Ben Jonson

The Sad Shepherd, Act I., Sc. v.

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Though I am young, and cannot tell
Either what Death or Love is well,
Yet I have heard they both bear darts,
And both do aim at humane hearts :
And then again, I have been told,
Love wounds with heat, as Death with cold ;
So that I fear they do but bring
Extremes to touch, and mean one thing.
As in a ruin we it call
One thing to be blown up, or fall ;
Or to our end, like way may have,
By a flash of lightning, or a wave :
So Love's inflamèd shaft or brand,
May kill as soon as Death's cold hand ;
Except Love's fires the virtue have
To fright the frost out of the grave.
The Songs and Poems of Ben Jonson.
London: Philip Allan & Co., 1924. 14.
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on June 7, 2001.
Last updated March 3, 2009.