's Pictures de Margaret Cavendish - Claire Boulard-Jouslin [.pdf]
Miroir du théâtre : maniérisme et mise en abyme dans The Convent of Pleasure de Margaret Cavendish - Line Cottegnies [.pdf]
The Irregular Aesthetic of The Blazing-World - Angus Fletcher
Genre's "Phantastical Garb": The Fashion of Form in Margaret Cavendish's Natures Pictures Drawn by Fancies Pencil to the Life - Emily Smith 
Female Spectacle as Liberation in Margaret Cavendish's Plays - Joyce Devlin Mosher 
Concocting the world's olio: Margaret Cavendish and continental influence - Sara H. Mendelson 
Mad Science Beyond Flattery:
The Correspondence of Margaret Cavendish and Constantijn Huygens - Nadine Akkerman 
Happy Families and Learned Ladies:
Margaret Cavendish, William Cavendish, and their onstage academy debate - Alexandra Bennett 
Playing with Religion: Convents, Cloisters, Martyrdom, and Vows - Erna Kelly 
Fighting the Kingdom of Faction in Bell in Campo - Oddvar Holmesland 
Crime and Context in The Unnatural Tragedy - Lisa Hopkins 
The Intellectual and Literary Courtship of Margaret Cavendish - James Fitzmaurice 
Defects Redressed: Margaret Cavendish Aspires to Motley - Lesley Peterson 
The City of Chance, or, Margaret Cavendish's Theory of Radical Symmetry - B. R. Siegfried 
"My Spirits long to wander in the Air...": Spirits and Souls in Margaret Cavendish's Fiction between Early Modern Philosophy and Cyber Theory - Miriam Wallraven 
"I hate such an old-fashioned House": Margaret Cavendish and the search for home - Alison Findlay 
An Empowering Wit and an "Unnatural" Tragedy: Margaret Cavendish's Representation of the Tragic Female Voice - Marguérite Corporaal 
Gender Subversion in the Science of Margaret Cavendish - Lisa Walters 
The First Duchess of Newcastle and her Husband as Figures in Literary History - Henry Ten Eyck Perry
Romancing Multiplicity: Female Subjectivity and the Body Divisible in Margaret Cavendish's Blazing World - Geraldine Wagner 
Constructing a City of Ladies - Margaret P. Hannay
Pure Resistance: Queer(y)ing Virginity in Measure for Measure and The Convent of Pleasure - Theodora A. Jankowski
Margaret Cavendish and the Female Satirist - Mihoko Suzuki
Warrior Women in the Plays of Cavendish and Killigrew - Karen L. Raber
Surface and Interiority: Self-Creation in Margaret Cavendish's The Claspe - Jennifer Low
"Plainarid Vulgarly Express'd": Margaret Cavendish and the Discourse of the New Science - Richard Nate
The Mechanist-vitalist soul of Margaret Cavendish - Jay Stevenson
Reading the Stage: Margaret Cavendish and Commonwealth Closet Drama - Marta Stranznicky
Margaret Cavendish and the Romance of Contract - Victoria Kahn
Providence, Fortune, and Gender in Margaret Cavendish’s Life of William Cavendish and
Lucy Hutchinson’s Life of John Hutchinson - Stephanie Sleeper
Margaret Cavendish's Dramatic Utopias and the Politics of Gender - Erin Lang Bonin
Utopian Bliss in Margaret Cavendish’s “The Description of a New World,
Called the Blazing World” and Sir Thomas More’s Utopia - Emily Cho
The Construction of Female Relationships in the Works of Margaret Cavendish - Lora Davies
James Shirley (1596-1666)
=Student Essay
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
John Webster, James Shirley, and the Melbourne manuscript - MacD. P. Jackson
"Powdered with Golden Rain": The Myth of Danae in Early Modern Drama - Julie Sanders
"The English Masque" - Felix E.Schelling
Swinburne on Shirley
The Poisoned Grove: James Shirley & the Portuguese Ambassador - P. W. Thomas
Francis Quarles (1592-1644)
=Student Essay
Thesis: Quarles and Benlowes: A Study of Contemplative Themes and Imagery in the Emblemes and Theophila - Mayling Stubbs [.pdf]
Quarles, Waller, Marvell, and the Instruments of State - Robert Wilcher
On Quarles' The New Distemper, 1645 - Lawrence Helm
Thomas Middleton (c.1580-1627)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Dissertation: A Critical Edition of Four Entertainments by Thomas Middleton for the Drapers' Company, &c. - Christina J. Burridge [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Unto my wife I would not be the bride": Rich Widows and Anxious Suitors in Thomas Middleton's Comedies - Jennifer M. Panek
Dissertation: Thomas Middleton's Early City Comedies - Dennis A. Hengeveld [.pdf]
Dissertation: "Female" Stage Props: Visualizing the Disappearing Woman on the Early Modern Stage - Amy R. Pollard [.pdf]
Dissertation: Dealers in Hole-Sale: Representations of Prostitution on the Elizabethan and Jacobean Stage - Trish T. Henley [.pdf]
Dissertation: Sexual Discourse in the Jacobean Theater of Social Mobility - Margaret M. Sticpewich [.pdf]
Dissertation: Violent Performance: A Cultural Analysis of the Intersection of Violence and Embedded Performance
in Elizabethan and Jacobean Tragedy - Geoffrey A. Booth [.pdf]
Thesis: Blasting Binaries and Humanizing Humans: Thomas Middleton's Feminism - Amy L. Stahl [.pdf]
Thesis: Staging Executions: The Theater of Punishment in Early Modern England - Sarah N. Redmond [.pdf]
Thesis: A Critical Old-spelling Edition of Middleton's Honorable entertainments (1621) and An Invention (1622) - Brian H. W. Hill [.pdf]
Thesis: London Low Life As Seen in Middleton's Comedies - Zona E. May [.pdf]
Thesis: Corrupt Leadership and Its Impact on Social Morality in Hamlet and
and Thomas Middleton's The Second Maiden's Tragedy - Racheal Leah Shertzer [.pdf]
Thesis: Men Disguised as Women in Elizabethan Drama - Marion S. Karr [.pdf]
"Pray Make Your Love No Stranger": Incest, Agency, and the Affective Family
"in Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women - Jillian Beifuss
To kindle an industrious desire": The Poetry of Work in Lord Mayors' Shows - Kara Northway
Stuart Civic Pageants and Textual Performance - David M. Bergeron
Leantio as an Outsider in Middleton's Women Beware Women - Ángel Luis Pujante [.pdf]
Women and the Meaning of The Revenger's Tragedy - Robert C. Evans
Re-membering Gloriana:
'Wild Justice' and the Female Body in The Revenger's Tragedy - Kathryn R. Finin
Adapting The Revenger's Tragedy - Patrick J. Cook
The Revengers in The Spanish Tragedy, The Jew of Malta, The Revenger's Tragedy and The Duchess of Malfi - Nathan Mao [.pdf]
Senecan Drama and Its Influence on The Spanish Tragedy and
The Revenger's Tragedy - Belgin Şakiroğlu
Marked Angels: Counterfeits, Commodities, and The Roaring Girl - Valerie Forman
Mary Frith at the Fortune - Mark Hutchings
Mary Frith, Alias Moll Cutpurse, in Life and Literature - Gustav Ungerer
Mad Moll and Merry Meg: The Roaring Girl as Popular Heroine in Elizabethan and Jacobean Writings - Patricia Shaw
The Roaring Girl de Dekker et Middleton: Moll Cutpurse ou le principe du théâtre - Line Cottegnies [.pdf]
The Certainty of Uncertain Knowledge: The Collaborative Authorship of The Changeling - Richard Nochimson
The Secular Morality of Middleton's City Comedies - Derek B. Alwes
The Character of Credit and the Problem of Belief in Middleton's City Comedies - Aaron Kitch
If Women Should Beware Women, Bianca Should Beware Mother - Richard A. Levin
Space, Violence, and Bodies in Middleton and Cary - Jennifer L. Heller
Middleton, 'The Revenger's Tragedy,' and crisis literature - Brian Jay Corrigan
La Tragédie du vengeur de Thomas Middleton
ou la thérapie paradoxale du théâtre - Elodie Likhtart [.pdf]
The Trickster-figure in Jacobean City Comedy - William R. Dynes
Thomas Middleton and Anthony Munday: Artistic Rivalry? - David M. Bergeron
Was Thomas Middleton a Puritan Dramatist? - N. W. Bawcutt
Thomas Middleton's A Game at Chesse: A Sermon Analogue - Jeanne Shami
A Female Peon and the State of War in Thomas Middleton's A Game at Chess - Miroslawa Ziaja-Buchholtz [.pdf]
'Take heed, there's giants keep 'em': The Changeling III.iii.178 and Its Context - J. Daalder & A. T. Moore
Tiresias and the Basilisk: Vision and Madness in Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling - Andrew Stott
Acting the Act in The Changeling - Lisa Hopkins
Folly and Madness in The Changeling - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
The Role of Isabella in The Changeling - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
The Closet Drama in The Changeling, V. iii. - Joost Daalder [.pdf]
The Spanish Match Through the Texts: Jonson, Middleton, and Howell - F. Javier Sánchez Escribano
Chaos and Harmony in Middleton's A Game at Chess - Beatriz Soubriet Velasco
Tourments des temps, tourments des âmes: The Changeling et A Game at Chess - Antoine Ertlé[.pdf]
Wedding Vows and Coffins: Canticles' Rhetoric, the Liturgical Form of Matrimony, and Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Lissa Beauchamp [.pdf]
Bethlem and Bridewell in the Honest Whore Plays - Ken Jackson
The Mother as Bawd in The Revenger's Tragedy and A Mad World, My Masters - Jennifer Panek
The Widow Hunt on the Tudor-Stuart Stage - Ira Clark
The School of the World: Trading on Wit in Middleton's Trick to Catch the Old One - Eric Leonidas 
Beggary/Buggery and Oedipal Conflict in Thomas Middleton's The Phoenix - Patrick J. Cook 
Middleton and Rowley's The Changeling - Joost Daalder, Antony Telford Moore
The"[Un]Reclaymed Frome" of Middleton's A Trick to Catch the Old One - D.B. Mount
Middleton's Women Beware Women and the Mothering Principle - Lisa Hopkins
Art and Nature in Women Beware Women - Lisa Hopkins
A Yorkshire Tragedy and Middleton's Tragic Aesthetic - Lisa Hopkins
"The City Cannot Hold You": Social Conversion in the Goldsmith's Shop - Janelle Day Jenstad
Comedy, Carnival, and Class: A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Rick Bowers
Realism, Desire and Reification: Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Pier Paolo Frassinelli
"O, how my offences wrestle with my repentance!": The Protestant Poetics
of Redemption in Thomas Middleton's A Chaste Maid in Cheapside - Alizon Brunning
"[B]egot between tirewomen and tailors": Commodified Self-Fashioning in Michaelmas Term - Mathew Martin
Cross Dressing with a Difference: The Roaring Girl and Epicoene - David Cope
Rehabilitating Moll's Subversion in The Roaring Girl - Jane Baston
'A silenc'st bricke-layer': an allusion to Ben Jonson in Thomas Middleton's 'Masque.' - Jerzy Limon
Play-making, Domestic Conduct, and the Multiple Plot in The Roaring Girl - Viviana Comensoli
Women in Men's Clothing: Apparel and Social Stability in The Roaring Girl - Mary Beth Rose
Civic Institutions and Precarious Masculinity in Dekker's The Honest Whore - Jean E. Howard
The Theatricality of Transformation:
Cross-dressing and Gender/Sexuality Spectra on the Elizabethan Stage - Sara E. Gorman [.pdf]
Revenge and Revengers, in Hamlet and Middleton's The Revenger's Tragedy - Heron McConnell
Crossdressing in The Roaring Girl: The Issues - Helen Hull
Clothing and Society in Dekker and Middleton's The Roaring Girl - Megan S. at Oklahoma State U.
Selling Cherries, Buying Water; Reworking Female Sexual Economics in
Thomas Middleton’s "A Chaste Maid in Cheapside" - Kirsten C. Uszkalo
"Women must have their longings, or they die": Capitalism as Gendered Discourse
in Honest Whore (1604) and Chaste Maid of Cheapside (1613) - Lea K. Allen
Thomas Middleton's Women Beware Women - Robert Boyd
"Native Dyes": Race and Politics in the Jacobean Masque - Weidner & Walravens
Philip Massinger (1583-1640)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Inset Forms of Art in the Plays of Philip Massinger - Joanne M. Rochester [.pdf]
Dissertation: Sexual Discourse in the Jacobean Theater of Social Mobility - Margaret M. Sticpewich [.pdf]
Fletcher, Massinger, and Roman Imperial Character - John E. Curran Jr.
The Ignorant Elizabethan Author and Massinger's Believe As You List - David Bradley [.pdf]
The Trickster-figure in Jacobean City Comedy - William R. Dynes
Dramatic Nostalgia and Spectacular Conversion in Dekker and Massinger's The Virgin Martyr - Holly Crawford Pickett
Ritual, Drama and the Performance of Baptisms in the Digby Conversion of St. Paul and Massinger's The Renegado - Matthew C. Hansen
Censorship and Representation in The Stuart Era: Three Roman Plays - David Cope [.pdf]
'On cheating Pictures': Gender and Portrait
Miniatures in Philip Massinger's The Picture - Erin Obermueller
Making Death a Miracle: Audience and the
Genres of Martyrdom
in Dekker and Massinger's The Virgin Martyr - Nova Myhill
The Widow Hunt on the Tudor-Stuart Stage - Ira Clark
The Renegade in English Seventeenth-century Imagination - N.I. Matar
The Distinctive Voice of Massinger - Anne Barton
Contemporary Politics in Massinger - Allen Gross
Massinger the Censor - Philip Edwards
Massinger's Men and Women - Philip Edwards
Verbal Formulae in the Plays of Philip Massinger - Cyrus Hoy
The Significance of Massinger's Social Comedies, with a Note on 'Decadence' - L. C. Knights
A New Way to Pay Old Debts: Massinger's Grim Comedy
The Moral Tone of Massinger's Dramas - A. L. Bennett
Giving and Taking in Massinger's Tragicomedies - Robert Y. Turner
Massinger's Political Tragedies - Douglas Howard
The Roman Actor, Censorship, and Dramatic Autonomy - David A. Reinheimer
The Theme and Structure of The Roman Actor - Peter H. Davidson
Ben Jonson's Head - Jeffrey Masten
Sacred Wood: Philip Massinger - T. S. Eliot
Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: The Metaphysical and Psychological Basis of Thomas Hobbes' Moral Philosophy - Robert L. Gray, Jr. [.pdf]
Dissertation: Hypocrisy and Heresy: Language and Concepts in Early Modern England - Patricia Weightman Stewart [.pdf]
Dissertation: Thomas Hobbes and his Mechanistic Physiology: Factors in the Reception of the Mechanical Philosophy in Seventeenth Century England - William Frederick Spohn [.pdf]
Dissertation: Leviathan against Behemoth: Hobbes and Milton on Religious Conflict and the State - Simon Dir-Ching Kow [.pdf]
Thesis: The Western Philosophical Tradition as the Prime Culprit:
A New Interpretation of Hobbes's Diagnosis of the English Civil War - Peng Chengyi [.pdf]
Thesis: Authority and Justification: The Case of Thomas Hobbes - David Ross MacDonald [.pdf]
Thesis: Morality and Rationality: Hobbes, Hume, Gauthier - Katharine Browne [.pdf]
When Self-Preservation Bids: Approaching Milton, Hobbes, and Dissent - Christopher N. Warren [.pdf]
Hobbes's Critique of Miltonian Independency - Simon Kow [.pdf]
Slavery Discourse before the Restoration: The Barbary Coast, Justinian's Digest, and Hobbes's Political Theory - Deborah Baumgold
Leviathan and the Court Masque: Permissible Rhetoric - Ted Miller [.pdf]
Dear Prudence: The Feminization of Hobbesian Man - Marylu Hill
Thomas Hobbes and Who Should Rule - Michael Rogers
Thomas Hobbes and the Problem of the Unexplained Restoration - Adam George Yoksas
Politics, Mathematics, and Hobbes: What Being Mathematical Could Mean in the Seventeenth Century - Ted H. Miller
By Land or by Sea? Hobbes's Leviathan and Behemoth as Histories of the English Revolution - Mark S. Jendrysik
Who Is the Hobbesian Sovereign? Analysis of Hobbesian Theories of Leadership - Michael Rogers
Derrida's Economy of Violence in Hobbes' Social Contract - Rick Parrish
The Limits of Reason and the Necessity of Revelation: Civil Religion and the Christian Commonwealth in Hobbes' Leviathan - Martin DeNicolo
Global Politics as Cooperation in Hobbes' International Theory - Theodore Christov
Thomas Hobbes and the Allegorization of Reading - James Martel
Hobbes's Appeal to Pride as the Foundation for Political Obligation - Stephen Block
The Totemic Sovereign: Freudian Substructure in Hobbes's Theory of State - Kevin Cameron
Thomas Hobbes and Natural Law: A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing? - Kevin M. Cherry
Thomas Hobbes on Reading, The Holy Spirit and the Question of Tolerance - James R. Martel
Hobbesian Knowledge: Negative Substance and Positive Doubts in Leviathan - Winifred L. Amaturo
Freedom of Thought and Hobbes's Liberal Critique of Christianity - Aaron L. Herold
A Defense of Hobbesian Constitutionalism - Evan Oxman
Marsilius & Hobbes on the Division of Church and State: Some Aspects of Continuity - Bettina Koch
The States of Nature in Hobbes' Leviathan - Gregory B. Sadler
Equity in the Thought of Thomas Hobbes - Adam Yoksas [.pdf]
Hobbes on Large Legislatures as Mob Rule - Ethan Putterman
Hobbes' Pedagogy: A Portrait of the Potential Hobbesian - Graham R. Howell
Hobbesian Temptations: Security and the Environment - Harlan Wilson
Hobbes's Natural Condition and His Natural Science - Paul Ulrich
Beyond International Anarchy: Re-reading Hobbes on International Relations - Theodore Christov
A Comparison and Evaluation of Interpretation: Voegelin and Strauss on Thomas Hobbes - Jeremy Mhire
The 'Imitation of Action' in Hobbes's Leviathan - Laura Reagan
No Peace Without Injustice: The Ethics of Peacemaking in Hobbes and Locke - Jamie Mayerfeld
Hobbes and Terrorism - David Lay Williams
The Two Gods of Hobbes: Rethinking Political (Dis)obligation in the Leviathan's Theological Politics - Thamy Pogrebinschi
Vain-glory and Amour Propre: Hobbes and Rousseau on Political Pride - Lee MacLean
Of Lawyers and Fools: The Significance of Hobbes' Dialogue on English Common Law - Yishaiya Abosch
The Difference that Sovereignty Makes: Hobbes, Tocqueville and Foucault on the Anxiety of Equality - Benjamin McKean
Leviathan as a Theory of Transitional Justice - David Dyzenhaus
Thomas Hobbes and Religion: Strange Bedfellows - Halima Khan [.pdf]
Hobbes, Rousseau and the Modern Conception of the State - Peter J. Steinberger
The Disciplined Citizen: Thomas Hobbes, Neostoicism and the Critique of Classical Citizenship - David Burchell
Virtue and Consequences: Hobbes on the Value of the Moral Virtues - Alex John London
Leviathan Then And Now - Peter Berkowitz
Heavenly Philosophy: What Thomas Hobbes Said to Jean Hampton - Michael Davis
Hobbes on Hypotheses in Natural Philosophy - Frank Horstmann
The Hobbesian Notion of Self-Preservation Concerning Human Behavior During an Insurgency
Hobbes' Liberal Absolutism - Benjamin A. Kleinerman
Thomas Hobbes, Political Economist: His Changing Historical Fortunes - Quentin Taylor
Leviathan Harpooned: Aware of the Dangers Posed by Judges and the Law,
Thomas Hobbes Offered a Solution - Gary L. McDowell
Hobbes and the Ideal of Religious Toleration - Edwin Curley [.pdf]
The Theology of Thomas Hobbes's Leviathan - Jürgen Overhoff
Thomas Hobbes: Skeptical Moralist - Diana Chabot
The Tolerant Leviathan: Hobbes and the Paradox of Liberalism - J. Judd Owen
Going against the grain: Hobbes's case for original maternal dominion - Joanne H. Wright
Hobbes and the Foole - Kinch Hoekstra
Hobbes's Bourgeois Moderation - Peter Hayes
Sur le Traité des passions de Hobbes: Commentaire du chapitre VI du Leviathan - Franck Lessay [.pdf]
Milton, Hobbes, and the Liturgical Subject - Timothy Rosendale
Hobbes and the Politics of Prophecy - Kinch Hoekstra
Thomas Hobbes in Ben Jonson's 'The King's Entertainment at Welbeck.' - A. P. Martinich
Paidea and Identity: Meditations on Hobbes and Locke - Bill Uzgalis
Hobbes, Conatusand the Prisoner's Dilemma - Juhani Pietarinen
Thomas Hobbes' Physical Philosophy and its Implications toward the Religious Language of Scripture - Scott David Foutz
Thomas Hobbes and the Invented Tradition of Positivism - James Boyle
The Radical Promise of Thomas Hobbes: The Road not taken in Liberal Theory - James R. Martel
Hobbes and the Democratic Theory of the Rule of Law - David Dyzenhaus
Hobbes: The State of Nature and the "Nature" of the State - Gordon L. Ziniewicz
Hobbes' Challenge - Marcelo Dascal
Hannah Arendt: la signification de la philosophie de Hobbes - Denis Collin (Article in French)
Politica come Philosophia Prima - Bernard Willms (Article in Italian)
Fondamentidi filosofia del linguaggio nella concezione politica di Hobbes - K. M. Kodalle (Article in Italian)
I Due volti del Leviatano - Gunter Meuter (Article in Italian)
La Institution Imaginaria del Leviathan - Omar Astorga (Article in Spanish)
Naturzustand und Naturgesetz bei Thomas Hobbes - Patrick Horvath (Article in German)
Aristotelikern Thomas Hobbes - Niklas Olaison (Article in Swedish)
Polgáritársadalom. Civil filozófia: Hobbes - László Farkas János (Article in Hungarian)
Justice in Hobbes's Leviathan - Gizem Sökmensüer
Four different facets of Hobbes' natural state - Teruhito Sako
Hobbes and Absolute Sovereignty - Stuart Hopkins
The Contribution of Plato to Political Philosophy and the Search for
the Common Good in Hobbes, De Tocqueville and Marx - Fr. Seamus Mulholland
Modern Political Thought - Gavin Brownlie
Milton's Paradise Lost as a Critique of Hobbes' Leviathan - Leah Kaminsky
Progression of Society in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Europe - Anon. student
Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682)
=Student Essay
Thesis: Three Aspects of Time: A Structural Analysis of Urn Burial, The Garden of Cyrus and Samson Agonistes - Joyce Rosalind Lewison [.pdf]
Rhetoric, Religion, and Politics in Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici - Ingo Berensmeyer
The Private Opinions of Sir Thomas Browne - Ronald Huebert
Hydriotaphia,"The sensible rhetorick of the dead" - Adam H. Kitzes
Constructing a Critical Subject in Religio Medici - Samuel Glen Wong
The Problem of Memoria and Virtuoso Sensibility in Sir Thomas Browne's The Garden of Cyrus - Arno Löffler
Katherine Philips (1632-1664)
=Student Essay
Katherine Philips: Friendship, Poetry and Neo-Platonic Thought in Seventeenth Century England - Mark Llewellyn
Re-configuring Early Modern Friendship: Katherine Philips and Homoerotic Desire - Harriette Andreadis
Reading Pseudonyms in Seventeenth-century English Coterie Literature - Margaret J.M. Ezell
The Pleasures of Restraint: The Mean of Coyness in Cavalier Poetry - Joshua Scodel
The Sapphic-Platonics of Katherine Philips, 1632-1664 - Harriette Andreadis
Matching the 'Matchless Orinda' to Her Times - Kathleen M. Swaim
The Forgotten Legacy of the 'Matchless Orinda' - Lucy Brashear
The Matchless Orinda - Elinor M. Buckingham
Introduction to Poems: 1667 - Travis DuPriest
Two Poems and a Prose Receipt: The Unpublished Juvenalia of Katherine Philips - Claudia Limbert
Manly Sweetness: Katherine Philips among the Neoclassicals - Paula Loscocco
Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, and the Female Pindaric - Stella P. Revard
Subversive Sexuality: Masking the Erotic in Poems by Katherine Philips and Aphra Behn - Arlene Stiebel
Orinda, Rosania, Lucasia et aliae: Towards a New Edition of the Works of Katherine Philips - Ellen Moody
Mildmay Fane, 2nd Earl of Westmorland (c.1600-1666)
=Student Essay
'A storm of lamentations writ': Lachrymae Musarum and Royalist Culture After the Civil War - John McWilliams
Fane on Jonson and Shakespeare - Joseph T. Roy, Jr., and Robert C. Evans
Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
=Student Essay
Lockean Essences, Political Posturing, and John Toland's Reading of Isaac Newton's Principia - Jeffrey R. Wigelsworth
All alone in the Universe: Individuals in
Descartes and Newton - K. A. Brading & D. Jalobeanu [.pdf]
Mathematical Models in Newton's Principia: A New View of the "Newtonian Style" - Steffen Ducheyne [.pdf]
Newton on Substance - Matt Priselac [.pdf]
Newton's "Experimental Philosophy" - Alan E. Shapiro
Cosmic Codebreaker, Pious Heretic - Karl Giberson
The Apotheosis and Damnation of Sir Isaac Newton - J. Goellner
Isaac Newton, John Locke and God - Theresa Hemsoth
Analytical View of Sir Isaac Newton's Principia (1855) - Henry Lord Brougham and E. J. Routh
An Essay on Newton's "Principia" (1893) - W. W. Rouse Ball
Thomas Heywood (1573-1641)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: The Image of Moors in the Writings of Four Elizabethan Dramatists:
Peele, Dekker, Heywood, Shakespeare - Mohamed Ibrahim Hassan Elaskary [.pdf]
Witchcraft, Flight and the Early Modern English Stage - Roy Booth 
Follow the money": Sex, Murder, Print, and Domestic Tragedy - Peter Berek
"What Good Newes from Barbary?" Nascent Capitalism, North-Africans and
the Construction of English Identity in Thomas Heywood's Drama - Jesús López-Peláez Casellas [.pdf]
Foul Papers, Promptbooks, and Thomas Heywood's The Captives - James Purkis
Framing Wifely Advice in Thomas Heywood's A Curtaine Lecture and Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale - Kathleen Kalpin
A Sociohistorical Reading of Thomas Heywood's The Fair Maid of the West - Sebnem Kaya
The Merry Tanner, the Mayor's Feast, and the King's Mistress: Thomas Heywood's 1 Edward IV and the Ballad Tradition - Nora L. Corrigan
The Crux in A Cure for A Cuckold: A Cryptic Message, A Doubtful Intention,
and Two Dearest Friends - David Carnegie and Macd. P. Jackson
Historicizing the Self-Starved Female Body in
A Woman Killed with Kindness - C. Frey & L. Lieblein
An Apologie for Poetrie de Sidney / An Apology for Actors de
Thomas Heywood: Quelles Théories Derrière l'Apologie? - Charlotte Coffin [.pdf]
Élisabeth ou le personnage impossible:
la figure d'Élisabeth Ire dans Chapman et Heywood - Gilles Bertheau [.pdf]
Royal Carnality and Illicit Desire in the English History Plays of the 1590s - Charles R. Forker
Thomas Heywood's The Royall King, and the Loyall Subject and the fall of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex - Kevin Lindberg
A 'Remedy' for Heywood? - M. L. Stapleton
Class Categorization, Capitalism, and the Problem of "Gentle" Identity
in The Royall King and the Loyall Subject and Eastward Ho! - Theodora A. Jankowski
"Speaking some words, but of no importance"? Stage Directions, Thomas Heywood, and Edward IV - Richard Rowland
'The Cittie is in an uproare': Staging London in The Booke of Sir Thomas More - Tracey Hill 
Thomas Heywood and the Cultural Politics of Play Collections - Benedict Scott Robinson
The Widow Hunt on the Tudor-Stuart Stage - Ira Clark
The Craft of Naming in Thomas Heywood's A Woman Killed With Kindness - John Thompson
Reading nascent capitalism in Part II of Heywood's If You Know Not Me, You Know Nobody - Charles W. Crupi
Conceiving Cities: Thomas Heywood's Londini Speculum (1637) and the Making of Civic Identity - William Hardin
Algernon Swinburne on Thomas Heywood
“Pleasing All”: Thomas Heywood’s Preservation of the Bases of Elizabethan Theatre - Ayako Kawanami [.pdf]
Eavesdropping on the English Renaissance Stage - James Hirsh
Honour, Space and Nationhood: The Case of the Travel Play - Chakabraka.com [.pdf]
Racial Tension: The Fair Maid of the West - Settevendemie, et al.
John Ford (1586-1656?)
=Student Essay
Dissertation: Challenging Cultural Stereotypes: Women Tragic Protagonists in Jacobean Drama - John Eric Marriott [.pdf]
Dissertation: A Study of John Ford's Dramatic Art - Tirthankar Bose [.pdf]
Knowing Their Loves: Knowledge, Ignorance, and Blindness in
'Tis Pity She's a Whore - Lisa Hopkins
"This idol thou ador'st": The Iconography of 'Tis Pity She's a Whore - Laurel Amtower
The Adaptation of a Shakespearean Genre: Othello and Ford's 'Tis Pity She's a Whore - Raymond Powell
The Gift: Economies of Kinship and Sacrificial Desire in 'Tis Pity She's a Whore - Pompa Banerjee
The End of the English History Play in Perkin Warbeck - Miles Taylor
Touching Touchets: Perkin Warbeck and the Buggery Statute - Lisa Hopkins
The Lover's Melancholy de John Ford: théâtre et mélancolie - C. Gheeraert-Graffeuille & A. Efsthatiou-Lavabre [.pdf]
Interrogating the Devil: Social and Demonic Pressure in The Witch of Edmonton - David Nicol
Staging Passion in Ford's The Lover's Melancholy - Lisa Hopkins
Algernon Swinburne on John Ford
Katherine Gordon and the Art of Marriage Brokering in Perkin Warbeck - Corinne Abate
John Ford's Artistic Exploitation of the Sources of Perkin Warbeck - I-Lu TENG [.pdf]
A Scholar Recants on His 'Shakespeare' Discovery - William S. Niederkorn
Meet the Peters - Richard Abrams 
Lectures de The Lover's Melancholy de John Ford (1629): théâtre et mélancolie - Claire Gheeraert & Athina Lavabre

to Early 17th Century English Literature
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 3, 1996. Last updated on June 2, 2010. Submissions welcomed.