
These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from the university. Not only are your professors as technology-savvy as you are, they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.
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=Thesis |
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=Student Essay |
Paradise Lost & Paradise Regained
The Reader of Milton's "Higher Argument" in Paradise Lost - Patricia A. Callahan [.pdf]
Paradise Lost and Seventeenth-century Pageantry - Vivienne K. Holland [.pdf]
The Humanism of Paradise Lost - David Stuart Reid [.pdf]
The Power of a Promise: A Speech Act and the Foundation of Freedom in Paradise Lost - Robert Nicholas Wiznura [.pdf]
Milton's God and the Sacred Imagination - Charles A. Keim
Milton's Better Fortitude: A Study of the Nature of Heroism in Paradise Lost - Paul A. Jones [.pdf]
"And Dreams Advise": The Dreams in Paradise Lost and Their Precursors - Marcia L. Toms [.pdf]
Milton's Poetic Technique: Sound and Sight Imagery and the Theme of Temptation in the Major Poems - Janet Frances Hillyer [.pdf]
Epic Wonder in Paradise Lost - John Leonard
The Humorous Despair: The Melancholy of Satan in John Milton's Paradise Lost - Thomas C. Owen [.pdf]
The Implications of Chaos in Paradise Lost - Rick Bowers
The Heroic Song in Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained - Monika B. Hilder [.pdf]
Satan as the Hero of Paradise Lost - Leontien Kouwenhoven [.pdf]
Verbal Repetition and Compound Allusion in Paradise Lost - John H. Lauck [.pdf]
Truth, Theme, and Structure in Milton's Paradise Regained - Mary Lou G. Rawlings [.pdf]
The Idea of Fame and Dramatic Structure in Milton's Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Robert C. Braden [.pdf]
Suffering Servants of the Short Epic: A Study of Job and Paradise Regained - Gerald D. Martin [.pdf]
The Satanic Self in Chaucer, Milton, and Beckett - Jacob Burnett [.pdf]
The Devil and Capitalism in Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and Milton's Paradise Lost - Meredith M. Hand [.pdf]
"Our general mother": Eve's Mythic Power and the Poetry of Aemilia Lanyer, John Milton, Elizabeth Barrett, and Christina Rossetti - Sarah C. McCollum [.pdf]
"What matter where?" Epic Geography and the Defense of Hell in Paradise Lost - Justin Tackett [.pdf]
The Harmony of Time in Paradise Lost - Robert Kellogg [.pdf]
"That be far from thee": Divine Evil and Justification in Paradise Lost - Michael Bryson [.pdf]
The Mysterious Darkness of Unknowing: Paradise Lost and the God Beyond Names - Michael Bryson [.pdf]
Knowledge and Science in Paradise Lost - Rosa Flotats
At The Sign of the Dove and Serpent - Neil Forsyth
Milton's Aesthetics of Eating - Denise Gigante
Milton's Eve and Wisdom: The "Dinner-Party" Scene in Paradise Lost - Ann Torday Gulden
Milton: Paradise Lost and the Question of Kabbalah - Rosa Flotats
The Semantic Field of "Light" and "Darkness" in Paradise Lost - Ricardo Mairal Usón
With Mortal Voice: Milton Defends Against the Muse - Stanley Fish
Paradise Lost as a Novel - Andrew Monnickendam
Argument More Heroic: The Epic Simile in Paradise Lost - Eleanor Tate [.pdf]
Lost in Paradisiacal Beauty: Milton's Re-Writing of the Narcissus Myth - Antonio Ballesteros González
Is Art "nice"? Art and Artifice at the Outset of Temptation in Paradise Lost - Ann Torday Gulden
Architecture and Idolatry in Paradise Lost - Joseph Lyle
The Dual Reading of Paradise Regained - G. A. Wilkes [.pdf]
Satanic Vision and Acrostics in Paradise Lost - Jane Partner
The Fall of Tydeus and the Failure of Satan: Statius' Thebaid,
Dante's Commedia, and Milton's Paradise Lost - George F. Butler
Pedagogy or Gerontagogy: The Education of the Miltonic Deity - Neil D. Graves
'Adventurous song' or 'presumptuous folly': The Problem of 'utterance' in
John Milton's Paradise Lost and Lucy Hutchinson's Order and Disorder - Robert Wilcher
Eve as a "Fair Defect" in Milton's Paradise Lost, Book 10 - Robert E. Jungman
"Wasted Labor"? Milton's Eve, the Poet's Work, and the Challenge of Sympathy - Kevis Goodman
Habermas Goes to Hell: Pleasure, Public Reason, and the Republicanism of Paradise Lost - James Kuzner
The Virgin in the Garden: Milton's Ovidian Eve - Mandy Green [.pdf]
Milton's Paradise Regain'd and the Second Temptation - John T. Shawcross
The Education of the Son in Paradise Regained: Milton's Of Education as a Guide - Alice Matthews [.pdf]
"Service is Perfect Freedom": Paradox and Prosodic Style in Paradise Lost - John Creaser
The Accommodating Serpent and God's Grace in Paradise Lost - Sarah R. Morrison
Milton's Roses and Amaranth - Michael Gillum
To Say It With Flowers: Milton's 'Immortal Amaranth' Reconsidered - Russell M. Hillier
Spatial Allegory and Creation Old and New in Milton's Hexaemeral Narrative - Russell M. Hillier
The Good Communicated: Milton's Drama of the Fall and the Law of Charity - Russell M. Hillier
Milton's Paradise Regain'd and Herbert's 'Love' (III) - Russell M. Hillier
The Wreath, The Rock, And The Winepress: Passion Iconography in Paradise Regain'd - Russell M. Hillier
"By force or fraud / Weening to prosper": Milton's Satanic and Messianic Modes of Heroism - R. M. Hillier
Milton's "Dark Divan" in Paradise Lost - Hossein Pirnajmuddin
Memory and Will: Selective Amnesia in Paradise Lost - Patricia M. Howison [.pdf]
Milton's Parody of Catholic Hymns in Eve's Temptation and Fall:
Original Sin as a Paradigm of "Secret Idolatries" - Anne Barbeau Gardiner [.pdf]
Pondering Satan's Shield in Milton's Paradise Lost - Stephen B. Dobranski [.pdf]
Milton's Wild Garden - John R. Knott [.pdf]
Scatology and the Sacred in Milton's Paradise Lost - Kent R. Lehnhof [.pdf]
Serpentine Eve: Milton and the Seventeenth-Century Debate Over Women - Shannon Miller [.pdf]
"Let There be Peace": Eve as Redemptive Peacemaker in Paradise Lost, Book X - Daniel W. Doerksen
The Undefil'd Bed: Reflections on Milton and the Image of Marriage - Dawn Potter [.pdf]
Paradise Lost and the Cultural Genetics of Shame, Remorse, and Guilt - William J. Silverman Jr. [.pdf]
Milton's Principles of Architecture - Jeffrey S. Theis [.pdf]
The Imitation of Self: Milton and the Christ of Paradise Regain'd - John X. Evans [.pdf]
Milton, Grotius, and the Law of War: A Reading of Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Elizabeth Oldman
Hume's Dialogues and Paradise Lost - Peter Dendle
Aristotle on the Pinnacle: Paradise Regained and the Limits of Theory - Price McMurray
Mining John Milton's Poetry for the Devotional "Paradise Within" - James Wardwell
The Second Coming: Prophecy and Utopian Thought in Milton and António Vieira - Nuno Manuel Dias Pinto Ribeiro
The Thirty-Three Days of Paradise Lost - Sherry Lutz Zivley
Satan in Orbit: Paradise Lost IX 48-86 - Sherry Lutz Zivley
The Narrator as Chorus in Paradise Lost - Jane Melbourne
Mourning Eve, Mourning Milton in Paradise Lost - Elizabeth M. A. Hodgson
Self-reference, Allusion, and Inversion in Paradise Lost: A Matrix of Parallel Lines - Carol Barton
Human Nature in Republican Tradition and Paradise Lost - William Walker
Milton's "Eco-Eden": Place and Notions of the "Green" in Pradise Lost - Nick Pici
Milton, Magistrates, and the Rhetoric of Satan's Protestantism in Paradise Lost - Michael Bryson
Fear of falling: Icarus, Phaethon, and Lucretius in Paradise Lost - David Quint
Milton on Machiavelli: Representations of the State in Paradise Lost - Barbara Riebling
Francis Hayman Reading Paradise Lost in the 1740s - Stephen A. Raynie
Paradise Lost, the Miltonic "Or," and the Poetics of Incertitude - Peter C. Herman
A Third Choice: Adam, Eve, and Abdiel - Gerald Richman
Theatrical Wonder, Amazement, and the Construction of Spiritual Agency in Paradise Lost - Elizabeth Bradburn
On Reason, Faith, and Freedom in Paradise Lost - William Walker
"Eden Rais'd in the Waste Wilderness": Milton and the Obedient Moment - R. S. Bear
sentence et solas: Joy and Sensuality in Paradise Lost, Before and After the Fall - Anniina Jokinen
"Nor turnd I weene": Paradise Lost and Pre-Lapsarian Sexuality - Kent R. Lehnhof
Infelix culpa: Milton's Son of God and the Incarnation
as a Fall in Paradise Lost - Neil D. Graves
Milton's Missing Rhymes - Lawrence H. McCauley
How Came I Thus?: Adam and Eve in the Mirror of the Other - Roberta C. Martin
Milton's Imperial Epic: Paradise Lost and the Discourse of Colonialism - Andrew Fleck
Milton's Neo-Platonic angel? - Clay Daniel
Hope, Land Ownership, and Milton's "Paradise Within" - Mary C. Fenton
'Ad ferrum [...] ab auro': degenerative and regenerative patterning
in the final books of Paradise Lost - Mandy Green
Complicated Monsters: Essence and Metamorphosis in Milton - William Kerrigan
Milton's Serpent and the Birth of Pagan Error - Pitt Harding
Observations upon the Irish Devils: Echoes of Eire in Paradise Lost - Maura Grace Harrington 
Astrology and Iconoclasm in Milton's Paradise Regained - David Gay
"Majestic Unaffected Style": Quakerism and Improvement in Paradise Regained - Christopher Kendrick
"Unmarkt, unknown": 'Paradise Regained' and the Return of the Expressed - Douglas Lanier
The Hermeneutics of Opposition in Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Anne K. Krook
"Thy temperance invincible": Humanism in Book II ofThe Faerie Queene and Paradise Regained - Sung-Kyun Yim
The Rituals of Presence in Paradise Regained - Ken Simpson 
Paradise Lost and the Acoustics of Hell - Matthew Steggle
"Account Me Man": Economic Incarnation and Common Wealth in
Paradise Lost - Thomas Lay
Adam's Fall and Milton's Intended Message in Paradise Lost - Dane Carlson [.pdf]
The Invisible Woman: Eve's Self-Image in Paradise Lost - Jonathan Whitfield [.pdf]
The Union of Adam & Eve - Jennifer J. Warnasch
Frankenstein's Monster and Milton's Satan - Chris Davidson
That Living Intellect: Literary Canonization and Milton's Paradise Lost - Saif Patel
Paradise Lost: A Revival of the Spirit - Saif Patel
Through the Narrow Gate: Impassioned Reason and Rational Passion in Paradise Lost - Saif Patel
Paradise Lost and Beowulf - Jennifer Smith
Milton's Paradise Lost as a Critique of Hobbes' Leviathan - Leah Kaminsky
The Myth of Female Submission in Paradise Lost - Kate Hendrickson
Satan's Envy Through Paradise Lost - Ashley Johnson
"Earth felt the wound... That all was lost": Frankenstein and Paradise Lost - Christine Bychowski
A Defense for Milton - Denise Wyatt [.rtf]
Comus: A Mask
Milton and Moral Aesthetics - Robert L. Entzminger [.pdf]
Milton's Poetic Technique: Sound and Sight Imagery and
the Theme of Temptation in the Major Poems - Janet Frances Hillyer [.pdf]
The Invocation of Sabrina - William A. Oram [.pdf]
Comus and the Stuart Masque Connection 1632-34 - Mindele Anne Treip [.pdf]
The Wisdom of Their Feet: Meaningful Dance in Milton and the Stuart Masque - Blair Hoxby [.pdf]
Waiting for Hymen: Literary History as "Symptom" in Spenser and Milton - Elizabeth J. Bellamy
Chaste Bodies and Poisonous Desires in Milton's Mask - Catherine Thomas
The Didactic Comus: Henry Lawes and the Trial of Virtue - Elisabeth A. Frost
Milton's Development of the Masque and the Pastoral in "Arcades" and "Comus" - Gilbert McInnis
The Slaying of Immortality: Freedom of Expression and Triumph of Virtue
in Milton's Comus and "Areopagitica" - Saif Patel
Samson Agonistes
The Weapons of the "True Warfaring Christian": Right Reason and
Free Will in Seventeenth-Century Literature - Nancy R. Bradley [.pdf]
The Synthesis of Hebraism and Hellenism in Milton's Samson Agonistes - Ann M. Gossman [.pdf]
Violence Against the Sacred: Tragedy and Religion in Early Modern England - David Anderson [.pdf]
Milton's Poetic Technique: Sound and Sight Imagery and
the Theme of Temptation in the Major Poems - Janet Frances Hillyer [.pdf]
The Idea of Fame and Dramatic Structure in Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Robert C. Braden
Three Aspects of Time: A Structural Analysis of Urn Burial, The Garden of Cyrus
and Samson Agonistes - Joyce Rosalind Lewison [.pdf]
Moral Dilemma and Tragic Affect in Samson Agonistes - Dennis Brown
The Value of Reading and the Possibilities of Political Action and Criticism in Samson Agonistes - Ryan Netzley
Heroic Contradictions: Samson and the Death of Turnus - Maggie Kilgour
Verbal Allusions in Milton's Samson Agonistes to his 'History of Britain' and to Drayton's Poly-Olbion - B. A. Fox
Grotius's Christus Patiens and Milton's Samson Agonistes - Russell M. Hillier
Milton, Grotius, and the Law of War: A Reading of Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Elizabeth Oldman
A Poem to the Unknown God: Samson Agonistes and Negative Theology - Michael Bryson [.pdf]
Samson's Death by Theater and Milton's Art of Dying - Dennis Kezar
The Failed Jeremiad in Samson Agonistes - Eugene Johnson
Biblical Intertextuality in Samson Agonistes - Jane Melbourne
"In this dark world and wide": Samson Agonistes and the Meaning of Christian Heroism - Carol Barton
Milton's Joban Phoenix in Samson Agonistes - Sanford Budick
"A Judge After the Sentence of the Law": Fictional Consciousness in Milton's Samson - Derek Wood
"Eden Rais'd in the Waste Wilderness": Milton and the Obedient Moment - R. S. Bear
The Hermeneutics of Opposition in Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Anne K. Krook
'Retiring from the popular noise...': Samson Agonistes as Private Tragedy in 17th-c. England - Gayle Goh
Milton's Conception of True Liberty - David William Waters [.pdf]
Areopagitica and the Dynamics of History - David M. Loewenstein [.pdf]
The Problematic Role of Milton's Virtue: A Discussion of His Indebtedness to Vice - Julianne Romanello
"Following the Way Which Is Called Heresy": Milton and the Heretical Imperative - Benjamin Myers
Milton's "sage and serious Poet Spencer": Error and Imitation in The Faerie Queene & Areopagitica - G. F. Butler
"To The Unknown God": St. Paul and Athens in Milton's Areopagitica - Stephen Burt
Metonymies We Read By: Rhetoric, Truth and the Eucharist in Milton's Areopagitica - John D. Schaeffer
Milton and Political Correctness - Mary Ann McGrail
John Milton's Areopagitica - Martin Dzelzainis [.pdf]
Gathering the Scattered Body of Milton's Areopagitica - James Rovira
Milton's Areopagitica and the Modern First Amendment - Vincent Blasi
The Slaying of Immortality: Freedom of Expression and Triumph of Virtue
in Milton's Comus and "Areopagitica" - Saif Patel
The Wayfaring/Warfaring Christian in Areopagitica - Andrew Adams
Consideration of the Mannerist Characteristics of Lycidas as a Means
of Solving Some of the Poem's "Problems" - Joan le Nobel [.pdf]
Subjects and Objects in Lycidas - Lauren Shohet [.pdf]
How Milton Reads: Scripture, the Classics, and That Two-Handed Engine - David Sansone [.pdf]
A Genius for Every Wood and Shore: Milton's Iconoclastic Nationalism in the "Nativity Ode" & "Lycidas" - L. Dietz
Milton's Two Poets - Russell Fraser [.pdf]
On the Value of Lycidas - Mark Womack [.pdf]
"Ay me": Selfishness and Empathy in "Lycidas" - Jean E. Graham Ovid's Rivers and the Naming of Milton's Lycidas - Eric C. Brown
Christening the Pagan: Poetry and Death in Lycidas - Justin Scott Van Kleeck
The Narratee in the Seventeenth-Century Elegy: The Case of "Lycidas" - Mohomodou Houssouba
Tenure of Kings and Magistrates
Milton's Conception of True Liberty - David William Waters [.pdf]
Doing Without Precedent: Applied Typology and the Execution of Charles I
in Milton's "Tenure of Kings and Magistrates" - Matthew Neufeld
"His Tyranny who Reigns": The Biblical Roots of Divine Kingship
and Milton's Rejection of "Heav'n's King" - Michael Bryson [.pdf]
Father, King, and God: John Milton's Prose Response to Monarchy - John G. Peters
The Ciceronian Theory of Tyrannicide from Buchanan to Milton - Martin Dzelzainis [.pdf]
Milton contractualiste: le théme du convenant dans The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates - Franck Lessay [.pdf]
L'Allegro and Il Penseroso
Milton and the Muse-haters: 'Ad patrem,' 'L'Allegro/Il Penseroso,' and
the Ambivalences of Poetry - Peter C. Herman
L'Allegro & Il Penseroso: the Hero-poet's Journey to Immortality - Erin Lynne
Evidence of Manic Depressive Disorder In Milton's L'Allegro and Il Penseroso - John R. Mabry
Divorce Tracts
Milton's Divorce Tracts: A Declaration of Independence - Alasdair Ross Maclennan Bradley [.pdf]
The Politics of Character in John Milton's Divorce Tracts - David Hawkes
Milton, Marriage, and a Woman's Right to Divorce - Matthew Biberman
Women, Children, and the Rhetoric of Milton's Divorce Tracts - Sara van den Berg
Milton's 'Divorcive' Liberties: Ecclesiastical, Domestic or Private, Civil and Cosmological - W. Scott Howard
De Doctrina Christiana
The Provenance of De Doctrina Christiana - Campbell, et al.
"Matter" versus Body: The Character of Milton's Monism - Phillip J. Donnelly
Milton's Aesthetics of Eating - Denise Gigante
"The whole fulness of the Godhead dwells in him bodily": The Materiality of Milton's God - Neil D. Graves
"Following the Way Which Is Called Heresy": Milton and the Heretical Imperative - Benjamin Myers
De Doctrina Christiana: Nunc Quo Vadis? - William B. Hunter
Milton & Other Writers
Negotiating the threshold: Self-other dynamics in Milton, Herbert, and Donne - Susannah B. Mintz [.pdf]
Leviathan against Behemoth: Hobbes and Milton on Religious Conflict and the State - Simon Dir-Ching Kow [.pdf]
Milton's "sage and serious Poet Spencer": Error and Imitation in The Faerie Queene & Areopagitica - G. F. Butler
Waiting for Hymen: Literary History as "Symptom" in Spenser and Milton - Elizabeth J. Bellamy
The Fall of Tydeus and the Failure of Satan: Statius' Thebaid,
Dante's Commedia, and Milton's Paradise Lost - George F. Butler
Dante and the Distraction of Lyric in Milton's "To My Friend Mr Henry Lawes" - N. McDowell
Rewriting Cromwell: Milton, Marvell, and Negative Liberty in the English Revolution - C.G. Martin
Aristotle on the Pinnacle: Paradise Regained and the Limits of Theory - Price McMurray
Milton's 'Elegia Quarta' and Ovid: Another 'Cross-comparison' - Estelle Haan
The Virgin in the Garden: Milton's Ovidian Eve - Mandy Green [.pdf]
Milton's Paradise Regain'd and Herbert's 'Love' (III) - Russell M. Hillier
Milton, Grotius, and the Law of War: A Reading of Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes - Elizabeth Oldman
Grotius's Christus Patiens and Milton's Samson Agonistes - Russell M. Hillier
'Adventurous song' or 'presumptuous folly': The Problem of 'utterance' in
John Milton's Paradise Lost and Lucy Hutchinson's Order and Disorder - Robert Wilcher
When Self-Preservation Bids: Approaching Milton, Hobbes, and Dissent - Christopher N. Warren [.pdf]
Improbable Liberalisms: "Servil Copulation" and Domestic Liberty in Locke and Milton - Amy R. McCready [.pdf]
Hume's Dialogues and Paradise Lost - Peter Dendle
Shakespeare and the Youth of Milton - Gordon Campbell
The Innovation of Milton's Machiavellian Son - Angus Fletcher
Yesterday's Eve and Her Electric Avatar: Villiers's Debt to Milton's Paradise Lost - T. Ross Leasure [.pdf]
"Paradise Fictitious": Dickinson's Milton - Eleanor Heginbotham
"Boundless The Deep": Milton, Pascal, and the Theology of Relative Space - Catherine G. Martin
Bees in My Bonnet: Milton's Epic Simile and Intertextuality - William Moeck
Reflections on Milton and Ariosto - Roy Flannagan
Langland, Milton, and the felix culpa - Hugh White
"By Lucan driv'n about": A Jonsonian Marvell's Lucanic Milton - Andrew Shifflett
Marvell and Milton's Literary Friendship Reconsidered - John McWilliams
The Epic as Pastoral: Milton, Marvell, and the Plurality of Genre - Barry Weller
Epic Warfare in Cowley and Milton D.M. Rosenberg
Milton, Hobbes, and the Liturgical Subject - Timothy Rosendale
Audience and Human Nature in the Poetry of Milton and Dryden - Hasan A. Al-Zubi
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and Milton's Monstrous Myth - John B. Lamb
William Blake's Milton: Meaning and Madness - A Thesis by E. R. Friedlander, M.D.
Melville's Debt to Milton: Inverted Satanic Morphology and Rhetoric in The Confidence-Man - Aaron Urbanczyk
The Psychology of Temptation in Perelandra and Paradise Lost - John S. Tanner
General and Miscellaneous
"In whom to lay the pattern of a Christian hero": Milton and the Elizabethan Tradition
of Christian Learning - Don E. Ray [.pdf]
John Milton's Pedagogical Philosophy as it Applies to his Prose and Poetry - Jooly M. Varghese [.pdf]
Milton and Moral Aesthetics - Robert L. Entzminger [.pdf]
The Visual Arts in Milton's Poetry - Amy L. Turner [.pdf]
Milton's "Covering Cherub": The Influence of Stanley Fish's Surprised by Sin
on Twentieth-Century Milton Criticism - Thomas Thoits [.pdf]
Savoyard Savagery, Divined Divarication: Milton's "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont" - John Minot [.pdf]
Milton and The Languages of the Renaissance - Gordon Campbell [.pdf]
Milton, the Gunpowder Plot, and the Mythography of Terror - Robert Appelbaum [.pdf]
"In these western parts of the empire": Milton and Roman Law - Martin Dzelzainis [.pdf]
Milton's Case for a Free Commonwealth - Frank Lovett [.pdf]
Milton and the Reformation of Rights and Liberties in England - John Witte, Jr. [.pdf]
The Rape of Mother Earth in Seventeenth Century English Poetry: An Ecofeminist Interpretation - Bill Phillips [.pdf]
Sweet Imperfection: Milton and the Troubled Metaphor of Harmony - Andrew Mattison [.pdf]
The Orphic Singer of Milton's 'Nativity Ode' - Christina Fawcett
"Dealt with at his owne weapon": Anti-Antiquarianism in Milton's Prelacy Tracts - David Weil Baker
"Fear of change": Closed Minds and Open Forms in Milton - John Creaser [.pdf]
Milton Among the Pragmatists - David Hawkes [.pdf]
Milton's Recourse to Old English: A Case-Study in Renaissance Lexicography - William E. Engel [.pdf]
The Royal Society and the Provenance of Milton's History of Britain (1670) - Nicholas von Maltzahn
Milton Encompassed - Balachandra Rajan
Saving the Athenian Walls: the Historical Accuracy of Milton's Sonnet 8 - John Leonard
Milton's purgatorio - Theresa M. DiPasquale
Milton and Idolatry - Barbara Kiefer Lewalski
Milton and the "intelligible flame": "Sweet converse" in the Poetry and Prose - Hannah Disinger Demaray
Milton and the Jacobean Church of England - Daniel W. Doerksen The Prophet Disarmed: Milton and the Quakers - Steven Marx
England as Israel in Milton's Writings - John K. Hale
Ham's Vicious Race: Slavery and John Milton - Steven Jablonski
"To stand upright will ask thee skill": The Pinnacle and the Paradigm - Carol Barton Milton and the Sexy Seals - John K. Hale
Skepticism and Poetry in Milton's Infernal Conclave - Henry Weinfield
Milton's Titles - John K. Hale
Protocols of Reading: Milton and Biography - J. Michael Vinovich
Life, Liberty and the Lesson of Milton - Andreas Whittam Smith
Spiritual reading in Milton's Eikonoklastes - David Ainsworth
Summary and Analysis of Milton's Prose - Michael Bryson
Milton's "Upon the Circumcision" : Meter and Meaning - Elysha Massatt
Milton's World - John Larson
Spiritual War: Milton's Treatise for the Christian Soldier - Derek Williams
 | to John Milton |
Site copyright ©1996-2012 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Site created by Anniina Jokinen on October 11, 1996. Last updated April 14, 2012.